EVGA 7800 GT series - question


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2005
Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the difference between the different 7800 GTs in the EVGA product line are?

I see:

7800 GT CO
7800 GT CO SE
7800 GT

Is that the order of best to worst? The website doesn't really clear things up for me much either.

Your help on this would be greatly appreciated.
BoredTiger said:
Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the difference between the different 7800 GTs in the EVGA product line are?

I see:

7800 GT CO
7800 GT CO SE
7800 GT

Is that the order of best to worst? The website doesn't really clear things up for me much either.

Your help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I think that the difference in them is that the best one has the copper HSF and is factory overclocked, while the cheaper one has the Alum. HSF. and is basically normal clocked.

But if you're going to be swapping out the fan, like a zalman vf700, then just get the cheaper one. And i believe that they should all overclock about the same with the same cooling equip.

So, if one was water cooling it, then they will all overclock the same (within 5-10mhz on GPU and Mem) and there will be no diffrence at all?

I guess what I'm asking is does EVGA slect the better chips to go into 470mhz/1100mhz clocked ones or just rely on the cooling solution to get better clocks and do no other testing?
nice follow up Pyro.

I am curious about this as well...if the cooling solution is all that differentiates these cards.
BoredTiger said:
nice follow up Pyro.

I am curious about this as well...if the cooling solution is all that differentiates these cards.

I'm not completely sure myself, but i believe that yes it is just mainly the difference in cooling solutions, and the better the cooling, the better overclock you get. Plus it's a factory overclock, not a max overclock...kinda like advertising for sales in a way.. All of them should hold the same overclocking abilities though.


i perfer the use of coolbits to overclock my gpu since i never had the time to go around learning how to use rivatuner.
anthongy817 said:
i perfer the use of coolbits to overclock my gpu since i never had the time to go around learning how to use rivatuner.

Heh, both are capped in some situations... If you try to get over a 50% over clock, nether seems to do well enough because they do that gay testing thing. I have to use some odd program to get my 6800 over the 475mhz point, then use RivaTuner to monitor the card and Coolbits to save the OC and apply it at boot :p . Oh, and you have to remember MBM to make sure the extra heat output is not sending your CPU temps through the roof if you are using a Shuttle ;) .

I'll probably go ask if they do any extra testing on the EVGA form, and see if the techs pick up on it and give me an answer. They sure as heck did when I got one of the sample core 6800nu’s the first time around... They REALLY didn’t like it when I put the picture of that core up there.