Free Skyrim

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No offense, but there is literally NO way I'd give out a copy of my paystub to a freeloader. Working in retail sucks, and I'm not going to share the few perks with people who don't work every holiday, deal with ridiculous customers, and are paid little for their efforts.

A freeloader? I'm sorry I didn't settle for a low paying retail job. I'm also sorry you're so bitter, as Igg said; I bet you're a joy to talk to while shopping. :rolleyes:
I just don't understand asking someone to commit fraud so you can get a $30 video game and then complaining about the people working in retail settling for low paying jobs in a down economy. Yet I'm the bitter one?
I just don't understand asking someone to commit fraud so you can get a $30 video game and then complaining about the people working in retail settling for low paying jobs in a down economy. Yet I'm the bitter one?

You omit personal details, how are you liable?
Failure to report your knowledge of the attempt to commit fraud is a crime. When you are providing personal documents fulling knowing that they will be used in a fraudulent manner, you are liable.

Seriously, it's $30. A quote from "V for Vendetta" that all those Anonymous/OWS crowd fail to note when donning their Guy Fawkes' masks. "Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have."
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