Facebook’s New Facial Recognition Feature Finds You in Untagged Photos


Aug 20, 2006
Facebook announced that it will start using its facial recognition technology to find photos of you across its site, even if you aren't tagged in those photos. The idea is to give you more control over your identity online by informing you when your face appears in a photo, even those you don't know about. It is powered by the same AI technology used to suggest friends you may want to tag in your own uploaded images.

You control whether Facebook can recognize you in photos and videos. Soon, you will begin to see a simple on/off switch instead of settings for individual features that use face recognition technology. We designed this as an on/off switch because people gave us feedback that they prefer a simpler control than having to decide for every single feature using face recognition technology.
How about automatically blanking your image from those photos unless you explicitly approve of each one?

Surely the tech exists for the one if it exists for the other.
Facebook is the root of all evil and I'm blown away how most people still haven't seen the light. Even FB ex CEO admitted he's afraid and ashamed of their creation and advised nobody to use it.
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How about automatically blanking your image from those photos unless you explicitly approve of each one?

Surely the tech exists for the one if it exists for the other.
No no no, sharing is caring, think of the shareholders if everyone decided to blank out their face...
All this after they want everyone to upload a quality photo of your face so they can use it for security purposes.....sign me up guys!!!!!!!! o_O:confused:
speaking of photos of you all about.. I have wondered just how many vacation photos i am in for people from all over the world.

Me and a buddy used to hang out in a very popular tourist area in LA having drinks/cigar and people watch, as people would be taking photos all over.
Soon, you will begin to see a simple on/off switch instead of settings for individual features that use face recognition technology. We designed this as an on/off switch because people gave us feedback that they prefer a simpler control than having to decide for every single feature using face recognition technology.

So FB decided that people wanted the whole thing simpler, all in, or all out. If there is any part of the photo recognition features that you want, it's all or nothing so .........