Female Gamers Love Gaming More than Sex

Any married guy can tell you that this doesnt just apply to female gamers. It applies to the gender on the whole. Not to say there arent exceptions, but this shouldnt shock anyone.
For the younger guys out there, I will share my bit of wisdom, as I have studied the species exhaustively over many years.

Men need sex, and women like sex, and a male can be horny and ready for more in as short as seven hour intervals. This disparity means that the demand will always exceed the supply, and this has been empowering to women.

A woman will want a man to be exclusive to her in a relationship, not because she cares about losing him to another woman, but because she wants to more easily control him. The conditional statements she makes are designed to be unquestioned, morally sound, and mask her real intentions under the guise of love. "If you love me, then you won't have sex with another woman". She is not interested in exclusivity so much as her being the only one he can turn to for sex and sexual intimacy. If his actions cause her grip over him to weaken, she makes him feel guilty by feigning that he has emotionally hurt her and labeling him a "cheater".

This also explains the seemingly anti-feminist propagation of chastising women for promiscuity and labeling them sluts, which is done among women far more than men complain, as it devalues their own sexual currency. Likewise, it explains why most women are opposed to legalizing prostitution, as they have little need to seek male prostitutes, and thus the idea of empowering women to do as they please with their own bodies is outweighed by the inflationary effect cheap on-demand sex would have on the market. Quite simply, most men will be disinterested in purchasing the cow if fresh milk is so cheap.

Stay thirsty my friends.
I'm pretty sure 98% of gaming girls are ugly, so even if they try, they wouldn't be able to have sex

I think you would be surprised what kind of girls get addicted to facebook games, especially stay at home chicks or ones who recently had a baby.
I am not implying that there aren't freaks, whores, or chicks that can't get lucky even if they paid for it...

I'm pretty sure 98% of gaming girls are ugly, so even if they try, they wouldn't be able to have sex

ANY woman can get laid in a matter of hours if they really want to. As proof I display exhibit #1:

If she can get laid any woman can.

The same can not be said for men.
^ WTF is this pimp daddy advice shit?

I think he just said "Never get married!!!". I can agree with that. The man gets punished for getting married, while the woman gets rewarded for ending it. Does that seem fair to you?

So, gamer chicks would rather game than have sex. You know, even as a guy, there are times when I would rather play video games on the PC instead of working up a sweat with my girlfriend. So, I really do not have all that much trouble believing this.
ANY woman can get laid in a matter of hours if they really want to. As proof I display exhibit #1:

If she can get laid any woman can.

The same can not be said for men.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SX3JnUhTaE&feature=related"]‪NO‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
For the younger guys out there, I will share my bit of wisdom, as I have studied the species exhaustively over many years.

Men need sex, and women like sex, and a male can be horny and ready for more in as short as seven hour intervals. This disparity means that the demand will always exceed the supply, and this has been empowering to women.

A woman will want a man to be exclusive to her in a relationship, not because she cares about losing him to another woman, but because she wants to more easily control him. The conditional statements she makes are designed to be unquestioned, morally sound, and mask her real intentions under the guise of love. "If you love me, then you won't have sex with another woman". She is not interested in exclusivity so much as her being the only one he can turn to for sex and sexual intimacy. If his actions cause her grip over him to weaken, she makes him feel guilty by feigning that he has emotionally hurt her and labeling him a "cheater".

This also explains the seemingly anti-feminist propagation of chastising women for promiscuity and labeling them sluts, which is done among women far more than men complain, as it devalues their own sexual currency. Likewise, it explains why most women are opposed to legalizing prostitution, as they have little need to seek male prostitutes, and thus the idea of empowering women to do as they please with their own bodies is outweighed by the inflationary effect cheap on-demand sex would have on the market. Quite simply, most men will be disinterested in purchasing the cow if fresh milk is so cheap.

Stay thirsty my friends.
Holy crap that was awesome! Writing that down for future reference. Your relationships must have been very detrimental to you over the years, huh? love it!
Holy crap that was awesome! Writing that down for future reference. Your relationships must have been very detrimental to you over the years, huh? love it!

I agree, this is just the result of chasing after too much "pretty looking" pussy and not getting a mature, stable woman instead.
Wait, what metrics and data collection methods create a bar graph where %'s add up to more than 100?
I agree, this is just the result of chasing after too much "pretty looking" pussy and not getting a mature, stable woman instead.
If we were close friends, this would be the part where I respond with a yo-mama quip. :D
For the younger guys out there, I will share my bit of wisdom, as I have studied the species exhaustively over many years.

Men need sex, and women like sex, and a male can be horny and ready for more in as short as seven hour intervals. This disparity means that the demand will always exceed the supply, and this has been empowering to women.

A woman will want a man to be exclusive to her in a relationship, not because she cares about losing him to another woman, but because she wants to more easily control him. The conditional statements she makes are designed to be unquestioned, morally sound, and mask her real intentions under the guise of love. "If you love me, then you won't have sex with another woman". She is not interested in exclusivity so much as her being the only one he can turn to for sex and sexual intimacy. If his actions cause her grip over him to weaken, she makes him feel guilty by feigning that he has emotionally hurt her and labeling him a "cheater".

This also explains the seemingly anti-feminist propagation of chastising women for promiscuity and labeling them sluts, which is done among women far more than men complain, as it devalues their own sexual currency. Likewise, it explains why most women are opposed to legalizing prostitution, as they have little need to seek male prostitutes, and thus the idea of empowering women to do as they please with their own bodies is outweighed by the inflationary effect cheap on-demand sex would have on the market. Quite simply, most men will be disinterested in purchasing the cow if fresh milk is so cheap.

Stay thirsty my friends.

Preach on, Father!
i have yet to see any pictures of attractive females that play game routinely. not saying they don't exist but they are likely few and far between. this almost should have gone to genmay or whatever that is.
For the younger guys out there, I will share my bit of wisdom, as I have studied the species exhaustively over many years.

Men need sex, and women like sex, and a male can be horny and ready for more in as short as seven hour intervals. This disparity means that the demand will always exceed the supply, and this has been empowering to women.

A woman will want a man to be exclusive to her in a relationship, not because she cares about losing him to another woman, but because she wants to more easily control him. The conditional statements she makes are designed to be unquestioned, morally sound, and mask her real intentions under the guise of love. "If you love me, then you won't have sex with another woman". She is not interested in exclusivity so much as her being the only one he can turn to for sex and sexual intimacy. If his actions cause her grip over him to weaken, she makes him feel guilty by feigning that he has emotionally hurt her and labeling him a "cheater".

This also explains the seemingly anti-feminist propagation of chastising women for promiscuity and labeling them sluts, which is done among women far more than men complain, as it devalues their own sexual currency. Likewise, it explains why most women are opposed to legalizing prostitution, as they have little need to seek male prostitutes, and thus the idea of empowering women to do as they please with their own bodies is outweighed by the inflationary effect cheap on-demand sex would have on the market. Quite simply, most men will be disinterested in purchasing the cow if fresh milk is so cheap.

Stay thirsty my friends.


I think I'm going to use that as copy pasta :)
ANY woman can get laid in a matter of hours if they really want to. As proof I display exhibit #1:

If she can get laid any woman can.

The same can not be said for men.

See thats whats been bugging my mind ever since I saw that thread. Why is it that for the female, anyone and really anyone can get laid if they really wanted to...

But there are so many men who looks better than that or at least takes better care of their appearance who can't do the same... well, short of paying for it of course.
See thats whats been bugging my mind ever since I saw that thread. Why is it that for the female, anyone and really anyone can get laid if they really wanted to...

But there are so many men who looks better than that or at least takes better care of their appearance who can't do the same... well, short of paying for it of course.

To be serious here, it's pretty obvious men in general are far more horny than women.

Could also a selection thing. Unconsciously women want to select the best male to father their children (of course knowing a condom is used and whatnot. Nature is still nature). They're wired to not just fuck with anybody. Might be that it is only a woman's job to take care of the baby while the male's job is to just try his luck with as many women as he can in hopes of fathering more offsprings
It's a condition hard wired into our genetics, which doesn't make sense in the more logical behaviour in the 21st century, but does still heavily guide behaviour.

Men are naturally promiscuous, it creates greater genetic diversity if one alpha male who is a good candidate for breeding, sleeps with as many women as possible.

Women are naturally selective because they're protecting their own genetic line by only procreating with the most suitable males.

As Ducman69 said, this is the perfect combination for creating something of very high value, where there is high demand and low supply, sex becomes a kind of currency and in modern day that is a valuable currency for women and they act to protect the value of that currency.
, it creates greater genetic diversity if one alpha male who is a good candidate for breeding, sleeps with as many women as possible.

that actually reduces genetic diversity. the babies all have alpha blood in them.
You have to dig through several pages of "source pages" to find this:
Of these female online gamers, 84 per cent said they enjoy their gaming sessions, compared to just 70 per cent who enjoy sex. 62 per cent enjoy working out, 71 per cent enjoy shopping and 75 per cent enjoy having a bath. And nearly one in five female gamers (17 per cent) admitted they play online games in bed.
It's not that they enjoy games more than sex, just that more women are "satisfied" with their gaming sessions than those that are satisfied by their sex sessions. From this I would conclude that they are screwing computer nerds who are better at games than sex :D
black_b[ ]x;1037537257 said:
You have to dig through several pages of "source pages" to find this:

It's not that they enjoy games more than sex, just that more women are "satisfied" with their gaming sessions than those that are satisfied by their sex sessions. From this I would conclude that they are screwing computer nerds who are better at games than sex :D

Cause most men still can't find the treasure with a map and a GPS and are often more worried about their own desires than pleasing her.

At least in games they get satisfaction, so can't blame em for going where they get the most enjoyment.

Figure out how to bring her to 3-4 orgasms in one night without unzipping your pants or using a motor, then you'll have a woman that wants sex more. Trust me.
Cause most men still can't find the treasure with a map and a GPS and are often more worried about their own desires than pleasing her.

At least in games they get satisfaction, so can't blame em for going where they get the most enjoyment.

Figure out how to bring her to 3-4 orgasms in one night without unzipping your pants or using a motor, then you'll have a woman that wants sex more. Trust me.

Definitely some truth here.
Figure out how to bring her to 3-4 orgasms in one night without unzipping your pants or using a motor
That's easy, buy her something that looks expensive so she can be the envy of other women, tell her you'll watch the Royal Wedding recording with her, and listen to her inane dribble about her social network occasionally nodding your head and repeating back the last few words she said. Instant multiple orgasms without any physical contact.
That's easy, buy her something that looks expensive so she can be the envy of other women, tell her you'll watch the Royal Wedding recording with her, and listen to her inane dribble about her social network occasionally nodding your head and repeating back the last few words she said. Instant multiple orgasms without any physical contact.

Cute, but my way is a lot more fun, for both.....
Of course female gamers love gaming more than sex. With all the custom grip, force-feedback joysticks available, how could they not? :eek: :p
I know diamonds are a girl's best friend, but I like to give them a pearl necklace they never forget
I like a woman who knows how to use her toys
