Exchange Admins: Mailbox Management Screw Up?


Apr 5, 2001
Well this blows. I got tired of manually cleaning the HelpDesk and Master System Account, so I created mailbox management recipient policies for them. I set it to delete any emails over 14 days old. I just ran it, and I get a call from a girl over in records saying she got a message stating that Exchange had performed cleaning of their mailbox, and 13 items were deleted. The routine was the SYSTEM ADMIN one I created (as showing in her email). So now her 13 messages are permanently gone, and I'm here scrathing my head wondering how in the holy hell could Exchange mistake her box for a Domain Admin box? WTF?? UPDATE: It's now been reported by 20+ users... :confused:

Exchange 2003 SP1.

I killed the policy for now, but I'd still like to automatically clean the boxes at some point in the future.
It is my understanding that you should not even touch the SA account... a lot of exchange-specific information is shared between SA mailboxes. I sure feel for you, though :(
For some reason I thought those policies were system wide, not just mailbox specific. Unless you went into Domain Users and Computers, clicked on the account, selected Exchange General tab, and changed it in there. Then those are account specific. Most things done in Exchange System Manager have to do with the whole system, not an individual mailbox.
ianshot said:
For some reason I thought those policies were system wide, not just mailbox specific. Unless you went into Domain Users and Computers, clicked on the account, selected Exchange General tab, and changed it in there. Then those are account specific. Most things done in Exchange System Manager have to do with the whole system, not an individual mailbox.

Yes, but in Exchange 2003 SP1 it asks you what mailbox to apply these settings to. I did it for HelpDesk and it worke dlike a charm. Then I try the Domain Admin mailbox and all hell breaks loose. Trying to do a recovery group restore now, and Veritas is being a @&*! BASTARD :mad:
Sorry, I am used to Exchange 2000. We are upgrading to 2003 SP2 here in two weeks.
What's the deleted items retention length? Depending on the settings, the items may still be retained and can be "undeleted" though Outlook.