Facebook Will Launch Pre-roll Video Ads in 2018


Aug 20, 2006
For years, Facebook executives have said they don’t want to run “pre-roll” ads — ads that run before you get to watch the video you want to play — because users don’t like them. Now, Facebook is going to start running pre-roll ads.

Facebook, which declined to comment for this story, is expected to begin studying how users respond to the new commercial experience in the coming weeks. "YouTube already established that people will sit through and tolerate pre-roll," says Steve Ellis, CEO of WhoSay, a social influencer marketing company. "It's proven that they haven't sent consumers fleeing.”
I skip them immediately as soon as I'm able and if I can't skip them I don't watch the video.

Has anyone proven these ads actually help sell anything?
Quite fond of the ads that pop up randomly in the middle of short videos. Have yet to find the proper combination of script blockers to prevent it yet, unfortunately.
Glad i stopped using facebook months ago.....it really is just a bunch of crap floating around anymore. Lots of clickbait articles and nonsense.
seems like the adblock on my computer does a pretty good job keeping those off the YT videos I watch. It catches me off guard when I watch a YT video on a different computer!
I already stop watching videos when an ad starts a few seconds in. This is going to save me even more time, since I'll be watching even less video on FB now. THANKS!

Hmm, I will respond by uninstalling facebook. I know what I'm about the watch on youtube.I followed a link to get me there - so waiting for a short ad makes sense. On FB, why am I going to watch a 10-15 second ad before another stupid "make this recipe in 5 seconds" video?
"YouTube already established that people who don't know about adblockers will sit through and tolerate pre-roll,"

Has anyone proven these ads actually help sell anything?

Overpaid advertising executives tell the even more overpaid CEO's that don't do any work that advertising is the reason they sell products. That's about it for "evidence". If the advertising executives told the truth that demand for a certain product at the highest quality possible at the lowest cost possible drove purchasing (Fordism), they'd all be out of jobs. People are always looking for the best product at the cheapest cost to meet their needs, they don't care about fancy brand name advertising. Someone can come out tomorrow with a top of the line phone, car, etc that has all the features one wants at half the price, and people would stop buying Apple/Google phones, Ford, Kia, Toyotas, etc (if those companies don't cut prices to compete).
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One of the biggest reasons we dropped our Google TV Service and kept just the Google Fiber was commercials. They are incredibly pervasive. I remember a time where during a 30 minute show or an hour long show you would see 2 and 3 or 4 commercials respectively. Lately it seems you have to endure 8 to 10 minutes of commercials per 30 minutes of programing.

Also, the younger you are the more patience you have toward marketing ( commercials ) because you're still in that mental stage where your influenced by items that will make you more desirable to society. Us old fuckers could care less if we have a brand new pair of "kicks" ...

I have my Facebook experience seriously toned down via a handful of Firefox addons and, thank god.
i load up a bunch of videos in tabs, and by the time they're all loaded, the ads are done.

I never actually sit through that shit. I'm on another tab doing something else
I skip them immediately as soon as I'm able and if I can't skip them I don't watch the video.

Has anyone proven these ads actually help sell anything?

I wonder that too. All of these media scumbags keep pushing views and exposure and all of that other bullshit, but what about actual translation into sales, as in results? Seems these parasites just focus on the beginning now of pushing ads and have moved away from what they used to be about, results being increased sales. I know for sure I've never bought a single damn thing because of an internet ad in the past 20 or so years.

Anyway, they seem insistent upon grabbing the worst facet of youtube and trying to spin it as a positive. Typical marketing.
Facebook, oh facebook. I'm not participating anyway, but the ads pretty much keep me off youtube these days; I'm not paying for premium memberships to watch the odd cat video or crap-resolution music video.
I'm ready to go back to IRC.
Glad I deleted my FB earlier this year, what a waste of my time, fun while it lasted though!
Overpaid advertising executives tell the even more overpaid CEO's that don't do any work that advertising is the reason they sell products. That's about it for "evidence". If the advertising executives told the truth that demand for a certain product at the highest quality possible at the lowest cost possible drove purchasing (Fordism), they'd all be out of jobs. People are always looking for the best product at the cheapest cost to meet their needs, they don't care about fancy brand name advertising. Someone can come out tomorrow with a top of the line phone, car, etc that has all the features one wants at half the price, and people would stop buying Apple/Google phones, Ford, Kia, Toyotas, etc (if those companies don't cut prices to compete).
I think you really underestime the power of suggestion.
Do you not know any people who buy the thing the salesperson reccommends or that looks the best, even if the price is high? Or the thing that they have seen ads for countless times instead of the cheaper, yet unknow alternative?
IF I have to see ads I would rather a pre roll ad than one that starts 20-30 seconds into a video. I dont watch many vids on FB but when I do it irritates the shit out of me when an ad starts in the middle of a vid. If FB wasnt a HUGE part of networking dogs for the rescue I probably wouldnt use it.
I skip them immediately as soon as I'm able and if I can't skip them I don't watch the video.

Has anyone proven these ads actually help sell anything?
Well 99% of people, probably not. But as long as that 1% buys enough to offset the cost of ads, then it's profitable to annoy the other 99%

Overpaid advertising executives tell the even more overpaid CEO's that don't do any work that advertising is the reason they sell products. That's about it for "evidence". If the advertising executives told the truth that demand for a certain product at the highest quality possible at the lowest cost possible drove purchasing (Fordism), they'd all be out of jobs. People are always looking for the best product at the cheapest cost to meet their needs, they don't care about fancy brand name advertising. Someone can come out tomorrow with a top of the line phone, car, etc that has all the features one wants at half the price, and people would stop buying Apple/Google phones, Ford, Kia, Toyotas, etc (if those companies don't cut prices to compete).
That's not true at all. There have been experiments in the past where big, well known, established brands pulled advertising because their products spoke for themselves. Guess what happened? Profits went down. WAY down. Why do you think Coke makes ads every year? You think there are that many people who've never heard of it? It's because they start losing if they don't run obligatory "we're still here" ads. It really makes a difference in revenue.

Hell, why do you think many best selling video games often spend more on marketing than to make the game itself?
Remember, it's not about making money.

It's not even about making lots of money.

It's about making MORE MONEY.
Glad i stopped using facebook months ago.....it really is just a bunch of crap floating around anymore. Lots of clickbait articles and nonsense.

This. Been a Facebook member shortly after it's inception and was open to more colleges other than just Harvard. Ever since they opened it up to the public I've been annoyed with it and earlier this year I just stopped using it altogether. I feel it has a greater negative impact on society and culture today than the fee positives it offers.

I keep hoping it dies like MySpace did.
Overpaid advertising executives tell the even more overpaid CEO's that don't do any work that advertising is the reason they sell products. That's about it for "evidence". If the advertising executives told the truth that demand for a certain product at the highest quality possible at the lowest cost possible drove purchasing (Fordism), they'd all be out of jobs. People are always looking for the best product at the cheapest cost to meet their needs, they don't care about fancy brand name advertising. Someone can come out tomorrow with a top of the line phone, car, etc that has all the features one wants at half the price, and people would stop buying Apple/Google phones, Ford, Kia, Toyotas, etc (if those companies don't cut prices to compete).
I have an MBA, not to pull credentials or whatever, but I can say that in my studies and coursework we covered plenty of marketing campaigns, and they work - the question I have is if online advertising in the form of video ads works? Most people I know skip them or block them immediately. I'd love to see a study on how many conversions they actually get from that type of advertising. They're not a captive audience like people watching a TV show or listening to the radio - it's super easy to just tab over to another window or browser tab or just click to skip the video ad.