Free Raffle from and MicroTemp

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Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2008
Hello Hard Forum folk,

  • Allow me to congratulate you on a wonderful community you have built. It is my pleasure to join HardOCP and contribute to this forum.
  • Myself, I come from D i r e c t r o n . c o m and in my position I am able to present this community with a gift. and MicroTemp (Spark Industries) would like to treat you to 20 infrared MT-100 thermometers to measure surface temperature of computer components like cpu heatsink, ram, northbridge, and gpu.
  • To sign up, please, make a post in this thread, any post, and your username will be recorded. It is required in this forum that you have at least 50 posts in order to post here. POST IN THIS THREAD ONLY ONCE! The only requirement is that you must be registered with the forum before March 4th. The 20 winners will be randomly chosen by a method Kyle or this community will find to be fair, thus, give us ideas. After the lucky winners will be posted, please PM me your name and address for an immediate shipment. The raffle will close March 11th at 5PM Central time.


Welcome Directron! Good to see you guys come to this community.
Sounds cool. I like directron, they have some good deals on unique parts. Never heard of microtemp, gonna check them out now!
i want one, for work, yah work

oh and thanks for the e6750 on release day, one hell of a CPU
count me in. I've purchased from you guys for over 4 years now.
Wow, now this is a way to start off. Welcome to the [H]ard community and consider me in!!!
I see Directron and Tiger Direct on the same DAY!!! Do smell CLUBIT, FRY's or MICROCENTER?!?!? Welcome Directron to [H]! The more vendors the better prices for the enthusiast!
Woohoo !! Welcome to [H] Directron!!
Very handy device indeed, I've used them before. Count me in.

I'm glad to see Directron join the party, I've done business with you guys many many times. Always solid service and great prices.

- Joey
The 20 winners will be randomly chosen by a method Kyle or this community will find to be fair, thus, give us ideas.

Put the names in a hat :D

To let you know what I usually do is this. Use a random number generator in Excel. Put in the page number field, get a page from 1 to end #, then generate a number from 1 - 40 (I use 40 posts per page view). Go to the page, count the posts off, and then we have your winner(s). Kyle
Directron rocks!

It's great to live within 5 minutes of their location here in Houston... :D.
Awesome contest! Directron is one of the staples in the PC enthusiast community
Glow is in! Bring on the heat tester thingy woooo
Thanks Directon guy!

Had several great experiences with you guys in the past, hope to have even more with you as a member!

Oh... IN! :p
Welcome, and thanks for the great service and and great products Directron has provided me with over the years :)
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