Festivalgoers Use "Find My iPhone" App to Locate Man with 100 Stolen Phones


Aug 20, 2006
How is it that this guy was smart enough to steal 100 smartphones but didn’t think to power any of them down? (You can turn off an iPhone without unlocking it, right?) A “bunch of people” reportedly used “Find My iPhone” to locate the thief, but there didn’t seem to be any hint of a group ass-kicking.

Authorities said that several concertgoers noticed their phones were missing and activated their “Find my iPhone” feature, according to the Indio Police Department. Some victims were able to find and follow the suspect, identified as Reinaldo De Jesus Henao. He was eventually detained by security and arrested by Indio Police officials. Henao, of New York, allegedly had more than 100 cellphones in his backpack. Several phones were returned to their owners and the remaining ones were turned into lost and found, officials said. Henao faces grand theft and possession of stolen property charges.
That's beyond stupid. Go to the trouble to steal 100 phones, and then fail to turn them off. This guy wins the award for dumbass of the day.
This is so fantastic. I wonder how long it took to get 100 phones? If he would have been good at 50 could he have gotten away?

Major dumb ass either way. We all know the smart criminals are the ones we are not reading about... Because they aren't getting caught!