Fast download speed across switch, but slow upload?


Jan 11, 2009
I was transferring some video files across my switch (RT-AC68U) and noticed that while my download speeds to my PC from my server were around the usual wired 115 MB/s, uploads to the server were fluctuating between 30 and 70, which is much lower than the usual steady 115 MB/s I also get for upload.

A reboot of the router fixed the issue and I am now getting my usual 110-115 MB/s upload and downloads.

I'm just curious what can cause this kind of behavior in the router's switch. Thanks.
If the issue is from wired gizmo to wired gizmo via the router switch, might be worth getting a simple wired gig switch and leave the router to being just a router.
Maybe pause frames due to activity on network at the time of transfer? There are some nobs, levers, and hardware for good TX/RX throughput. A nob/lever example, if you have a capable card that has 4 Receive Side Scaling queues then select that option for the server with a 4 or higher core (not threads) processor. Also, transferring a very large amount of small files will be very slow compared to larger sized files. Compressing many small files into on large file can be worth the extra steps.

Personally, I have never had this issue
These are the type of things that if happen regularly, indicate that your hardware is starting to die. Not a problem if you don't need these speeds, but a problem if you do.