FCC Mistakes Angry Americans for Hacker DDoS Attack

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Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The FCC has maintained a theory that the agency's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) was the victim of a hacker's DDoS attack during the Net Neutrality debate. Angry Americans seeking to have their voices heard on the issue of Net Neutrality, flooded the FCC's ECFS website with requests to comment on the volatile subject, but couldn't get through. Now we learn that it wasn't a DDoS attack at all. The government's computer system simply couldn't handle the amount of Americans seeking to be heard and crumbled. You can read Ajit Pai's statement here and Jessica Rosenworcel's statement here.

Because it wasn't a hack, it seems that the comment-filing system, though recently revamped, needs yet another fresh coat of paint to handle the kind of volume it saw during the net neutrality repeal. Plans for that are underway, Pai wrote. The GAO investigation regarding fraud in the comment system will no doubt affect those plans.

This is a TEST to see if you can handle basic etiquette. Don't name call one another and everything will work out fine. Then maybe I can post more things that are a slightly volatile, but are 100% tech related. If you can't handle being nice to one another then don't post in this thread. ;)
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This feels like a fun bit of irony. It's the internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "LALALALALALALALALALALA!"
Deep-state Obama toadie lied to the new Republican leadership. No one should be surprised.

Lol wut? He's as red as it gets, and did exactly what pretty much every gop politician wanted.... He's lying to the people and the dems looking into the agencies complete bullshit handling of the whole situation.

And to the people about to flood the thread with ignorant 'NN was killed and nothing happened/sun is still rising. I told you so...' posts, don't kid yourself. The issue is still way too hot for them to start fucking around just yet. They push too hard now and chances are much higher that actual regulations start getting put in place. They'll sit back and wait for it to die down, sheep will go 'see nothing happened!', then the ISPs will start slowly seeing how far they can screw us over. You frog in boiling water and all....

Plus for all the conservatives that cry about liberal MSM, who do you think owns the main ISPs? Is it going to take them filtering/throttling/blocking conservative content before you finally jump up in arms? Remember, they are a private corporation, just like twitter/bookeface/IG etc. 1st Ammendment doesn't apply to them and they can filter whatever they want. With title 2 gone, FCC doesn't have any authority, and that's outside of the scope of the FTC to regulate.
So any bets on how many consultants/contractors/bloodsuckers and millions it will take to do what a private company would knock out in a couple months with some AWS or Azure server time...
The FCC has maintained a theory that the agency's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) was the victim of a hacker's DDoS attack during the Net Neutrality debate. Angry Americans seeking to have their voices heard on the issue of Net Neutrality, flooded the FCC's ECFS website with requests to comment on the volatile subject, but couldn't get through. Now we learn that it wasn't a DDoS attack at all. The government's computer system simply couldn't handle the amount of Americans seeking to be heard and crumbled. You can read Ajit Pai's statement here and Jessica Rosenworcel's statement here.

Because it wasn't a hack, it seems that the comment-filing system, though recently revamped, needs yet another fresh coat of paint to handle the kind of volume it saw during the net neutrality repeal. Plans for that are underway, Pai wrote. The GAO investigation regarding fraud in the comment system will no doubt affect those plans.

In all fairness, many of us know that it was less about Angry Americans wanting to be heard and more about people setting up automated websites to robo-submit character by character exact copies of the same complaint over and over again. Come on, if it hadn't been for people posting the link to that site where you typed in your email address or name or whatever it was and clicked submit, no where near that volume of traffic would have hit them. Someone made it easy and pointed everyone to it and beig good little Americans we all went there and clicked it to be heard cause we all know that if it took any real effort to draft out own email most wouldn't have sent a thing.
In all fairness, many of us know that it was less about Angry Americans wanting to be heard and more about people setting up automated websites to robo-submit character by character exact copies of the same complaint over and over again. Come on, if it hadn't been for people posting the link to that site where you typed in your email address or name or whatever it was and clicked submit, no where near that volume of traffic would have hit them. Someone made it easy and pointed everyone to it and beig good little Americans we all went there and clicked it to be heard cause we all know that if it took any real effort to draft out own email most wouldn't have sent a thing.
And the problem with this is.... what?

This is what is done all the time, and should have been expected. There is nothing wrong with using someone else's effort to set something up to make it easier for your opinion to be known.
Lol wut? He's as red as it gets, and did exactly what pretty much every gop politician wanted.... He's lying to the people and the dems looking into the agencies complete bullshit handling of the whole situation.

You didn't actually bother to read the statements the FCC issued, did you?
Pai was lied to by a deep-state Obama toadie in the FCC. Toadie's employment was subsequently terminated.
And the problem with this is.... what?

This is what is done all the time, and should have been expected. There is nothing wrong with using someone else's effort to set something up to make it easier for your opinion to be known.

Maybe not, but if it isn't something that is foreseen, then it might not be planned for and therefor it might have an impact or even be misconstrued.

"Holy fuck were getting hit hard ...... it's all the same message ...... and it's all coming from just two locations ....... it's a hack, DDOS !"

I mean what would you think it is, if it had never happened to you before?
Lol wut? He's as red as it gets, and did exactly what pretty much every gop politician wanted.... He's lying to the people and the dems looking into the agencies complete bullshit handling of the whole situation.

And to the people about to flood the thread with ignorant 'NN was killed and nothing happened/sun is still rising. I told you so...' posts, don't kid yourself. The issue is still way too hot for them to start fucking around just yet. They push too hard now and chances are much higher that actual regulations start getting put in place. They'll sit back and wait for it to die down, sheep will go 'see nothing happened!', then the ISPs will start slowly seeing how far they can screw us over. You frog in boiling water and all....

Plus for all the conservatives that cry about liberal MSM, who do you think owns the main ISPs? Is it going to take them filtering/throttling/blocking conservative content before you finally jump up in arms? Remember, they are a private corporation, just like twitter/bookeface/IG etc. 1st Ammendment doesn't apply to them and they can filter whatever they want. With title 2 gone, FCC doesn't have any authority, and that's outside of the scope of the FTC to regulate.
Probably should read the article lololol.

In b4 this guy doesn’t need to read the article cause of muh feels.
You didn't actually bother to read the statements the FCC issued, did you?
Pai was lied to by a deep-state Obama toadie in the FCC. Toadie's employment was subsequently terminated.

You know the old saying. If you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you.

Pai didn't expect a GAO investigation, and waited until the FCC GIO was just about to release the results of their investigation before throwing someone who left last year under the bus.
Maybe not, but if it isn't something that is foreseen, then it might not be planned for and therefor it might have an impact or even be misconstrued.

"Holy fuck were getting hit hard ...... it's all the same message ...... and it's all coming from just two locations ....... it's a hack, DDOS !"

I mean what would you think it is, if it had never happened to you before?
He runs the place, and took no responsibility for it. Hid behind someone else's supposed incompetence, and cluelessly highlights his own incompetence in running the place.

Any high level executive should have a basic understanding of how his organization runs and interacts with external parties. I'm going to assume you aren't, and I have to give you a pass because I have no idea of your capabilities or background.
You know the old saying. If you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you.

Pai didn't expect a GAO investigation, and waited until the FCC GIO was just about to release the results of their investigation before throwing someone who left last year under the bus.

I'd say you're probably right. If it really was the fault of 'the previous administration' he would have said so a lot sooner. This sounds more like he just looked for somebody else to blame, someone who was less likely to correct his statements.
Yeah I'm not surprised that we're not set up to handle a democracy.

Why would our government be set up to handle that? We don't have a Democracy.

Oh you are so clever Spaceninja, changing what Tetris said by capitalizing the D in democracy.

Let me make sure you, Spaceninja, understand why it matters. The United States is a Republic which in turn is a form of democracy. Republic has a capital "R" as it's a proper noun specifying a specific type of governance. In this case democracy is a lowercase "D" to denote the form of governance but not the actual form of governance that is a Democracy.
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Deep-state Obama toadie lied to the new Republican leadership. No one should be surprised.

What? He's so republican he even looks like an elephant.

His "revamp" will probably include reducing the amount of resources for the comment system. If he didn't even want to consider public comment, why even bother having a public comment system? He'll just want to get rid of that pesky noise from the public, it drowns out the pleasing sound of swimming in all the money that he's dreaming about when he leaves the FCC and gets a do-nothing overpaid lobbyist job for Verizon. A reward earned from being their not at all covert lap dog.
How are we still here? Net Neutrality has ended and the sun is still rising and setting? How is this possible?

yeah....umm... dont think anyone was actually saying that it would literally be the end of the world or even civilization.
What? He's so republican he even looks like an elephant.
And here we have yet another commenter that reached a conclusion without reading past the headline.
Is that what happens to people who read to many tweets? Do they wind up unable to read anything more than 132 characters long?
He runs the place, and took no responsibility for it. Hid behind someone else's supposed incompetence, and cluelessly highlights his own incompetence in running the place.

Any high level executive should have a basic understanding of how his organization runs and interacts with external parties. I'm going to assume you aren't, and I have to give you a pass because I have no idea of your capabilities or background.

I didn't say anything about Pai, don't know why you're ranting to me about it.

Look, if it's never happened before then there is no reasonable reason to throw a temper tantrum when something new catches them by surprise. The second time, or it happened to someone else in a similar situation, sure. Otherwise you're just being an ass about it saying "you should'a known this would happen some day, you're the boss ...:"

Since when did the boss ever know anything without a bunch of his flunkies telling him about it first?

Anyone here that works IT knows exactly what I am saying.
Since when did the boss ever know anything without a bunch of his flunkies telling him about it first?
Anyone here that works IT knows exactly what I am saying.


But in LeftyLand, there's two realities: one for them, and one for all the people they hate:
Obama never knew nothing about the mistakes and crimes of his underlings (e.g., Hillary Clinton), and it wasn't his fault,
whereas Trump is always not only responsible for the bad things his people do, but complicit.

This reality duality is why so many "resisting" commenters here don't feel the need to actually learn any facts before coming to a conclusion and posting it.
Anyone here that works IT knows exactly what I am saying.
It is his job to know. If he didn't bring in people that could properly inform him, that reflects on him.

And BTW, I've held roles in dev, IT, consulting and sales, and have worked with companies top to bottom. I know how they work, and what makes a successful company and leader.

So yes, you are correct. Those up top won't really know anything unless properly advised by those reporting to them. But it is the leader's job to make sure that happens.

It is the reason I brought Ajit into this conversation. His finger pointing is a clear sign of a bad leader, or a leader beholden to other interests. In this case, I suspect it is both.
Oh you are so clever Spaceninja, changing what Tetris said by capitalizing the D in democracy.

Let me make sure you, Spaceninja, understand why it matters. The United States is a Republic which in turn is a form of democracy. Republic has a capital "R" as it's a proper noun specifying a specific type of governance. In this case democracy is a lowercase "D" to denote the form of governance but not the actual form of governance that is a Democracy.

lol, still counts.

I am not shocked that a site who's normal daily traffic is probably around 500 hits a day falls apart when millions of people start hammering on it.
It is his job to know.

What nonsense. No one can know everything that's going on in an organization as big as the FCC.
Besides, he thought he did know, because he trusted the Obama toadie who lied to him about it.
You want to criticize him for that error in judgment, of trusting a blue-bellied swamp-lizard, have at it.

Or was it Obama's job to know Hillary was using a private server for classified material?
You're just making that crap up out of nothing, aren't you? Pulling it out of your Trump-hating ass.
Oh well. Haters gotta hate, I guess. Sad.

It's not about politics, left fecking right, or Trump. It's about Pai. He's a lying piece of shit. He has no credibility whatsoever.

Read Jessica Rosenworcel's letter. I'll take the word of a drug induced anus selling whore over Pai's word 10 out of 10 times. Not that I think Jessica is. :D
It's about Pai. He's a lying piece of shit. He has no credibility whatsoever.
Read Jessica Rosenworcel's letter. I'll take the word of a drug induced anus selling whore over Pai's word 10 out of 10 times. Not that I think Jessica is. :D
I repeat what I said earlier: Haters gotta hate. They can't help it. It's who they are.
The FCC has maintained a theory that the agency's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) was the victim of a hacker's DDoS attack during the Net Neutrality debate. Angry Americans seeking to have their voices heard on the issue of Net Neutrality, flooded the FCC's ECFS website with requests to comment on the volatile subject, but couldn't get through. Now we learn that it wasn't a DDoS attack at all. The government's computer system simply couldn't handle the amount of Americans seeking to be heard and crumbled. You can read Ajit Pai's statement here and Jessica Rosenworcel's statement here.

Because it wasn't a hack, it seems that the comment-filing system, though recently revamped, needs yet another fresh coat of paint to handle the kind of volume it saw during the net neutrality repeal. Plans for that are underway, Pai wrote. The GAO investigation regarding fraud in the comment system will no doubt affect those plans.

This is a TEST to see if you can handle basic etiquette. Don't name call one another and everything will work out fine. Then maybe I can post more things that are a slightly volatile, but are 100% tech related. If you can't handle being nice to one another then don't post in this thread. ;)

I think it's worth putting a couple of things in clear context in regards to the pages you linked.

First, the link to Jessica Rosenworcel's released unofficial statement is from the FCC itself (Jessica is a FCC Commissioner), and it's saying that the outside independent investigation conducted by the Inspector General just told the FCC what the FCC beleived was true for a long time now that their was no DDOS attack
“The Inspector General Report tells us what we knew all along: the FCC’s claim that it was the victim of a DDoS attack during the net neutrality proceeding is bogus.

The second link to the FCC release of Pai's Statement is saying that Pai was mislead by information from the last CIO who either deliberately or mistakenly reported the event as a DDOS. He says others may not have agreed but didn't tell him that they doubted the CIO's claim.

The report from the investigation by the IG clears Pai of intentionally making a false claim and supports Pai's story that the former CIO was the source of this inaccurate information.

And of course Pai is saying that they haven't been talking about this or clearing anything up because of the IG's investigation into what happened and who knew what.

I just wanted to make sure people were getting this clear. I'm not making claims of what is true or not, just what is being reported by whom.

I think a lot of people are looking at Jessica Blacks statement and thinking it's from someone outside of the FCC when it is from someone inside saying "see, exactly what we've been saying ourselves"
Both FCC statements were released the same day.

But in LeftyLand, there's two realities: one for them, and one for all the people they hate:
Obama never knew nothing about the mistakes and crimes of his underlings (e.g., Hillary Clinton), and it wasn't his fault,
whereas Trump is always not only responsible for the bad things his people do, but complicit.

This reality duality is why so many "resisting" commenters here don't feel the need to actually learn any facts before coming to a conclusion and posting it.

I've seen similar on both sides of the isle I think. I think it's just people, they do this shit cause people are dumb.

I'm dumb too, I have my moments of brilliance, I wish I had more.
Lol wut? He's as red as it gets, and did exactly what pretty much every gop politician wanted.... He's lying to the people and the dems looking into the agencies complete bullshit handling of the whole situation.

And to the people about to flood the thread with ignorant 'NN was killed and nothing happened/sun is still rising. I told you so...' posts, don't kid yourself. The issue is still way too hot for them to start fucking around just yet. They push too hard now and chances are much higher that actual regulations start getting put in place. They'll sit back and wait for it to die down, sheep will go 'see nothing happened!', then the ISPs will start slowly seeing how far they can screw us over. You frog in boiling water and all....

Plus for all the conservatives that cry about liberal MSM, who do you think owns the main ISPs? Is it going to take them filtering/throttling/blocking conservative content before you finally jump up in arms? Remember, they are a private corporation, just like twitter/bookeface/IG etc. 1st Ammendment doesn't apply to them and they can filter whatever they want. With title 2 gone, FCC doesn't have any authority, and that's outside of the scope of the FTC to regulate.
A far bigger problem than the ISP's are progressive social media outlets censoring anyone who disagrees with them.

I repeat what I said earlier: Haters gotta hate. They can't help it. It's who they are.

Haters gonna hate? Like as in millions of comments supporting NN and he sticks his fingers in his ears saying nana-nana-nana-nanaaa. Really, at this point, I don't care if NN under Title II was right or not, he flat out lied about how many people commented. Bet your ass I gonna hate. But with reason.
Net neutrality doesn't mean shit to me, I lucked out and ended up with an ISP that doesn't throttle or cap anything.

People scream free market when social media bans people, but want non free market net neutrality? :p
Bet your ass I gonna hate. But with reason.
Haters always have a way to rationalize their hate. The Klan, the Nazis: they all had their reasons.
But it's no excuse.

Hate is the opposite of love, and like love, it should be reserved for people you know, who matter in your life.
Hating or loving a complete stranger is pure cray-cray BS, but we're seeing an epidemic of it.
It is his job to know. If he didn't bring in people that could properly inform him, that reflects on him.

And BTW, I've held roles in dev, IT, consulting and sales, and have worked with companies top to bottom. I know how they work, and what makes a successful company and leader.

So yes, you are correct. Those up top won't really know anything unless properly advised by those reporting to them. But it is the leader's job to make sure that happens.

It is the reason I brought Ajit into this conversation. His finger pointing is a clear sign of a bad leader, or a leader beholden to other interests. In this case, I suspect it is both.

Yea yea so what. You really expect the new Chairman to roll in and fire every one of the old staff? Even then, the CIO, do you think the CIO was reading the log files and tracing the traffic? Come on man, if someone called it wrong it was a System or Network Admin. Maybe even a contractor working for whoever. Yes they are responsible for what happens, and they are responsible for cleaning up the mess. But no one looses their heads unless they did someone culpable themselves and this IG Investigation cleared Pai of exactly that.

Scream for his head if you want. You're dreaming if you think it'll fall.
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