Faster DNS?


Apr 10, 2002
I currently have a 6 meg down, 512k up cable modem connection. Whenever I am browsing, no matter what time of day, it takes about 2-3 seconds for a page to load. What I have noticed is that the status at the bottom of Mozilla is always saying "Resolving host:" It seems like the DNS server is being very sluggish. I was wondering if there are alternate DNS servers that can be used that are very fast, outside of my ISP's network. Is something like that possible?
run a little tiny box of your own, like with a stripped down version of bsd or *nix and run a non authoritative DNS server for your little LAN ;) im planning on doing that sometime.
jaqie said:
run a little tiny box of your own, like with a stripped down version of bsd or *nix and run a non authoritative DNS server for your little LAN ;) im planning on doing that sometime.
Or even a caching proxy server such as squid,,it works wonders in addition to thoes afformentioned sugestions as well..
But what if thats not an option? Are there any other options available other than running my own server?
look into winroute pro... run it and enable the cacheing proxy, it should cache dns queries too.