firefox extensions/hacks/addons?


Jun 20, 2003
what are some of the better ones? hardocp posted to a site a while back that had some good ones. one in particular that i absoutely loved was about changing the amount of times that firefox pinged a site to request download of webpage. it sped up the internet browsing dramatically. anybody know that site or know some good firefox extensions i should get?
Generated Wed Jul 04 2007 03:30:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Enabled Extensions: (13)
Adblock Plus
Auto Copy 0.6.4
Blue Ice 1.2.4
Bookmarks Synchronizer 1.03
BugMeNot 1.3
Download Statusbar
Forecastfox Enhanced
Gmail Notifier 0.6.1
Java Console 6.0.01
ListZilla 0.8
Tabbrowser Preferences
Generated Wed Jul 04 2007 03:30:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Enabled Extensions: (13)
Adblock Plus
Auto Copy 0.6.4
Blue Ice 1.2.4
Bookmarks Synchronizer 1.03
BugMeNot 1.3
Download Statusbar
Forecastfox Enhanced
Gmail Notifier 0.6.1
Java Console 6.0.01
ListZilla 0.8
Tabbrowser Preferences

We've said it once (by and large) and we'll say it again but this time it's just me saying it:

Any discussion of adblocking software/plugins/extensions/etc is basically a no-no around here, so... if you happen to do such things or use such things, that's fine and dandy and not much can be done about it - just don't fuckin' advertise the fact that you do or it could lead to a ban. I know I'm not a mod but I'm just trying to help, so take it as a suggestion or else this thread will then turn into everyone showing off the fact that they're basically blocking the very advertising revenue streams that keep the HardForum running.

"Thank you for your cooperation." :)

Kyle Bennett said:
The [H]ard|FORUM Rules:

(23) Any discussion of AD BLOCKING software or instruction for using ad blocking regarding this forum or any other discussion in general of attempting to block advertisement will result in a no questions asked permanent ban on your account. This is not done lightly, rather deliberately to deny access to those who choose to utilize this forum, but not support our sponsors. It takes money to finance the cost of bandwidth, especially a forum of this size and if you don't care enough to support us through our advertisers, then we don't need your business. This will be the only warning with no discussion.
oh come on, this was just a innocent mistake, he just listed his extensions :rolleyes:

no need for the back-seat moderating
This is what I use:

Enabled Extensions: [13]
- Broadband Speed Test and Diagnostics 1.0.3
- ChatZilla
- Download Statusbar 0.9.5
- Full Screen Homestar Runner 2.5
- Google Browser Sync 1.3.20070523.0
- gTranslate 0.3.1
- IE Tab
- MR Tech Local Install
- StumbleUpon 3.06
- Tab Mix Plus 0.3.6
- Update Notifier
- Web Search Pro
- Woot Watcher 0.5

I couldn't live without TMP or WSP, they are the first ones I install.
Noscript is a must. Firefox with noscript extension makes it the safest browser out there.

Although I definitely agree with your statement, I tried it and found it to be super annoying. I'll live without it, I guess.
I agree with l3ender about noscript. I know it's very effective, but I find it annoying.

I just use (one I can't mention) and fasterfox. Probably not supposed to mention that, either. :confused:

Although I definitely agree with your statement, I tried it and found it to be super annoying. I'll live without it, I guess.