Fave Diablo 2 Char


Jul 22, 2004
Alright, so I busted out Diablo 2 today, and started playing (currently don't have LoD). Started a Necro (since I didn't really like anything else there but the Barbarian).

What is your fave char? I'm planning on getting LoD shortly, so include those. Also, any hints on skills for the Necro?
Mine was the necro. But a certain time frame necro.
The necro that existed after the clipping was removed, so I could walk through my summons, but before the 1.10 limit was placed on them.

An army of 60-70+, that just owned.

Hah let me know I think I still have D2/Lod and the keys.

I always liked my necro summoner. And I preferred the Summoner after 1.10. The one where skellies were worth a damn.
always liked the druid after the expansion.

Made a guy named Poe and had all those ravens...it was cool
ahha it has been a long time since i've touched diablo 2: LOD, but what a great game.
i spent hours playing every week and have countless memories playing it lol.
necro was cool, but i like playing with the amazon. sounds boring, but they are so strong haha.
Hybridzon and Meteor sorc from 1.09 >>>>> everything (PVM that is) :D

man...so many hours wasted...haha
09 javazons were my absolute fav

i just got done uninstalling d2exp after a quick 3 week stint and the holy freeze paladins are fun, but not that strong.
WW barb for the win.

i wanna go get a doombringer for my warrior and use whirlwind on some people in WoW... just for old time's sake :p
WW Barb till they nerfed WW

Assassin until you got to Hell difficulty

Amazon ftw!
Hammerdin. If you build this paladin right he'll do over 12k dmg in the expansion pack v1.10 and pretty much kill everything in a few hits. Also, resists are NEVER a problem as several gear items give +50 to +75 resist all =D. I can tank any character in the game, anywhere...anytime (all by myself).

I love my paladin! Lvl 94 and counting...omg I can't believe how many hours I've logged w/ D2. YIKES!!
in .10 all people do now is bot, or follow bots to level. they set the hammerdins w/ their duped runeword items and the bots just go and level and snagbots just pick up the good items that drop.
Dome said:
in .10 all people do now is bot, or follow bots to level. they set the hammerdins w/ their duped runeword items and the bots just go and level and snagbots just pick up the good items that drop.


Well, so far I'm liking the game quite a bit. My Necro is now lvl 9, and I can have 2 skells and a Clay golem out right now.

Hopefully I can pick just the expansion up on the cheap here in a few days and give it a whirl.
I love my lvl 95 Blizzard Sorc. She can clear out a room hella quick
Necro was my first char in D2 and he was the shizzle although he was a bit weak on his own. At least until things like Bone Spear were on the table. Still had to watch it but was comforting knowing that in a few hits he could take out numerous enemies simultaneously.

After that I dabbled in all of the Chars with the Paladin being my least favorite. I like all the trickses the others have. The Pal is a good team player/leader and isn't worth much until he gets to higer level if played solo.
DermicSavage said:
I liked back in 1.0 where sorcs could spam blizzard and frozen orb like none other =\

Javazon with level 29 Lightning Fury with maximum pierce. It was called "White Death" for a reason. I remember crashing many a computer with it :) Move over Orb Sorc...

my PnB necro is probably my favorite... Just because it can handle a Hell rush in about 10 minutes.

I'm rapidly growing fond of my holy fire auradin/smiter in pvp, though.

And can't forget my lvl 93 faithazon, either.
What are your suggestions for a Necro? Mostly I've been focusing on Summoning (cuz I figure that's what a necro should do). Work a little on curses and other spells (exploding corpses are fun).
I loved the bowazon. Never really got good with the barb, but I loved a necro with corpse exp. That does great damage later on, but sucks up mana bigtime.
Bender_Unit_22 said:


bots are programs which play the game for you. they create games, and run baal with parties in order for exp and items that drop, all w/out having to play the game. other people follow the bots because they're all hammerdins who are invincible and reliable sources of experience also w/out having to play the game
Bob002 said:
What are your suggestions for a Necro? Mostly I've been focusing on Summoning (cuz I figure that's what a necro should do). Work a little on curses and other spells (exploding corpses are fun).

Spreading a necro thin is suicide in later acts. When your summons are powerful enough, you don't need to support them, and if you spend too many points on summons your bones will never be powerful enough to be significant. I do like my artillery necros. Nothing like being able to spam bone spears; give a sorceress a run for the money.

Although I like the wand-arian. Yes, dual wielding wands with armor penetration and spell charges; half the fun is how stupid it looks.
My personal fave is Hammerdin but i just use him for rushing and unlike what was said above not all of us botters use dupes i actually traded and made each of my runeword items. For mf'n i like my firesorc and for pk i like my WW barb.
My amazon with Windforce was unstoppable.

My Sorceress was pretty sleek also (I used it mainly for the massive MF I had on it)

My barb was pretty good, but only lvl 84.

I kind of miss that game...
lvl 99 blizzard sorc. I use her for pvp most of time since all of my quests have been finished for quite sometime. Almost got my hammerdin up to lvl 99 im at 97 now but going from 98 to 99 takes forever. PVP is still amazingly fun in that game.
i started playing when 1.10 came out, but i have played .09 with friends, and i currently play the hell unleashed mod, because it's way better than bnet.

i liked my zeal pally or my lighting force javazon the most, not really sure which one was more fun.
JonnyK said:
i started playing when 1.10 came out, but i have played .09 with friends, and i currently play the hell unleashed mod, because it's way better than bnet.

i liked my zeal pally or my lighting force javazon the most, not really sure which one was more fun.

PM with where you got this from... Or send me the file or something. I can't find it anywhere. the site is down.
Same what is this hell unleashed? I would like to return to the uncorrupted days of lvl'n as well.
Troney1169 said:
Same what is this hell unleashed? I would like to return to the uncorrupted days of lvl'n as well.

It's a mod, but I can't find anywhere to download it. It appears the guy was distibuting it on a torrent site, and that site got taken down, at least as far as I can tell.
Trepidati0n said:
Javazon with level 29 Lightning Fury with maximum pierce. It was called "White Death" for a reason. I remember crashing many a computer with it :) Move over Orb Sorc...


Anyone remember the CoW level? I had one of these, herd 100+ cows, throw 5 spears, watch the computer come to a halt for a few seconds. All the cows are dead.

Bots and dupes killed the game, but were kind of fun. Pindlebot, it did a run on pindle in ~7 seconds. Thousands of runs a night, I would usually gain a level for 12 hours of botting. Not to mention some nice items. But those where the gayer days.
yeah, I think I may be installing D2 again.... against my better judgement.
My absolute fav char was the sorc I had when 1.10 came out. Got her up to 99 and #1 on the ladder at one point. Decided I was spending too much time on the game and haven't touched the accounts for over a year. I even forgot all my account names.
She was definitely a tank though. I'd confidently say she was the best legit sorc for quite some time.
.09 Frenzy barbs were a fun change of pace
Chain lightning/lightning/FOrb sorc is pretty damn effective in 1.10

My favorite was an oddball build in 1.10, the summonasin

(mini-build guide I did before the latest runewords came out, things may have changed in the interim but haven't played D2 in months)
20 Shadow Master
20 Mind Blast
20 Cloak of shadows (to help your minions out)
10-20 fade
1-20 Death Sentry
Crescent Moon or Beast (for summon Spirit Wolf/Grizzly)
Carrion Wind (poison creeper charges)
Nature's Peace (oak sage charges)
Metalgrid amulet (for Iron Golem)
Probably Bramble armor
Lots of shadow skillers

Strategy is to mind blast mobs and convert some; CoS; while they fight amongst themselves, your minions (shadow, merc, wolf, golem) take out the rest, then a death sentry finishes them off. I imagine it would go pretty slowly, but would be very safe You'd want a Strength merc outfitted with top of the line gear.
Got to lvl 14 today with my Necro. Now it's starting to get a little hard. In Lut Gholein.

Hit me up if you want to play sometime... US East, non-ladder.
Ah the memories...

.09 was the best with life leech. Dueling was actually fun then in my opinion.

.09 Bowazon with a high multishot and .09 Zealot were the best...and even a .09 WW Barb with a high leech deserves an honorable mention, he was fun to play with too.

By the time I stopped playing I had created:

2 lvl 99 Pallys
2 lvl 99 Sorcs (For botting / mfing) I found 2 Winforces on the same night with 1 Sorc botting back in 1.09 when they were worth like $50 a piece paypal.
1 lvl 96 Sorc
1 lvl 95 Barb
1 lvl 95 Pally
1 lvl 90 Pally
1 lvl 90 Barb
1 lvl 90 Amazon

The last character I created was in 1.10, who was a lvl 95 Ethereal BotD Great Polaxe Barb for dueling who could do 15k dmg using Berzerk and about 8-10k WW dmg. He was a beast. Great for "cleaning house" PVMing too. :D

I think what made the game so addicting and fun to play was trading and finding items. The gratifaction and feeling of trading and/or getting one of those "godly" items, is something that has yet to been achieved by any other game for me.

I can't wait for D3...hopefully PVP is embraced by then instead of shunned away like it has been in D2...if it ever comes out with all of the original creators that have gone to Flagship Studios. :(
I really like my hammerdin and bowazon... Wait no I dont, Im gona tyr to sell the account on ebay tonite!

Maybe make some money to buy guildwars. Anyone know if people actually buy stuff for d2 on ebay anymore?