Everquest Next Landmark. Pay for Alpha.

Charging for the privilege of testing? No thanks. Learned my lesson there with Diablo 3. Still I will watch with a keen interest how this game develops
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Trailblazer pack is the way to go.
Buy it for $99, sell 4 beta key for $10 each, have the package cost you only $59
and your $60 buys you some retarded in game items which will be obsolete within level 10 or so ( less than a week of gameplay..) lol
Charging for the privilege of testing? No thanks. Learned my lesson there with Diablo 3. Still I will watch with a keen interest how this game develops

I also learned my lesson with Path of Exile. It was worth every penny.
I also learned my lesson with Path of Exile. It was worth every penny.

Minecraft was the same way and I'd say it was worth it.

Star Citizen is doing about the same thing too.

It looks like it's the way to fund new projects nowadays if studios are cash-strapped or lack the necessary funding to bring the project to final. At the same time, it helps support the developers making the game.
Pay for an Alpha?


Unless it comes on a disk in a PC Gamer magazine you can kiss my white ass!
I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy into a product early on to get early access and be involved in the Alpha process, then go right ahead. Grim Dawn is doing it. Star Citizen is doing it.
Charging for the privilege of testing? No thanks. Learned my lesson there with Diablo 3. Still I will watch with a keen interest how this game develops
Wanna know the real kicker? SOE is using Landmark so players create content that will be used in the game.

You're paying SOE to build their game for them.

When EQ Next was first announced a few years ago, I speculated in the thread here that the game would be heavily focused on player created content due to the recent tools SOE was releasing at the time for EQ. I never envisioned a time where players would be paying a fee to be a designer on the game.
I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy into a product early on to get early access and be involved in the Alpha process, then go right ahead. Grim Dawn is doing it. Star Citizen is doing it.

Well, Grim Dawn and ARMA 3 is more of a pre-order since the final version needs to be bought. But F2P aside, Landmark is supposed to be something for us to play around with creating stuff while waiting for the actual EQN. Therefore while I fully expect them to do this for EQN, it's kind of strange to do it for Landmark.
I really don't think the game is going to be that good =) It might be too innovative in the Disney kinda way using the planetside engine....I just don't like the idea of a changing game. I mean you remember stuff so you go back to it not like "Hey to floor below is is collapsing!!! We might want to explore that for XP. This game will change nothing......

Rift is the best MMO out there =)
Wanna know the real kicker? SOE is using Landmark so players create content that will be used in the game.

You're paying SOE to build their game for them.

When EQ Next was first announced a few years ago, I speculated in the thread here that the game would be heavily focused on player created content due to the recent tools SOE was releasing at the time for EQ. I never envisioned a time where players would be paying a fee to be a designer on the game.

Not sure where you get your information but EQN and EQN Landmark are both free to play. Alpha and Closed Beta will not be running the "Add content to EQN" type contests that will be in release, and there is a wipe between Closed and Open beta. So there is no scenario in which you are required to pay for Alpha or Beta in order to participate in adding content to EQN. If paying for Alpha or Beta access is not your thing, then wait for Open Beta or release. I don't see anything wrong with giving people the option of buying in early if they are that interested.
soe has not made a good game since.... ever

Why do people keep forgetting this. I'm hoping this game will be the one that changes my perspective, but after seeing what a pile of shit the new planetside was I have little faith, even though a really good sandbox mmo is what I've been waiting for.
I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy into a product early on to get early access and be involved in the Alpha process, then go right ahead. Star Citizen is doing it.

When you buy into Star Citizen you support a global movement of unchaining yourself from evil publisher conglomerates who just want your money and who don't want to provide you with a product you want in return. Every dollar spent on Star Citizen is used for good, like charity and kittens, and not for evil, like profit. Get your facts straight sir!

soe has not made a good game since.... ever

Everquest was the best MMO ever made, but granted, it wasn't actually made by SOE.

Not sure where you get your information but EQN and EQN Landmark are both free to play. Alpha and Closed Beta will not be running the "Add content to EQN" type contests that will be in release, and there is a wipe between Closed and Open beta. So there is no scenario in which you are required to pay for Alpha or Beta in order to participate in adding content to EQN. If paying for Alpha or Beta access is not your thing, then wait for Open Beta or release. I don't see anything wrong with giving people the option of buying in early if they are that interested.

One thing that this gives you the advantage over normal people is that the trailblazers get a head start and you can bet they'll find the best spots in the world, the cool "top of a mountain peak overlooking ia valley" or other unique/cool looking places in the world to plop down their flag so they can build there and the people who don't get in early will miss out and not even have a chance at those spots.

Everquest was the best MMO ever made, but granted, it wasn't actually made by SOE.

Well, it was sorta, 989, a SCEA first party studio pulled the plug on the project but let John Smedley keep the hardware and code and people, and he managed to raise enough private dosh to keep the beta running and get it out to retail as Verant.

But before release he was already working a deal with Sony Pictures pictures to purchase Verant and consolidate the whole SOE brand in San Diego (mostly web based shit like Jeopardy Online). The rest is history. Kelly Flock, the guy that booted EQ out of 989, was put in charge of SOE and held a grudge and was booted out himself three years later and Smed got his job. Brad McQuaid was booted out of SOE a year prior partly because of that Flock grudge, and partly because Brad was, well, Brad.

Hell, Brad didn't even LIKE Everquest, and only played after he left the company and had other people help him powerlevel (the irony runs deep). I worked for/with the guy for 5 years, on EQ and later Vanguard (seemed like a good idea at the time!).

The three people that really made EQ what it was in terms of gameplay were Roger Uzan (melee combat and most of the other systems), Geoff Zatkin (mostly spells) and Ryan Pallachio (content) The engine was middleware, and Brian Hook was only brought in to boost the sale value. Rosie did a solid job on art direction.

Brad was just an ineffective producer, though he was a genuinely nice guy, somebody the average [H] gamer would get along with just fine. Just not somebody you ever want to work with, or even worse, for.
Minecraft was the same way and I'd say it was worth it.

Star Citizen is doing about the same thing too.

It looks like it's the way to fund new projects nowadays if studios are cash-strapped or lack the necessary funding to bring the project to final. At the same time, it helps support the developers making the game.

Minecraft was dirt cheap at 10 us. Star citizen offers a nice incentive pack for a pretty low price unless you want a ton great starter ships/items/personal equipment. Star citizen also is dropping as a two part game.

Everquest next gives you nothing for 19.95 other than a likely buggy as shit game where you get to play as a guinea pig for Sony. An MMO alpha is often a pretty dodgy experience off the bat. Charging for it seems wrong considering the amount of problems you'll have to deal with and stress test for them.

I think you could make a reasonable argument against the price of admission for this game in an alpha state. And this is coming from a day one 5 year long Everquest player.
Charging for the privilege of testing? No thanks. Learned my lesson there with Diablo 3. Still I will watch with a keen interest how this game develops

If some company wants me to do testing for them then they need to pay ME. Not the other way around. :p
Not really a game I'm interested in, but I look at stuff like this more as paying for the items and getting into the test as an added bonus. I'm sure when SOE puts all that stuff in the cash shop it will total more than $100. And some people are willing to pay for the benefit of knowing the game ahead of time and using that to get ahead of other players when the game launches.