Free Playing Cards, Poker Chip, and more!!


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2005
It is said nothing in life is free, but here at Poker Aces Club you can receive our entire PAC Poker Kit absolutely FREE!

Our FREE PAC Poker Kit gives you all of the following:

*Choice of Green or Pink PAC Poker Card Deck
*Sparkling Green or Pink PAC $100 Poker Chip
*Regulation Dealer Button
*Big, Small, and Missing Blind Buttons
*Opaque Dealer Cut Card
*Fun Window Decals
*Free Shipping included
*All this at NO cost to you at all !
Good deal only...

Step 1 - Download our FREE easy to use software. Click on the Button below and Save program to your Desktop.

anyone take a look at this? malware?
i got an email today that you need to reply to with the color of the text of the ingame ad..

i haven't seen what ad they are talking about.. anyone know what the correct color is?
Signed up using a virtual machine. Got this:

Due to overwhelming response, shipping of the Poker kits may be delayed. We will keep you updated via email.

Registered Player Name : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
First Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Last Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mailing Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Apartment or Unit :
City: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
State: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Zip Code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Telephone: xxx
Email Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Re-enter Email Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Country: USA
County or Provence:
International Postal Code:
Kit Style: Green and Black
How often do you play?: New Player
What is Your age?: 21-30
Would you like a
plastic chip case?: Yes
Would you like a copy
of Bluff magazine?: No
Would you like a
copy of Woman Poker
Player Magazine?:
How did you
hear about us?: Friend that plays with PokerAces.
What other Poker
websites do you visit?:
This is my first poker site I've officially visited.
What Poker publications
do you like to read?: None, yet.
Comments and suggestions:

EDIT: Forgot to remove my phone number. Thanks to whomever called and left me the message. :)