Facebook Games?


May 19, 2005
I know these are not really Flash based but what does everyone thing about them? Some of my friends believe they are ruining Facebook. What is everyone else's thoughts?
I like Mafia wars. They aren't ruining facebook, people just need to stop publishing everything they do.
i play a lot of bejeweled blitz, tetris friends, vdream racing. I dont care how shitty facebook or social sites are, its fun to be able to play games against 100 of ur friends everyday at work :D
I agree that there is some inherit fun to be had by involving people you actually know IRL
these games are ruining my life.... now everyone knows that i'm playing them while i work
I signed up to facebook for Biotronics alone. I only friended my wife to play against her. No friends, no friend Reqs, fake name, no pictures. Just biotronics.
I like Mafia wars. They aren't ruining facebook, people just need to stop publishing everything they do.

Hover over the top right corner of the notification and select "HIDE MAFIA WARS". In fact, I do it on EVERYTHING. All those silly quizzes, all those stupid annoucments. Ugh. Hide it.

Now, if only the computers will update their Flash player so I can play Farkle at work...
Castle Age for me...

I 2nd the point that people shouldnt post a play by play of what's happening in their game instance...
now that bejeweled blitz is on the iphone/touch i can play it at work while im on the shitter! woooo
They're great, except for all the invitations. Seriously, folks, I'm not going to help you with your bleeping farm. Stop asking.
anyone play fishville that wants to be a neighbor? i'm obsessed with this game for some reason.....

doesn't anyone play these at work or anything? i need assistance!!!