Former Intel Fellow: AMD Struggling to Remain Competitive

Guys, this arguing is pointless. Both CPU manufacturers have their turns to kick the competition in the ass. A64 vs P4, and A64 (and X2) vs. C2D. Pretty soon I'm sure AMD will kick intel's ass again, and then intel will come out with something that'll kick AMD's ass.

Price/performance FTW! I don't wanna spend $500+ on a CPU when I can get a CPU at half that price, OC it, and will perform just as good.
guess you didn;t read the article about Real World Gameplay CPU Scaling

Upto 10 fps average difference between Amd and Intel CPU's in specific games.

That article was done with two crossfired 4870X2s to minimize the impact of the GPU. FSAA was also turned off for most tests.

If the same article had been done with something like a single 4870 512MB and at 4x FSAA, the results would have been different.