First time building a computerm, power supply question


Jul 5, 2004
Well I have all my parts, and most of the things are hooked up, but I have a quick question abou the power supply. Dumb question, but does the fan face up or down? It fits either way.
There should only be one way for the screw holes to line up, but the fan should be on the bottom sucking air into the PSU. The components of the PSU are attached to the top of it.
Alright, well I have that working fine now, but I came across another problem. I boot it up, everything looks like it's working fine. I stick in the Windows cd, it says its preparing to install and then after its fnished it says press "enter" to continue. I hit enter and it doesn nothing, it looks like it froze, so I rebooted, and now it takes me to some BIOS screen and just freezes there. I dont know whats going on, can somebody help? Here is a pic i took of the screen it freezes on:
Sometimes computers wont recognize your keyboard if its USB when you're booting. I've had all kinds of annoyances with this until I realized thats what the issue is. Try using a USB->PS2 adaptor (like one that came with your optical mouse, assuming you have one) and it should fix that 'press enter' problem.
this probably won't fix it; but you can try disabling HDD S.M.A.R.T for now, wait until you've got Windows up and running, then re-enable it.
