FAHmon access to webspace?


Jun 12, 2006
I have my laptop folding all over the place, and figured it would be nice to upload my logs to some webspace, and have FAHmon access the log file by using the address of the uploaded log, basically allowing me to keep FAHmon updated, no matter where my laptop is. Has anyone tried this, and if it's even possible, how'd you pull it off? :D

EDIT: Crap...did some further searching through FAHmon stuff....http apparently not supported....has anyone been able to manage tracking over multiple networks?

Further edit:

Disregard....I found a bit of a funny (albeit hackish) way around this....upload FAHlog.txt and unitinfo.txt to some webspace, then have a scheduled task grab them using command line ftp, then access a network folder with these files stored in FAHmon :D

end result of all of this is this