FocusAR: Auto-Focus AR Eyeglasses That Can Replace Prescription Eyeglasses


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Researchers are developing FocusAR: auto-focusing augmented reality eyewear that can replace prescription eyeglasses. The glasses dynamically correct for the focus of the real world surrounding the near-eye display of the user and simultaneously the internal display for augmented synthetic imagery, with an aim of completely replacing the user prescription eyeglasses. The AR glasses are capable of providing well-focused imagery of both real and virtual objects at all depths by independently adjusting for the user focus for viewing both real world and virtual imagery from the internal display, based on the user's current eye accommodation state.

These glasses are intended to comfortable enough to be worn all day and will be able to deliver messages and reminders to the user in 2D. 3D geolocated content will be delivered to the glasses such as maps, directions to restaurants, virtual and remote visitors in the same real life room as the user; e.g. holoportation. The current model is limited to a 75 degree field of view for virtual content but only a 37 degree field of view overall. A large aperature tunable focus lens would fix this limitation. Eyetracking will be implemented when the FOV issues are corrected.

We have demonstrated a proof of concept design for auto-focus augmented reality eyeglasses that can let a wide range of users appropriately focus on both real and virtual content simultaneously, a capability never before achieved to the best of our knowledge. We are excited by the possibility of future AR displays employing dynamic vision correction alongside focus supporting internal displays, enabling the promise of 20/20 vision at all distances, for all users, for both real world and virtual imagery.
This is relevant to my interests. Don't care about the AR.
Replace glasses huh?

seeing as how my eyes are -9.5 in each eye.... buying the thinnest lenses possible still gets me "coke bottles"... wonder if these would be able to help me out. I'm blind enough where even with laser eye surgery I'd need corrective lenses.
Replace glasses huh?

seeing as how my eyes are -9.5 in each eye.... buying the thinnest lenses possible still gets me "coke bottles"... wonder if these would be able to help me out. I'm blind enough where even with laser eye surgery I'd need corrective lenses.

How about a bionic replacement eyeball?
So very many things to go wrong...

Focus being just one. How about noise? No photographic sensor is going to rival the SNR of the human eye, especially one as small as this one will be.
Damn I'd love a pair of these. Hell that + Glaucoma (yah yah I know a "remedy" for that) + Lazy eye...ugh.

I'd like some...enhancements with mine though. ;)
So yet another personalized tracking device?

Why am I reminded of the Futurama episode with the VR Internet where the experience was cluttered by ads?
I want an ultimate eyeglasses that can do what NSA, NASA and Hollywood cannot then I'm good!
I'm guessing the AR part will make them ineligible for health savings account purchase.

I just need reading glasses that "go away" when I'm not reading and "come back" when I am. I also need safety glasses that do the same thing. Bifocals give me headaches and nausea. These probably would too. Maybe.

If there are security/privacy issues of any kind, there's no way I'm interested. I'm so sick of that crap popping up everywhere all of the time.