Eqaullogic PS4100 controller battery failed


Fully [H]
Apr 11, 2007
Have a PS4100 where one of the controllers is showing a battery failure. This is causing it go in to write through mode and decreasing performance. Any way to manually fail the controller over to the secondary controller since it doesn't seem to be doing it on it's own.

Starting with Firmware version v4.2.x and above, there is a "restart" option in the GUI (select member> member name> service tag, towards the bottom is a restart link). You can also telnet the actual member (using a IP address from one of it's physical interfaces)> login as grpadmin, and type restart. This will cause a restart of the member, and the control module will failover. Be reminded that this will momentarily, restart the array member (takes about 15-20 seconds), and any servers connected to the Group will need to be properly setup to "ride out" the iSCSI time out first (see the firmware release notes for your servers's suggested iSCSI timeout values) and then order a new battery.
I figured. We'll have to do this after hours since it is a production SAN.

Are those batteries replaceable?