eVGA 6800GT overclocking sadness


Sep 18, 2002
Yup - just as it states. I'm sad that my eVGA 6800GT (AGP) will not overclock more than 410/1080 without artifacting in 3dMark05.

I've even used Omniextreme to modify my stock bios to 1.4v and still not any better. Can anyone help me here? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Perhaps another mfg bios will work better?
CypHill said:
Yup - just as it states. I'm sad that my eVGA 6800GT (AGP) will not overclock more than 410/1080 without artifacting in 3dMark05.

I've even used Omniextreme to modify my stock bios to 1.4v and still not any better. Can anyone help me here? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Perhaps another mfg bios will work better?

What are on about? That's already over Ultra stats on the core speed. Just be happy with that....or if that's not possible, get a NV silencer 5 or Zalman's whatthehellwasthenumber-cooler.
jimpo said:
What are on about? That's already over Ultra stats on the core speed. Just be happy with that....or if that's not possible, get a NV silencer 5 or Zalman's whatthehellwasthenumber-cooler.

The memory score is lower than Ultra specs..

Also - lots of people get success with the voltmods - however it doesn't do a thing for me..
I'm gonna try out a few other bios just to check.
Every graphics card is special. Some just do not go as high as others.
CypHill said:
Also - lots of people get success with the voltmods - however it doesn't do a thing for me..
I'm gonna try out a few other bios just to check.
Kind of a duh question but I have to ask... did you flash the modified BIOS with NVFLASH after editing it? In case not, OmniExtreme edit just modifies ROM files but you need something to flash it into your card's physical BIOS ROM...

although, this really helps overclock the core more than the memory...
its your cooling. Mine hits 410/1130 before locking up. My core temp is well into the 80's.

The volt mod will only make things worse until you improve the cooling. There is a reason the ultra's have a better cooler......
my BFG 6800GT hits 430/1158 (with NV5 arctic cooler installed.. load tems 60-62C)

like others said, it's all luck of the draw
My GT is also not a OC monster.
You hear mostly about how someone hit's big scores. Trust Me there is much more people who don't want to post their bad scores.

Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes - I did reflash - I used nvflash with the -5 and -6 parameters.

Ya I'm going to redo the cooling on this POS. I took it off earlier to see how it comes apart and noticed the "thermal pads" for the ram is a freaking joke - feels like cloth.

I'm thinking of using a 1U copper cooler and drilling out appropriate holes in the heatsink.

Can anyone measure the holes and measure their distance from each other on the 6800GT? I'm at work right now and have the opportunity to buy a heatsink on the way back hom tonight.
Infotiger said:
Cry baby, cry :(
Or just sell it to me cheap and get a real Ultra @ $399. ;)

That's a pretty insightful response to my question- thanks for stopping by.
hey would you be happy with something that you paid 400 bucks or less for and get to ultra speeds...or me, bought an ultra for 500 bucks (only thing that was availible at local cusa) and could only get the memory 20mhz over stock? although the core gets 443 ..but still...

and yes.. throw a nvsilencer 5 on that thang and get that memopry to over ultra speeds and that core to 425 or something
i just bought 2 ultras to upgrade from my 3 day old GT. IF you're that hung up on performance do the same :p
jbean7457 said:
my BFG 6800GT hits 430/1158 (with NV5 arctic cooler installed.. load tems 60-62C)

like others said, it's all luck of the draw

Can you sustain a 1600x1200 w/ AA and AF for multiple hours without artifacts?

I have noticed my GT's can run 420 1130, no problem in older games and even newer games for brief runs, but I will start to get texture errors after an hour or so, sometimes even 30mins depending on ambien (it is getting hotter in CA now damnit!!!) My load temps don't even get above 55C which is weird... I am thinking the cores are good, but the memory is insulated with that thick ass crap they put on the stock coolers...
I have a QuadroFX 3400 (basically a way over-priced 6800 GT); the core and memory are both cooled via a Koolance 6800GT-specific block on my Exos system. Anyway, I can OC the core to 460 and the memory to 1200. Load temps sometimes hit as high as 52, but then it's sharing water with my CPU which is at >4.0.

Not bragging, just throwing this out to suggest what good water cooling can get you. The Koolance block seems to really kick ass. I suppose it's possible that higher testing cores are used in the Quadro FX series though.
J-Mag said:
Can you sustain a 1600x1200 w/ AA and AF for multiple hours without artifacts?

I have noticed my GT's can run 420 1130, no problem in older games and even newer games for brief runs, but I will start to get texture errors after an hour or so, sometimes even 30mins depending on ambien (it is getting hotter in CA now damnit!!!) My load temps don't even get above 55C which is weird... I am thinking the cores are good, but the memory is insulated with that thick ass crap they put on the stock coolers...

that's the highest I can run Aquamark 3 at, I play games on it @ 420/1140 all the time for hours on end, so I don't know if 430/1158 will hold up for hours on end.
What resolution / AA / AF you play at?

Like, I could run any game at 1280x960 at higher clock speeds without corruption vs 1600x1200..
J-Mag said:
Can you sustain a 1600x1200 w/ AA and AF for multiple hours without artifacts?

I have noticed my GT's can run 420 1130, no problem in older games and even newer games for brief runs, but I will start to get texture errors after an hour or so, sometimes even 30mins depending on ambien (it is getting hotter in CA now damnit!!!) My load temps don't even get above 55C which is weird... I am thinking the cores are good, but the memory is insulated with that thick ass crap they put on the stock coolers...

ofcourse ur temps are going above 55c....I bet u are checking the temp right when u exit a game dont you? :p use rivatuner
Well it seems to be stable now at 415/1120

Thanks to a new power supply. I'm gonna play around with some more drivers to see if it'll be stable at 420 or higher.
aZn_plyR said:
ofcourse ur temps are going above 55c....I bet u are checking the temp right when u exit a game dont you? :p use rivatuner

true, I am assumming it is mildly higher when actually running a game :p
the instant you quit a game or graphics benchmarking program your temps can drop as much as 10C or more. You gotta have rivatuner running in the background the whole time to see what your peak high temp is.

I'm around 52 @ idle to around 62 @ load (with a NV5 silencer mind you)... my temps before I installed it were much higher @ load... around 80C or so