Former Heavyweight Champ Mike Tyson Wants Rematch With New Punch-Out Game


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Interested? Anyone like this?

"Punch-Out was an interesting game because after Nintendo lost its license to use Mike Tyson's likeness, the iconic fighter was replaced with a character called Mr. Dream in subsequent Punch-Out releases. With retro gaming and fighting games both popular today, a new version of Punch-Out would certainly draw nostalgic gamers looking to play some of the games they grew up on.

As popular as Punch-Out was, there were Easter eggs that went unnoticed. To help players time knocking out Piston Honda, a man in the front row would duck just as players needed to punch. When fighting Bald Bull, there's a camera flash in the background that indicates when players should hit him in the body to end the fight in the first round. The same ducking spectator that signals when to punch Piston Honda also ducks in the second round of the Bald Bull fight signaling an opportunity for another knockout. Those Easter eggs went unnoticed for 29 years."
They made a couple sequels to Punch Out, just without Mike Tyson's likeness and license.
Each one got a little more complex. You could beat the original via only punching with one hand and only dodging one direction for the entire game. You can't get away with that in the sequels.
The Infinity Blade games on iOS were basically just Punch Out in a fantasy setting.
Uh they weren't unnoticed, I remember as a kid using them, they were shared on the Latin American "Club Nintendo" magazine, I don't remember if shared by staff or readers tho, way too long ago for me to remember. I still mostly sucked in the end but I was thankful for those tells :p :)
Uh they weren't unnoticed, I remember as a kid using them, they were shared on the Latin American "Club Nintendo" magazine, I don't remember if shared by staff or readers tho, way too long ago for me to remember. I still mostly sucked in the end but I was thankful for those tells :p :)

i want to say that Nintendo Power in the USA published them also in one of their editions. As soon as I saw Easter eggs mentioned I assumed it was talking about the camera flash. So yup, not unnoticed.
While I may not have noticed the flashing light, or when to punch, I had this other hint on when to throw a punch... I watched the way their body hopped or whatever, i.e. I figured out the pattern.
I tried watching his show on YouTube.. can't remember what it's called, unbearable

The guy's brain-dead
Big Mike Tyson fan the Punch Out for the Nintendo wii was Epic. Mike Tyson is articulate and smarter than most.
Blame Nintendo fun club in 8th grade.
Tyson is a weird dude. No clue how to define it, but there's an idiot savant or even bipolar character to him. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of boxing and randomly knows a ton about subjects you'd never expect. He has said some absolutely brilliant things at times. Yet he's also the "eat your children" and 20/20 off the rails interview guy. It feels like he's in a better place in the last few years, so maybe he's on meds of some sort. At teh very least he might just have better people around him.
If it comes out I wouldn’t pick it up, Thrill Of the Fight has ruined 2D boxing games.
Tyson is a weird dude. No clue how to define it, but there's an idiot savant or even bipolar character to him. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of boxing and randomly knows a ton about subjects you'd never expect. He has said some absolutely brilliant things at times. Yet he's also the "eat your children" and 20/20 off the rails interview guy. It feels like he's in a better place in the last few years, so maybe he's on meds of some sort. At teh very least he might just have better people around him.

"I'll fuck you 'til you love me, **homosexual male" was a little more impactful imo
Tyson is a weird dude. No clue how to define it, but there's an idiot savant or even bipolar character to him. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of boxing and randomly knows a ton about subjects you'd never expect. He has said some absolutely brilliant things at times. Yet he's also the "eat your children" and 20/20 off the rails interview guy. It feels like he's in a better place in the last few years, so maybe he's on meds of some sort. At teh very least he might just have better people around him.
he "put his ego away" to live a better life. i thinks thats about how he said it when he was on rogan's shows. but it has reemerged lately, getting ready for a comeback at 52...
he "put his ego away" to live a better life. i thinks thats about how he said it when he was on rogan's shows. but it has reemerged lately, getting ready for a comeback at 52...
Yes. Tyson's last Joe Rogan appearance completely transformed my understanding of him and everyone should hear it. May be the legitimately nicest guy I've ever heard on that show. He explains what all the craziness was about, he's completely cognizant and humble about it.

The recent video with him punching the pads and teasing exhibitions for charity is also amazing/terrifying.

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