First time using ATI Tools

Feb 2, 2007
I was a little confused by the 3 sliders (2D, 3D, 3D performance), but I pressed-on. The default was 450/600, 500/690 and 500/690, when I started to find the max core. At around 610 I started seeing yellow dots on the graphic, so I stopped. I set the core back to default and tried the memory, it was around 910 when I got dots.

So I linked the sliders (is this bad?) and set it a little lower at 600/900. Upon testing I got dots immediately, so I dialed it back to 590/890. I ran it for 10 minutes or so, and saw no dots. The temp seemed to hover around 55 or so, is that too high? I’m only using stock cooling, is this o/c decent for an eVGA 7900GS (non-KO)?

I played the Bioshock demo again and there were no artifacts, performance didn’t seem much better though on my old rig. I’m going to run 3-D mark tonight at default and after my o/c to see what the results are. I also want to check the temp after an extended gaming session, but I heard Speedfan was inaccurate. What should I use?
Thanks for all the feedback :rolleyes: Can someone at least tell me how to keep the overclock settings after a reboot? They always default back to stock.
Thanks for all the feedback :rolleyes: Can someone at least tell me how to keep the overclock settings after a reboot? They always default back to stock.

ATI Tool? or the ATI OCing tools in their drivers?

You'll probably get better responses over in the ATI video card section in the video cards sub-forum. This one is more CPU/chipset cooling for some reason <shrug>.
Try using Rivatuner - it is more intuitive (for me anyway) and it can easily keep your overclock settings on reboot.
Save your settings to a profile, and then have ATITools load with Windows and load that profile on bootup.