First time playing Zelda:TP... am I alone in thinking it's terrible?


Limp Gawd
Sep 30, 2004
I bought this game at the Wii release, played to the Goron part and sent it to my little brother. He sent it back recently so I'm trying to get through it.

I don't know if it's just that Ocarina of Time left such huge shoes to fill, but I hate this game.

The controls are pretty bad. I hate waggle controls, and I really hate the horseback sections. I just spent 45 mins failing the horseback cart chase section. The cart catches on fire and you have to put it out with the boomerang. The cool part is when you point at the cart and hit the lock on button it locks onto the grass behind the cart and not the cart itself - so stupid.

The story is pretty shit as well. The wolf sections are boring and seem like filler, collecting tears is not fun at all.

Graphics are pretty bland too, but I understand its a Gamecube port. Character design just looks strange though.

Does it get better or should I just put it back on the shelf?
Ocarina had bad controls on horseback too, that's all I see as typical Zelda in this one. Feels like it's missing the charm/humor Ocarina had.
the first several hours are boring, the rest of the game is excellent.
I got about 5 - 6 hours into it (not rushing or anything). I quit playing. Being the wolf is simply no fun. After 2 or 3 sets of tears, I filed the game away. Also, no jump button? Mario had a jump button 25 years ago.
It's essentially the same game as OoT, so I'm having a hard time seeing how people who enjoyed that one could find TP to be terrible or that it sucked. Disappointing I could understand, but terrible is a term I'd reserve for truly terrible games... like the CD-I Zelda games. This is terrible:
You are not alone. It is one of two Zelda games I played and never finished. The other was Majora's Mask, but that was because I didn't beat it before my rental was up. Twilight Princess just bored the crap out of me. My top 3 would be LTTP, Link's Awakening, and OOT in no particular order.
I'm probably gonna try to power through this cart nonsense section to see the ending, my brother was telling me it gets better and a few people in the thread have echo'd that .

I did like switching the castle town out of twilight, it opened up the bug collector girl and a few minigames opened at the lake.

I'll give it another try, that cart section was just making me rage so hard.
Yeah, I got to the desert mini temple thing and quit, I agree with it not having the humor and charm of OoT. I just like my Zelda to be more light hearted with a few dark parts thrown in.
Yeah, that "cart on fire" escort mission is absolutely HORRIBLE; it took me way too long to beat that one part.

That said, I enjoyed the heck out of the game overall.
I played through it with a friend a few years ago, and we had a blast. It's definitely one of the more serious Zelda games in terms of tone and atmosphere, while still maintaining the mystical bits of OoT. While I didn't particularly care for the escort missions and would hand over the controls to my friend for boss battles, we both got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Looks great, plays alright, great story, love the ending.
Hmm... I got the cart mission on the first try. I didn't mind it because it reminded me of the milk escort mission in Majora's Mask. The part that had me ready to throw my controller was where you have to fly up the one canyon using the Wiimote balance to pivot in different directions. That part really demonstrated the weakness of the motion controls IMO and I'm sure was much easier on the GameCube version.

BTW, the wolf mechanic is put to better use later in the game.
I actually enjoyed TP a lot. I played the Gamecube version, so I didn't have to mess with the weird motion controls, so I don't know if that made a difference.
Hmm... I got the cart mission on the first try. I didn't mind it because it reminded me of the milk escort mission in Majora's Mask. The part that had me ready to throw my controller was where you have to fly up the one canyon using the Wiimote balance to pivot in different directions. That part really demonstrated the weakness of the motion controls IMO and I'm sure was much easier on the GameCube version.

BTW, the wolf mechanic is put to better use later in the game.

I just retried it and beat it first try. I guess my problem was going into first person and trying to lock on. Just hitting Z then using the bow/boomerang worked much better.

I'm having fun now, got the underwater bombs and found a few out of the way areas to check out in Lake Hyrule/Kakariko Village.

I thought I was all done with the wolf parts >< Ah well.
I liked it. Had to use a walkthrough at parts since I suck at puzzles but I thought it was just as enjoyable as Ocarina.
I didnt think it terrible, but i found it the weakest of the 3d zeldas, to me it lacked the series's imagination and felt like a knock off of ocarina
I liked it, but not as much as the N64 Zeldas. Everything felt way too weak in TP, especially once you learn some of the later hidden skills, then everything dies in a few hits.

I remember facing Dark Link in Water Temple in OoT for the first, it took me FOREVER to beat him. I was also 7 at the time...but still, given the rather "primitive" combat system of OoT, that was a pretty tough mini-boss.
I actually enjoyed TP a lot. I played the Gamecube version, so I didn't have to mess with the weird motion controls, so I don't know if that made a difference.

That's how I did it, I picked it up for GC when it came out. If I had a Wii I'd probably just used a GC controller but I didn't dig the motion controls for Zelda.
It's been a while, but I really enjoyed the game. Not as much as OoT, but it still had its moments. I will never forget those stupid tear hunts, but luckily, it's only in the first part of the game. Later, you don't have to mess with it at all.
It's been a while, but I really enjoyed the game. Not as much as OoT, but it still had its moments. I will never forget those stupid tear hunts, but luckily, it's only in the first part of the game. Later, you don't have to mess with it at all.

I loved those tear hunts, but maybe it's just the OCD that comes with being a programmer/engineer :D
The tear hunts did get repetitive but I enjoyed them as well. I liked the whole twilight atmosphere with the unusual music and Tron-ish effects.

The game's biggest failing was that it tried to recreate the OoT magic instead of standing on its own. I expect Skyward Sword to do a better job in that regard whenever it is released.
As a huge Zelda fan I'd have to say that... well... maybe it's just not your type of game. Personally I feel it's about as close to OoT as we are ever going to get, and I do feel that it plays MUCH better on the Gamecube versus the Wii.

I do agree with you on the cart chase though, I absolutely hated it. It's not the kind of challenge I like - it's annoying and difficult and didn't really add anything to the story that couldn't have been told with a simple cutscene.
I actually enjoyed TP a lot. I played the Gamecube version, so I didn't have to mess with the weird motion controls, so I don't know if that made a difference.

The cube version is soooo much better than the Wii version control-wise. TP was developed for the Gamecube... the Wii version was an afterthought meant to strengthen sales of the then-new console.
The cube version is soooo much better than the Wii version control-wise. TP was developed for the Gamecube... the Wii version was an afterthought meant to strengthen sales of the then-new console.

Shaking the wiimote to fight off enemies - especially those darn bats - works better for me than having to press a button at the right time. Was my weak spot since Zelda 3 and I'm glad that I can just shake the wiimote vigorously whilst yelling 'get them off!!' instead of having to learn the intricacies of the battle system :D

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a terrible console gamer :(
I don't like the gimmicky controls... they made it harder to play. I'd have preferred it on the GCN (I know, I could have played it there).

Also it just didn't deliver to the hype that it received.
Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a terrible gamer :(

Corrected :p

But to the OP:

I played it on the GCN years ago (sometime in 2007) and I liked it. I got the the temple in the Air thing and then I stopped. I left for college and didn't bring my gamecube along. It was fun, a worthy successor to OoT but by no means did it usurp the crown of greatest game of all time (in my book).
I'll admit I never played through the whole thing either, I loved every Zelda game until that one. Wind Waker was really great, not sure what happened to this one. I hated that whole wolf thing, kind of ruined it for me.
I agree... didn't like TP that much, so much that it was the only zelda game that took me over 2 years to beat since I stopped playing it out of lack of interest then finally convinced myself to beat it

I should put a snes emulator on my laptop and play link to the past, best zelda game ever imo
I really liked the game, but I was hugely disappointed by the waggle controls though... with the hype for the wii made be believe I would be able to control how I swing and everything kinda liek how it is after an addon to your controller.

The start-up is slow, but once the plot lays on it gets good... especially with the touches of OoT in there.

I could do without the wolf parts myself as well...
TP is one of my least favorite, but I assumed it was just the old grandpa awakening within me.

I liked Wind Wanker alot in comparison, it at least seemed like it brough some new elements into the game. TP seemed too much like previous games, and the story just didn't interest me much.

It was well executed and good enough to play through though, I still enjoyed it more then many other games I've played in the past 5 years, just not great compared to other zelda games.
Great timing on this thread for me - I started it a few days ago. About five hours in... Reading each post was like a record of my experiences so far. Dislike the controls, disliked the wolf part, but once I became link again and kept going it wasn't so bad. If the trend continues, I hope to get to the "it gets much better" part lol.

If I could force myself through Legend of Zelda II, I can get through this one too. Of all the Zeldas the one that deserves to be singled out as an abomination was II.
The second half of TP is very similar to Link to the Past in it's pacing. Just one dungeon after another.