Fallout 76 Bug Made a Player Effectively Immortal


Mar 3, 2018
A bug in Fallout 76 allegedly has the Reddit user Brogadyn stuck in "permanent godmode." According to the player's post, killzones, ghoul swarms, and nukes straight to the face can't kill the player. Fortunately, the bug doesn't appear to be widespread, and Brogadyn has reportedly avoided exploiting the glitch, but the player was frustrated by Bethesda's relative cookie cutter email response to the issue. A Bethesda employee did responded to the issue on Reddit about a day ago, but only after it blew up and hit the FO76 subreddit's front page. This is definitely a strange bug as far as MMOs go, but bizarre, frustrating and hilarious edge cases like this are pretty much par in Bethesda's previous single player RPGs.

I've had to limit myself to more boring activities because I do not want my exploration, or the PvP aspect ruined by my godmode, and the annoying thing is that at some point i'm just going to have to not care if they cannot fix it - my character is currently nearly level 100, and just hit the cap limit - so what the heck am I supposed to do besides actually starting to make all content in the game trivial? I'm really frustrated and I have no idea what i'm supposed to do - it seems that they can't even slay my character for me, or at least didn't mention that even though that's practically what was I begging for in the ticket - but i'm unsure if it was a person replying, or simply some automated answer. I'm just writing this because i'm frustrated, and I really have no clue on how to fix the issue to allow myself to progress again both gear wise, and story wise. Some of the given mutations right now are twisted muscles / talons - so my actual spec of rifles is somewhat nerfed when I cannot cure these ever so i've just been running around melee smacking things without any melee perks since Friday, which isn't necessarily fun anymore.
You can create more than one character. I get that you lose all the work out into the imortal one bit of you are bored with it maybe start another?
Man am I so glad I didn't day one this game. He'll, I may not even year one this game.
LOL. I have the stuck in Power Armor bug. I may fix that today.

The game is immense fun. Its not understood well but the reason Bethesda did this was because their internal experiment with MP Fallout 4 was so amazing they had to do it.

It serves up madness and chaos as well as any game I've ever played and Stalker is my game. It manages to produce great experiences all over the damn map and i could fill pages with my crazy fun.

Just yesterday I gave a high level guy my unwanted .45 ammo and he gave me some Stimpacks. The hated always on talk works really well and we chatted after threatening each other. He waved his gun around and I pulled out my rather oversize sledge hammer. We looked at each other, he was much higher level but I was obviously up for melee which is real strong. He put the gun away. ;) A bit further down the road, well on the side of a mountain actually I got jumped by a level 50 Scorchbeast and his followers. That was my most epic battle so far. I used up ammo wholesale and broke my sledge on his head and finally killed the sob all by myself at level 30. Many Stimpacks were used and if TimTom had not given me the ones he did I would not have this pic:

Honestly whomever greenlit this version of fallout to be released should be fired. This is the biggest embarrassment in the fallout franchise and it's destroying the reputation of the brand.
Honestly whomever greenlit this version of fallout to be released should be fired. This is the biggest embarrassment in the fallout franchise and it's destroying the reputation of the brand.

The biggest embarrassment to the franchise are these so called whining "fans" completely degrading this game, and bombarding it with over exaggerated negative feedback.

I encourage anyone to check out the [H) PC gaming thread on this game...

Proof that the majority of [H] players playing it, enjoy it... but are out weighed by our own [H] members who haven't played it, and are solely basing their opinions on streamers/review sites they love. This is what is happening to Fallout 76.

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I've watched multiple reviews and I stand by what I have to say.

The engine is almost a decade old. It shipped with physics tied to fps. It runs like shit still. Scenes at times actually look worse than fallout 4. The multiplayer is so buggy it's ridiculous, be it lag, cheats or even shitty animations.

Considering how much you're paying for what should be an expansion pack to fallout 4, it's an embarrassment to the franchise which is known for quality.

And yes, this info comes from sources that have played the release version of the game...

The biggest embarrassment to the franchise are these so called whining "fans" completely degrading this game, and bombarding it with over exaggerated negative feedback.

I encourage anyone to check out the [H) PC gaming thread on this game...

Proof that the majority of [H] players playing it, enjoy it... but are out weighed by our own [H] members who haven't played it, and are solely basing their opinions on streamers/review sites they love. This is what is happening to Fallout 76.

The biggest embarrassment to the franchise are these so called whining "fans" completely degrading this game, and bombarding it with over exaggerated negative feedback.

I encourage anyone to check out the [H) PC gaming thread on this game...

Proof that the majority of [H] players playing it, enjoy it... but are out weighed by our own [H] members who haven't played it, and are solely basing their opinions on streamers/review sites they love. This is what is happening to Fallout 76.


Critical reviews have been shit too, this isn’t just “fans” crying about nothing. This is the tipping point of many players being done with Bethesda’s shit, while the minority goes on and enjoys the game.

Personally I was done at Fallout 4 just due to game bugs. Felt kinda dumb to be dealing with the same bugs from Fallout 3 :(
I have been playing video games since Doom came out. I have played a great deal of both single and multi player games. Very few games have no bugs. The fact there are some is just a fact of complexity.

I have played all the Fallout 3D games into the thousands of hours. I have played Stalker for thousands of hours and Fallout 76 is as much fun as Stalker. Its by far the best Fallout game so far and if you want to go with some fucking review feel free, you would not like a game this wild anyway. As I used to tell people about Stalker: "Its too hard for you". I will say about Fallout 76: "Its too much fun for you". ;)
Yeish, with this and everything else, no wonder that guy destroyed a gamestop after being denied a refund. Seriously, someone need to make these devs understand that crap like this is not tolerated.
Yeish, with this and everything else, no wonder that guy destroyed a gamestop after being denied a refund. Seriously, someone need to make these devs understand that crap like this is not tolerated.
Nah, pretty sure that guy was mental. Games have bugs...don't like it? Get a refund, don't go mental. ;)
There is a guy, a high level guy, who goes around naked and is incredibly stealthy. He likes to sneak up on people, and with the always on voice chat, he will whisper in your ear."Hey wanna buy some drugs?". A few people have almost lost their composure and off course, they buy some drugs.

One of many seriously twisted RPs going on. The clown with the chainsaw actually apologized for freaking people out. ;)
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For a really dumb take, but very entertaining, Rick and Morty play Fallout 76:

I've watched multiple reviews and I stand by what I have to say.

The engine is almost a decade old. It shipped with physics tied to fps. It runs like shit still. Scenes at times actually look worse than fallout 4. The multiplayer is so buggy it's ridiculous, be it lag, cheats or even shitty animations.

Considering how much you're paying for what should be an expansion pack to fallout 4, it's an embarrassment to the franchise which is known for quality.

And yes, this info comes from sources that have played the release version of the game...
Stop with the engine shit.
Red Dead Redemption 2s engine is one year younger than CE. Not one reviewer has commented on how its "old" and "needs replacing" though. Odd. One year must make a big difference.

Hell if you go back in a time machine.. Civilization 4 is the same engine as Morrowind for 3d rendering. Engines DO what you tell them to do. They GIVE NO SHITS about the quality of the scripts run on them.

95% of the reviews I've currently seen on FO76 are based un uneducated regurgitation of shit people read on reddit. It's a mob mentality snowball effect.
The game has issues, some pretty damn major ones i expect are related to its new netcode shotgunning the engine with info until something breaks. It doesnt excuse the price or state of release but all of FO76s problems have nothing to do with the engine.

This kind of crap https://answers.unrealengine.com/spaces/11/bugs-and-crashes.html is an engine bug list. An animation file referenced incorrectly or a stretched mesh because you forgot to tell the mesh to change after exiting armour/vehicles is just general scripting errors.

Frankly, any issues with FO76 are good for gamers. It's the first time in a while Bethesda is getting a hard exposure to how players outside of their offices play their games and its a hard lesson in QA/QC.
Would you rather they learn these lessons on ES6, FO5, or starfield? I'd personally rather they learn it on a throwaway title.
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Stop with the engine shit.
Red Dead Redemption 2s engine is one year younger than CE. Not one reviewer has commented on how its "old" and "needs replacing" though. Odd. One year must make a big difference.

Hell if you go back in a time machine.. Civilization 4 is the same engine as Morrowind for 3d rendering. Engines DO what you tell them to do. They GIVE NO SHITS about the quality of the scripts run on them.

95% of the reviews I've currently seen on FO76 are based un uneducated regurgitation of shit people read on reddit. It's a mob mentality snowball effect.
The game has issues, some pretty damn major ones i expect are related to its new netcode shotgunning the engine with info until something breaks. It doesnt excuse the price or state of release but all of FO76s problems have nothing to do with the engine.

This kind of crap https://answers.unrealengine.com/spaces/11/bugs-and-crashes.html is an engine bug list. An animation file referenced incorrectly or a stretched mesh because you forgot to tell the mesh to change after exiting armour/vehicles is just general scripting errors.

Frankly, any issues with FO76 are good for gamers. It's the first time in a while Bethesda is getting a hard exposure to how players outside of their offices play their games and its a hard lesson in QA/QC.
Would you rather they learn these lessons on ES6, FO5, or starfield? I'd personally rather they learn it on a throwaway title.

The RAGE engine has been massively updated several times since Table Tennis. Gamebryo/Creation have had half-assed changes that fix fuck all and introduces a ton of new issues. There are issues that trace back to freaking Morrowind. And, no, RAGE is not one year older than CE. CE is Gamebryo with a new name, an engine that Bethesda started using in 2002!
The RAGE engine has been massively updated several times since Table Tennis. Gamebryo/Creation have had half-assed changes that fix fuck all and introduces a ton of new issues. There are issues that trace back to freaking Morrowind. And, no, RAGE is not one year older than CE. CE is Gamebryo with a new name, an engine that Bethesda started using in 2002!
Categorically incorrect.
CEs entire render engine has been replaced.. Twice(technically three times with FO76). Its sound system has been replaced. Its entire core was ripped out and rebuild for FO4 to allow for things like anchoring actors to objects(elevators/trains) and converted to a modular system allowing bolt-ons like havok and whatever flavour of the month Nvidia is pitching to be implemented quickly.

Just because you don't know the difference between assets and engines does not make the engine bad.

If you slap a shitty intake on a perfectly good high-performance car engine and then mount square tires you don't blame the engine when it runs like crap and crashes into the nearest wall.
Anyone who actually used either engine will tell you they are rock solid stable especially compared to "oops let me crash" UE4 and frostbites "i know you want to do that dave.. but nope you cant" garbage. The only real complaint anyone has had about gamebryo based platforms is that their scripting scheme has a rather harsh and high learning curve.

You want to complain about FO76 having serious netcode issues and world loading issues because they jumped the gun after updating atlas? Sure go hog wild they deserve every shred of criticism for it. FO76 is not release ready by anyone's professional opinion. It doesn't even matter than getting netcode to work well with everything attached to atlas is a real challenge by anyone's measurement of difficulty. There are so many error-ridden instances I can VISUALLY see they deserve no mercy for people calling out the bugs.

However, those are SCRIPTING BUGS NOT engine problems.To go back to the car analogy a car with square wheels does not have an engine problem. The engine is fine and does its job just fine. The car will start and it will still give it power. Just because you, the user/developer, put square wheels on it and can't drive worth a damn doesn't change the fact that the ENGINE is doing its job exactly as designed.
This guy is way nicer than me, I'd be destroying everyone and everything I came across.
"Stop with the engine shit" uhh when the game is advertised as AAA and sold for.. how much? Then criticism of the Engine is plenty appropriate. Actually, plenty of reviewers have talked about how the engine is old, you're just blind and ignorant to those who are saying that, since you clearly can't even handle just one person criticising it (me).

RDR2 looks orders of magnitude more detailed than FO76, and it for sure is a newer engine than FO76/FO4/etc, plus RDR2 runs on the PLAYSTATION FOUR, not on PC.

Oh, and there's also the Frostbite engines, Crytek engines, and so many more, that came out this year, last year, and the years before that, that also look orders of magnitude better than FO76.

Stop ignoring the truth. The engine for FO76 is garbage and an insult to the gaming community. I mean for fuck's sake, they patched out the physics component being tied to FPS _AFTER RELEASE_.

But hey, if you want to ignore the rest of the world, and the clear, reproducible examples that are presented, demonstrating how FO76 is a complete rip off, by all means, go stick your head in a pile of sand and have a nice day! :)

Stop with the engine shit.
Red Dead Redemption 2s engine is one year younger than CE. Not one reviewer has commented on how its "old" and "needs replacing" though. Odd. One year must make a big difference.

Hell if you go back in a time machine.. Civilization 4 is the same engine as Morrowind for 3d rendering. Engines DO what you tell them to do. They GIVE NO SHITS about the quality of the scripts run on them.

95% of the reviews I've currently seen on FO76 are based un uneducated regurgitation of shit people read on reddit. It's a mob mentality snowball effect.
The game has issues, some pretty damn major ones i expect are related to its new netcode shotgunning the engine with info until something breaks. It doesnt excuse the price or state of release but all of FO76s problems have nothing to do with the engine.

This kind of crap https://answers.unrealengine.com/spaces/11/bugs-and-crashes.html is an engine bug list. An animation file referenced incorrectly or a stretched mesh because you forgot to tell the mesh to change after exiting armour/vehicles is just general scripting errors.

Frankly, any issues with FO76 are good for gamers. It's the first time in a while Bethesda is getting a hard exposure to how players outside of their offices play their games and its a hard lesson in QA/QC.
Would you rather they learn these lessons on ES6, FO5, or starfield? I'd personally rather they learn it on a throwaway title.
"Stop with the engine shit" uhh when the game is advertised as AAA and sold for.. how much? Then criticism of the Engine is plenty appropriate. Actually, plenty of reviewers have talked about how the engine is old, you're just blind and ignorant to those who are saying that, since you clearly can't even handle just one person criticising it (me).

RDR2 looks orders of magnitude more detailed than FO76, and it for sure is a newer engine than FO76/FO4/etc, plus RDR2 runs on the PLAYSTATION FOUR, not on PC.

Oh, and there's also the Frostbite engines, Crytek engines, and so many more, that came out this year, last year, and the years before that, that also look orders of magnitude better than FO76.

Stop ignoring the truth. The engine for FO76 is garbage and an insult to the gaming community. I mean for fuck's sake, they patched out the physics component being tied to FPS _AFTER RELEASE_.

But hey, if you want to ignore the rest of the world, and the clear, reproducible examples that are presented, demonstrating how FO76 is a complete rip off, by all means, go stick your head in a pile of sand and have a nice day! :)
First off the physics locking thing is choice. It's not required. Its existence was a choice by the developers for whatever cost/performance need it presented. That's part of the problem. Your "reviewers" are not generally exposed to what an engine is. They see an asset(art/meshes/animation) and assume that is somehow an engine element. It is not. The engine takes those assets and does a very specific set of things to translate them into a 3d space. If you use poor assets on a good engine you get a poor looking game. The engine has nothing to do with that.

I am not telling people that the game is good. It's not. If I was on the team that released it I would have bluntly told my superior it needed another 6mo/year to polish.
I am not telling people Bethesda makes great meshes and animations. They need to hire more animation specialists and artists. The only functional reason the animations for FO3/4/76 look clunky is because well.. they ARE clunky. They were made that way. The engine is playing them exactly as it was told to do, however.
I am not telling people that Bethesda is a practical titan of script errors. I can understand WHY they have so many considering the complexity they are working with.. but there is a point where you can't really forgive it anymore. A script error is not an engine error. The engine will happily run that script right to a fiery crash.

Let's have a visual game for a minute.


These are identical render engines. Civ4 uses gamebryo elements for rendering to give it a "3D" look. Morrowind uses a practically off the shelf gamebryo engine. Notice how the engine doesn't give a damn if it's rendering a crappy low poly tank or a crappy low poly axe? It also wouldn't care if it rendered a massively higher poly model either. Regardless of FO76s quality any... let me repeat that... ANY model in FO76 could be translated and work perfectly well in OBLIVION. Hell with access to the right tools it could display perfectly well in MORROWIND. The engine DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN what model its told to render as long as it fits within a set series of pretty darn wide parameters.

When you see those FO76 pictures of stretched meshes? That's because someone forgot to tell the engine to restore them upon exiting armor/vehicals. It's a common "trick" to stretch models rather than lock yourself to trying to make them fit perfectly in an overly large model. If this was an engine bug chances are nothing would be rendered or it would flatly crash.

When you see the animation "pop" in that is a cell glitch. Atlas, or the "world as rendered", in a single player fallout game loads cells a set distance from you. FO76s main challenge netcode wise is that it has to load cells from multiple people identically and fluidly. This is a double whammy error. Chances are its a netcode error(engine) and a script error. Considering ID did the netcode..I'm leaning more to script errors. Think about it like the AI version of "texture pop in".

So no. The engine is not older than any other commercially open engine. The reviewers are clueless idiots on youtube 90% of the time that just latch onto whatever gives them views. The games unfinished and unpolished. State that. That is accurate. Blaming an engine when quite bluntly 99.9% of gamers don't have a damn clue what an engine is anyway is stupid and makes the entire gaming community look like a bunch of spoiled dumbasses.

There is an old saying which states:
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"
The internet turned everyone into having a "little knowledge" about everything. With certain topics like game engines, it turned a massive ton of people into morons who actually think switching an engine instantly updates its graphics. Want a reality check? Frostbite cant run FO4. It would light itself on fire and quit. UE Could actually run a FO4 world.. terribly. It would have SOOOO many issues with the number of objects and the size of the world. Unity wouldn't even try. Why does Bethesda use CE? Well, that's what its built for. Its the engine that sacrifices some complexity for the ability to load an infinite game space. Engines are TOOLs. Things we use to USE ASSETS to CREATE a game. They ARE NOT a game. They are also infinitely evolving tools. EVERY engine used by EVERY company has been updated between projects. The ludicrous stupidity that people think developers never touch their money making tools absolutely astounds me.