Fitting a turbo charger to a computer


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2002
I was tinkering around with a turbo charger for a car today and thought about how much dust gets sucked into my computer because I am running a negative psi fan system. And I looked at this turbo and though why not fit something like this to my computer and just hooked up a fan to extraction side to spool up the turbo. Then for ever bit of air that got sucked in the same amount got sucked out. Also you could fit something like an air cooler (intercooler) to it to make the air going in under pressure becoming colder.

Maybe this is just crazy and I should really get outside more and meet more woman but what do you guys think about this idea is it worth developing?
I agree, you should get outside and meet women.

The concept you speak of would be a step backward... lol

The turbocharger on a car is basically a fan that is dependent on the exhaust for spinning the fan.

The fans in a computer already have something to depend on... It's called ELECTRICITY :p

If you want forced induction, pick up a vantec tornado and see how much that baby spools up LOL

Maybe I missed something though... by negative psi fan system, do you mean you have exhaust fans but no intake fans? I have the same also, it works very well.
Yhea I know very well how a turbo works but I’m just working out this idea in my head. But it wouldn’t really be a step backwards. Like ok you would be using a fan to power it up but you could have a huge fan on it that’s quite silent and then have a huge spool and that would also be quiet and exactly the same amount of air you had coming out would go in.
and the big problem I have is the amount of dust that’s coming in cause of the negative psi and I have fuck all room to fit any fans blowing in now so if all the out takes were hooked up to a turbo style of thing I could feed in nice cold air really easy
haha thats great!!!! But I'm not surprised that there's not even a working PC inside it... lol

"Turbocharge your computer!"
The PC industry has abused this cliche for decades to refer to performance upgrades.
These upgrades have never used an actual turbo - until now.

Click here to see the construction and painting process

Frequently Asked Questions: I receive a lot of email with similar questions and comments. I think some people are missing the point, and are taking this modification way too seriously. The primary focus was on looks (and to make a statement about how the term "turbocharging" gets thrown around by the PC industry with no thought to what it means). It has the added bonus of being actually functional, but that is secondary to what I was trying to accomplish.

Q: What's the temperature drop?
A: I have no idea. It's probably nothing to write home about. The case is currently empty, because I plan to build a new system to put in it soon, otherwise I'd offer to measure.

Q: What PSI (how much pressure) does it run at?
A: None. The case isn't sealed. The purpose is to blow air through the case, not to pressurize it. If the case were sealed tightly enough to where pressure could actually build up to automotive turbo pressures, the side door would probably go for a ride, and I'd have to keep plugging my USB cables back in.

Q: How fast does the motor spin?
A: 3500 RPM. That's pretty slow for a turbo, but enough to move some air without having to worry about the turbo's bearings, which are designed to be water-cooled. Obviously, I'm not going to pump water through this thing. I think the project is ridiculous enough already. :)

Q: Does it really work?
A: Of course. It's just not very practical, and I honestly don't plan to run the turbo on a regular basis, just once in a while for a laugh.
It's always good to go outside and meet women.....

But.... as for the idea... I think that the only reason to do this is if you want a car turbo on your case for style reasons. There are a ton of simpler ways to do what I think you mean....

That said, though... if you can do it and make it look cool, go for it.... don't think your case has enough pressure to spool up a turbo, though :)

Good luck on the project, though...

yhea bugger doing it for peformance eh i got my case running with 2 fans and its cool enough for me im just thinking how funney it would be to turn up to a lan and see all these modded cases and here you are with a turbo sitting on your case

and also it would get the car geeks talking to you at the lan and lanning car geeks are the best sort of people to talk to couse most of them work at peformance car shops and there always willing to help out on your car :)
Originally posted by Tuxy
yhea bugger doing it for peformance eh i got my case running with 2 fans and its cool enough for me im just thinking how funney it would be to turn up to a lan and see all these modded cases and here you are with a turbo sitting on your case

and also it would get the car geeks talking to you at the lan and lanning car geeks are the best sort of people to talk to couse most of them work at peformance car shops and there always willing to help out on your car :)

Agreed.... I'd love to see some pics once you get it done.... I might need to do the same... I've got some big car project dreams and need to meet a few car geeks! :)

good luck!

"Fitting a turbo charger to a computer"

Must. Resist. URge. to. post. turbine. case. for. umpteenth. time....
Originally posted by Hexametaphosphate
Agreed.... I'd love to see some pics once you get it done.... I might need to do the same... I've got some big car project dreams and need to meet a few car geeks! :)

good luck!


yhea im working on a dune buggy at the moment which is fun
Just cut a big ass hole (heheh) in the bottom of you case, and then mount an automotive air cleaner inside your case. Then you can seal the other intakes with spray foam or something else and get plenty of air, be fairly dust free, and still be cool. Plus doing it that way you can clean the filter with your vaccuum cleaner just by tipping your case over.

what would be funny is close everything up (air tight seal) put the turbo on it and turn it on... pressure buildup will explode your case. that would be awsome to see
Originally posted by kronchev
fan filters, theyre $5 of foam...use coffee filters even

Is this a joke? Wouldn't you need some beefy CFM to draw (or push) the air through something like a coffee filter? heh, I may just have to go down to the kitchen and find out. :)

edit: *lol* I'm so gullable... :) Just put a coffee filter over my 80MM tornado.... no air flow.
Originally posted by Shinare
Is this a joke? Wouldn't you need some beefy CFM to draw (or push) the air through something like a coffee filter? heh, I may just have to go down to the kitchen and find out. :)

edit: *lol* I'm so gullable... :) Just put a coffee filter over my 80MM tornado.... no air flow.

nice :D

seriously, you can get foam thatll work very well.
You'd be better off with a SuperCharger. They're already rigged for a pully system or direct-spin.
Anyone that knows anything about turbos and reads that article about the pc pictured can tell you that the tube hooked up to the computer is the INLET of the compressor side. If anything, it'd be sucking air out of there, though apparently the person that made the case doesn't even know that. Heh...
Originally posted by Shinare
Is this a joke? Wouldn't you need some beefy CFM to draw (or push) the air through something like a coffee filter? heh, I may just have to go down to the kitchen and find out. :)

edit: *lol* I'm so gullable... :) Just put a coffee filter over my 80MM tornado.... no air flow.

the filters are basically 10 coffee filters put together.
Originally posted by DRJ1014
the filters are basically 10 coffee filters put together.

I must have some serriously thick coffee filters then because I really did put one over my 80MM tornado (ya know, 80CFM) and there was zero air flow. It was like putting a sheet of 8.5x11 notebook paper infront of it. If there were ten of those infront of it the only benificial thing I can think would become of it would be muffleing some of the high-pitched whine of that thing. :) Still no air-flow.

That it unless your thinking of some diferent kind of coffee filter than I am. I have the really thin "cup" looking paper ones that you put in the top of the drip coffee maker. (ya know, Mr. Coffee)
Go ask your Wife/Girlfriend/Sister or just buy a pair of pantyhose (I guarrantee you the that your wife/gf/sister can supply you with a couple of ripped pairs a month). Cut any part of it to size and voila! you have a really good and really cheap fanfilter.

Just put it between the fan and whatever you mount the fan too (no need for glue or anything).
I have an idea, you buy me a T3/T4 turbo and i will give u my old turbo with an electric motor to spin it. That way i will have around 380 horse's. And you will get a turbo that is compact and about the size of a donut that you could mount to your pc.
yes very....

But the coffee filters are not that thick. all u need is one. they do work i just tried it and it has good air flow and if does colect the dust
Maybe a idea if you plan on building something like a turbo, but not really using a Car turbo.

But then again it would be just a electric fan in a housing. The blower type fans is pretty that.

Now maybe hook up a fan to a external power source. That way you can have a BIG blower, not taking power from your PC. Design something that is the housing of a turbo or like it and connect it to a tiny intercooler thats mounted outside the PC, aways from the hot a Water cooling radiator.

Of course this is just in probaly wont cool any better then a normal setup, but hey, what the hell.....
People who are not into cars should read up on turbochargers before attempting this. It's a waste of time. And the setup in the article is retarded. Waste of good a turbo (even though it's a T-25). Used turbos make nice paper weights. :D