Exchange 2010 CAS array with NLB


Limp Gawd
May 27, 2009
I'm trying to decide if my expectations are to high for Windows Network load balancing and Exchange CAS. Right now when I fail a CAS server, Outlook goes into disconnected mode, and requests a password, I can ether enter in the password, or close and reopen outlook and it connect without any issues. My expectations is that when a CAS server fails outlook after 30 or so seconds, it will fail over to the new CAS server without user intervention.

My setup:
Windows 2008r2
Exchange 2010 sp2 (2 Running CAS/Hub, 2 running Mailbox DB in DAG)
All running on VMware 4.1

Test box is Win 7 and Outlook 2010.
Honestly, I've been struggling with this ever since 2010 came out. No matter what I try, I can never get Outlook to reconnect silently to 2010 after rebooting the server or failing to another server.

Everything points to it being an RPC over HTTP related thing, but even with that completely disabled both server and client side.

I have stumbled across this KB article before that describes the exact issue, but says it's for Outlook 2007 only:

I also just found this new forum post that might be a good lead:

That looks like it would help in my case with a single server, but not in yours, though. If you google it, you'll find a million pages with the same issues, but no real fixes. Here's another with some info:

Looks like Kerberos instead of NTLM might be a fix, who knows.
Anyone enabled Kerberos auth? Im mostly wondering what the side affects will be, if any.