Facebook Parent Company Meta loses record $230B in one day.

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Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
Meta, newly established parent company of Facebook lost $230 Billion in market value yesterday after Facebook reported its first ever decline in Facebook users.

This is the largest single day market capitalization loss of any company. The $230B loss, greater in total value than all but the top 47 publicly listed companies resulted in Mark Zuckerberg personally tumbling from 9th to 12th on the worlds wealthiest people list.

To this I only have one thing to say:


I hope Meta loses its remaining market cap as well.
Will we see some wave of take about why government should give tax credit on that evaluation loss, like we see the other way around when a market say that someone gained value ?....
it needs to go to zero and be completely dissolved and disbanded.

Only for something else to be put in it's place, as would most likely occur. However, the Metaverse is a real thing of the near future and as such, Meta is not going to be going away.
Why do you people even care? Like it some kind of win. If Facebook dies something else will rise to take it's place.
It is being replaced by alternatives that care about free speech. People are starting to get "woke" to it's oppressive censorship. I dumped it awhile back.

They started filtering the content people see when they disallowed users from sorting their news feed by post order and Fakebook replaced it with their own algorithm. You will literally not see posts from many of your friends, due to their biased algorithm. Most people are oblivious.

I wish Google would go the same way, but their stock is going in the opposite direction as Facebook's... Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple are like the Borg.
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It is being replaced by alternatives that care about free speech. People are starting to get "woke" to it's oppressive censorship.
You know that won't happen. It proabably be even worse then what FB is. You people don't even use it and has no effect on your lives.
Glad I finally pulled the trigger and sold my shares in early December. I’ve had a moral issue for a while but it took a long time to put my money where my morals are.

That aside, as the ads were getting insane recently I guessed it was going to not be great. I’ve noticed they always get worse once a quarter :)

Just wish I could actually get rid of them but my friends and family are all over the world
That's the stock market for you when there is a big swing in a large corp.

Tomorrow's headline will be "Biggest gain ever" just recouping it..
Is WhatsApp own by facebook or Microsoft?

Because from various source, it says facebook owns Whatsapp. But when I want to download Whatsapp for desktop PC, I end up on Microsoft website. How does Microsoft ties into this?
Is WhatsApp own by facebook or Microsoft?

Because from various source, it says facebook owns Whatsapp. But when I want to download Whatsapp for desktop PC, I end up on Microsoft website. How does Microsoft ties into this?

It's on the MS store, just because Meta wanted it there I guess.
I don't know why this thread was revived, but since it was, I decided to go back and look at Meta's stock performance.


Doesn't look any prettier now than it did in February. They've pretty much wiped out all gains since early to mid 2017.
What do you call that? "A good start."

I don't mind their original social network. Don't get me wrong, I hate that they collect data on people and make money off of that. I wish we could go back to the time when "contextual ads" were as far as companies would go, but the social network has helped me keep in touch with friends I otherwise wouldn't have been able to and I appreciate that.

The new VR Meta bullshit? Yeah, that can die in a fire.

I'm not creating a fake cartoon version of myself and collaborating with other people via VR. Will never happen.

I will also never spend real money on virtual outfits for my virtual version of myself, because I am not a fucking moron. Fuck, I hire people. I tend to google them before I do. I don't think I could bring myself to even hire anyone who does. If they have such poor judgment in their personal lives, how can I trust them to do a job?

They claim this is the future and they want it in work places. If it happens at work I'll quit and find another job.

The "Metaverse" bullshit is a big fat red fucking line for me.
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I don't know why this thread was revived, but since it was, I decided to go back and look at Meta's stock performance.

View attachment 521853

Doesn't look any prettier now than it did in February. They've pretty much wiped out all gains since early to mid 2017.
God, I wish Amazon would drop like that.
I don't mind their original social network. Don't get me wrong, I hate that they collect data on people and make money off of that. I wish we could go back to the time when "contextual ads" were as far as companies would go, but the social network has helped me keep in touch with friends I otherwise wouldn't have been able to and I appreciate that.

The new VR Meta bullshit? Yeah, that can die in a fire.

I'm not creating a fake cartoon version of myself and collaborating with other people via VR. Will never happen.

I will also never spend real money on virtual outfits for my virtual version of myself, because I am not a fucking moron. Fuck, I hire people. I tend to google them before I do. I don't think I could bring myself to even hire anyone who does. If they have such poor judgment in their personal lives, how can I trust them to do a job?

They claim this is the future and they want it in work places. If it happens at work I'll quit and find another job.

The "Metaverse" bullshit is a big fat red fucking line for me.
Gee, thanks, so you're the type person have to hide my online profile from.
Glad I don't post my face online and suspended my FB account til I can get a job. I hate it when employers check profiles, you never know if they have a bias toward one thing or another.
God, I wish Amazon would drop like that.

Gee, thanks, so you're the type person have to hide my online profile from.
Glad I don't post my face online and suspended my FB account til I can get a job. I hate it when employers check profiles, you never know if they have a bias toward one thing or another.

I tend to think that absolutely anyhting that is a legitimate predictor of judgment should be on the table.
Glad I don't post my face online and suspended my FB account til I can get a job. I hate it when employers check profile
Why would you ever tell a prospective employer about social media accounts? My FB profile is set so that only friends can see my posts, and I would tell someone I was interviewing with I didn't even have one.
Gee, thanks, so you're the type person have to hide my online profile from.
Glad I don't post my face online and suspended my FB account til I can get a job. I hate it when employers check profiles, you never know if they have a bias toward one thing or another.
I use Facebook all the time to search up people before they reach my desk. Its awesome. The disconnect between what they put online and actual reality is nothing short of amazing. Online, their car is new, career is six figures, always on vacation, and they're attractive. In person, the car was in a parking lot, they're unemployed, vacation photo was from online, and they barely look like any online photos.
Why would you ever tell a prospective employer about social media accounts? My FB profile is set so that only friends can see my posts, and I would tell someone I was interviewing with I didn't even have one.
You don't have to tell them. They can look without your permission. I believe most employers are brazen enough to demand your social media info.
You don't have to tell them. They can look without your permission. I believe most employers are brazen enough to demand your social media info.

I wouldn't do that, and I have never run across it either (though I think it might be a requirement for jobs that require a security clearance).

I just do a general googling and search social media to get a feel for the vibe of the person I am interviewing.

Trying to assess if they will be a good fit for a collegiate atmosphere (low drama, not overly confrontational) as well as if there is anything that indicates any serious gaps in judgment.

Nothing that should be too intrusive.

If I don't find anything, I generally take that as a sign of good judgment, either because there is no evidence of bad judgment or because they have the good sense to keep it private :p
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That's one reason I don't have an account with any platform that meets my definition* of "social media".

*The qualifier is necessary to prevent some wise-ass from pointing out that web forums and even email are forms of social media. :p (Yes, they're both "social media" if you want them to be.)
That's one reason I don't have an account with any platform that meets my definition* of "social media".

*The qualifier is necessary to prevent some wise-ass from pointing out that web forums and even email are forms of social media. :p (Yes, they're both "social media" if you want them to be.)
You don't have to tell them. They can look without your permission. I believe most employers are brazen enough to demand your social media info.
There are obvious solutions: don't use the same email in your job search as you do in your FB account, don't use your real picture on your profile, and set your default posts and all info to "friends only." There are so many people out there with the same name, you've got plausible deniability. "Huh, that guy with the picture of a video game character? Nope, not me."
Why would you ever tell a prospective employer about social media accounts? My FB profile is set so that only friends can see my posts, and I would tell someone I was interviewing with I didn't even have one.
I don't, but like what Zara, there's Goggle.
You don't have to tell them. They can look without your permission. I believe most employers are brazen enough to demand your social media info.
I think there was a thread about it a few years ago.

Anyway, stuff like supporting law enforcement or something else could trigger a employer, that's why I'm not fond of them looking at people's online life, they're not your friend or in your circle. What's next, they take a trip to your house, look at your friend's pages? A person could be a excellent worker and as long as they keep their private life out of the workplace, and not a criminal, they can be a Nazi for all I care.
I don't know why this thread was revived, but since it was, I decided to go back and look at Meta's stock performance.

View attachment 521853

Doesn't look any prettier now than it did in February. They've pretty much wiped out all gains since early to mid 2017.
It was revived because Hopping wanted to know who owns Whatsapp.
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