First Time attempt at OC

Oct 7, 2014
Well, other than waiting to go grab thermal pads to get a second card ready so far I have this.

Haven't spent much time on the CPU but using the bios basic OC'ing

Intel 4790k from 4.0Ghz to 4.6ish GHz (its 4.596Ghz)

The real time spent so far has been in my one card that doesn't have bad thermal pads,

HIS 280x

I got it "stable" for benchmarking at 1260/1750Mhz using MSI afterburner and Heaven benchmark... scores are around the 1150 mark in extreme fullscreen 1050p

I got it stable to run Star Citizen hangar/arena commander at about 1220/1600 Mhz.

The voltages have been tweaked to 1.3 for the gpu and 1.7 for the memory which is the max.

temperatures never exceed 45^C and only hit that after repeated benchmarking.

Any tips to get the numbers higher?

Also my goodness is it frustrating to get a "stable" clock and then have it artifact/freeze after 15 minutes of game play... had it happen 4-5 times... but I guess it is what it is.

**Thanks to sdotbrucato again for answering questions sporadically through the past days.
what kind of waterblock are you using to the 280X? main problem with overclocking with water its be sure you are keeping cold the VRM.. the other thing you have to know its try to leave the memory voltage at stock.. you do not need to increase it to reach higher memory OC, try leaving it at stock with memory clock of 1650mhz and you will reach higher core clock due to power limit.. the less voltage you apply the higher headroom you have to toy with the power limit which its the main overclocked holder in the card...
Well before I tweaked the voltages up, I could the GPU was about the same, but I could only get the Memory to about 1550...