For you guys running OC'd G0 6600s....


Jun 12, 2006
What kind of temps are you hitting?

At this point, I've only got the stock cooler on mine, and really can't afford to upgrade the cooler in the near future with my semester tuition bill coming in this week, so I want to push my 6600 as far as is sane on the stock cooler.

Right now I've got it running mid 50s C at full load, so I figure there's at least a LITTLE headroom there to increase it's speed a touch, but I'm kind of wondering if anyone is running any temps higher than that.

wasn't too worried bout the 50s, just kinda wanted to see people's upper limits :D
I've got my high cores at 50C, but I'm on water. When I was on air I was getting high cores up to 60. I've seen lots with loads into the 60's. Intel rates the max at 70C for the TCase, which is on the IHS, not the cores.

I like to stay far away from rated maxes, so take that how you will. I think 60's is as high as I'd let mine go.
I've gone into the 70s in CoreTemp with no problems when our house was scalding hot this summer (82F ambient). I'm in the 60s right now but I'm sure TCase is much lower.

I'm in the 60s right now but I'm sure TCase is much lower.

I think I saw somewhere that cores are about 10C hotter than the case, but def don't quote me on that one. Whatever the number, there def is a difference of at least several degrees
58 52 55 52
Room temp 79.5F
Ultra 120 Extreme w/ 2 x Scythe 120s (it's a little dusty right now)
Q6600 G0 @ 3.52 using 1.320v

In a cool basement (68F) my quad is at 43C, with a Thermalright 120 extreme and a Scythe 1200 rpm 120mm fan. PWM is my main problem, it's currently at 68C, I need to add a fan or fix the stock cooling via a bolt mod. The temps are with Abit uGuru program which isn't exactly accurate however, so it may be as high as 55-60C.
Core Temp 0.95.4 or newer should get you correct readings on a G0.
56 59 59 59 right now at 3.4GHz and 1.35v (G0 stepping). Scythe Ninja (original) and Scythe 120mm fan. My room temperature is a bit chilly at 65F (it is Alaska after all). I was unstable at 3.6 and 1.45v, hitting 62 degrees C. I'm not sure if it was temperature or the chip's limit.
I'm running as stated in my sig right now and I'm barely breaking 50c, it just gets there and backs off. I would say on an average probably the highest it hits on the average room temps here - 52-53c... not much more than that. Also it is not on any stock cooler, but it is air cooled.
61 60 56 55 here, at 3.4Ghz and 1.35V (G0). I'm using an SI-128 SE with a 120mm Yate Loon fan. I could probably drop the temps a little if I lapped the proc, but I'm not gonna do that to this one just yet :)

I have a friend with the same processor, with stock cooling he was hitting about 72C at 3Ghz (333x9), so YMMV Schen.

On a personal note; don't overclock, you'll make me buy more hardware to stay ahead ... and I can't afford that any more than you can :D
On a personal note; don't overclock, you'll make me buy more hardware to stay ahead ... and I can't afford that any more than you can :D

difference is you just started running your quad, and mine's been up almost a month, so you're gonna fly ahead of me now, so I have nothing left to do but overclock or throw a cheap power supply and run my athlon 64 3500 rig for about 300 PPD :D

edit: I was fixing my case fans and stuff that got a bit unhooked/taken out of place during my rebuild, and finally put my case side panel back on.....immediately temps went up ~8C putting me over 60C, since the cold air (~30F) coming in from my open window was no longer there......just bit the bullet and ordered the Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro based on some good reviews I've read around the internet, and the fact that it's not a HUGE problem with my upcoming bills, so I'm hoping to be able to push my quad a nice bit :D

My own upper limit that I'm happy with is in the 60-65C range which some of my CPU's are up in.
I tend to just set the shut down temp in the bios to 70-75C range and see if they stay folding or do they shut down ........... :p
You know when they get too hot as the tend to throw lots of b7 errors.

Luck ............... :D
Sorry to drag up this old thread but it was a valuable resource for me as I set up my Quad...

I started off with a G0 under an old Zalman CNPS-7700cu and some old ass AS-1 thermal compound (The 7700 is the only thing that fits in my Ultra MicroFly and my tube of AS-V was missing at the time). Room temp was 65F. Unsurprisingly temps sucked big time. 70C across the board at 100% at 3.15. Dropping the chip back to stock only got me to 60C, so I concluded that I needed to quit fucking around and get a real cooler and find my AS-V. A trip to the FS forum and a week later, I have a nicely lapped Tuniq sitting on my Quad, which does NOT fit into my Microfly whatsoever... (So, The Tuniq is on top of the Quad. The Quad is on top of motherboard. The motherboard is mounted to the motherboard tray and the motherboard tray is on top of the fucking case with all the power cables running up to it. I start it with a screwdriver :rolleyes:)

But the temps.... Well, the temps are fucking great. Right now it is probably 60F in that room and with all four cores at 100%, they hover between 35-40C. The CPU voltage is set to 1.4v but I'm only getting 1.288v at load. CPU speed is 3.2GHz with a bus of 400MHz and stock RAM timings...

Now this has only been running for 10 hours, but so far it seems a bit on the slow side at around 24 hours per WU. I'm going to play with the RAM timings when I get home and see if I can squeeze another couple hundred MHz out of the CPU.

Now I just need to decide what to do about the case situation.

Edit: As the day progressed and the room warmed up to about 75F my core temps went up to 50C under full load.

I'm running HR-01's with slow 120mm fans (900rpm), 3.5ghz, 1.37v and all of the cores stay below 52deg C on all 3 quads.
(So, The Tuniq is on top of the Quad. The Quad is on top of motherboard. The motherboard is mounted to the motherboard tray and the motherboard tray is on top of the fucking case with all the power cables running up to it. I start it with a screwdriver :rolleyes:)

Now I just need to decide what to do about the case situation.

1) The things we do to get our rigs folding...
2) You don't have a case situation, you've got it handled properly.

Now I just need to decide what to do about the case situation.

Edit: As the day progressed and the room warmed up to about 75F my core temps went up to 50C under full load.

GAD!! the case situation was solved YEARS ago, the only point of discussion left is Dominos, Papa Johns or some other brand? I prefer Papa John's cases because of the peppers.

difference is you just started running your quad, and mine's been up almost a month, so you're gonna fly ahead of me now, so I have nothing left to do but overclock or throw a cheap power supply and run my athlon 64 3500 rig for about 300 PPD :D

edit: I was fixing my case fans and stuff that got a bit unhooked/taken out of place during my rebuild, and finally put my case side panel back on.....immediately temps went up ~8C putting me over 60C, since the cold air (~30F) coming in from my open window was no longer there......just bit the bullet and ordered the Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro based on some good reviews I've read around the internet, and the fact that it's not a HUGE problem with my upcoming bills, so I'm hoping to be able to push my quad a nice bit :D

The Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro should do good for a moderate if not the highest overclcock. It's a hell of a lot better than the stock heatsink.

GAD!! the case situation was solved YEARS ago, the only point of discussion left is Dominos, Papa Johns or some other brand? I prefer Papa John's cases because of the peppers.

I have two Papa Johns Pizza boxes here right now. Since I'm retiring my P3 800 as I need the case, I think I might toss that into one of the Papa Johns boxes and put it in my room with the wireless card.

for those of you saying what Vcore you're running that what speedfan or a monitor program is reporting or what you have it set to in the bios? I just got my quad up and running at 3.24. My voltage is set at 1.32v in bios, but speedfan is reporting 1.22v.

I can adust the bios setting higher, but trying to figure out just how high I can push it.

Max Everyday Vcore should be 1.5 to 1.55v, going higher = frying your quad. 1.6 is the max I would go ever, and not for everyday clocks. Obviously keep it as low as possible to maintain stability and to keep temps down.
Max Everyday Vcore should be 1.5 to 1.55v, going higher = frying your quad. 1.6 is the max I would go ever, and not for everyday clocks. Obviously keep it as low as possible to maintain stability and to keep temps down.

Oops, I guess I forgot to list mine. Anyway, what you set in BIOS and what is reported are probably going to be two very different things because of vdroop.

My [email protected] is running 1.525v in BIOS but the reported voltage is 1.41-1.42 with any monitoring program when all four cores are under load. My Gigabyte boards have terrible vdroop which is why I have mine set so high in the BIOS.

I'm not sure what voltage the [email protected] is set to but it also had a vdroop of 0.1 or so. It's set in the BIOS somewhere between 1.49 and 1.51 I believe but under full load reports around 1.40 or so.

I worry more about the reported voltage rather than the set voltage because of the vdroop.

hey thanks - guess I have some room to move then to get my new quad higher. I've been trying to get it higher than 3.3 and having problems, but that's with much lower voltages than what you guys are doing. Temps right now are only at 40c or so (on air), so i probably have some decent room left for oc.
I've gone into the 70s in CoreTemp with no problems when our house was scalding hot this summer (82F ambient). I'm in the 60s right now but I'm sure TCase is much lower.

Yes, sir less than 70sC if full load , system still OK so far :D