Epic gaming glitches


More [H]uman than Human
Aug 7, 2004
I posted this in GenMay and then realized that it might make for a fun thread in the gaming subforum.

I had just offed these two dudes in Saint's Row: The Third and, after realizing that I will probably never see anything like this again in a game that's not X-rated or made by Rockstar, pulled out my phone and shot a quick vid.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8585662/2014-07-13 17.36.20.mov

Anyone else have screenshots or movies of odd or funny glitches that you're not likely to see again? Known glitches that can be recreated and have a high humor/weirdness factor are OK, too.

Don't have a video or a pic, but one time when playing arma 2 with about 12 people we all dismounted from a heli and one of the guys had a fcking jdam stuck through his stomach. We were all standing in a circle around him laughing our asses off trying not to touch the bomb. then it just randomly exoloded. we all died but it was totally worth it.
Don't have a video or a pic, but one time when playing arma 2 with about 12 people we all dismounted from a heli and one of the guys had a fcking jdam stuck through his stomach. We were all standing in a circle around him laughing our asses off trying not to touch the bomb. then it just randomly exoloded. we all died but it was totally worth it.

LOL!! That's great.
I posted this in GenMay and then realized that it might make for a fun thread in the gaming subforum.

I had just offed these two dudes in Saint's Row: The Third and, after realizing that I will probably never see anything like this again in a game that's not X-rated or made by Rockstar, pulled out my phone and shot a quick vid.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8585662/2014-07-13 17.36.20.mov

Anyone else have screenshots or movies of odd or funny glitches that you're not likely to see again? Known glitches that can be recreated and have a high humor/weirdness factor are OK, too.


A NSFW warning would have been nice. LOL.

I went off a jump and crashed on trials fusion recently and the guy got his head stuck in the ground thus pinning him into the ground.
I had just offed these two dudes in Saint's Row: The Third and, after realizing that I will probably never see anything like this again in a game that's not X-rated or made by Rockstar, pulled out my phone and shot a quick vid.

A NSFW warning would have been nice. LOL.

If nothing about the above sentence screams NSFW to you then you should probably just avoid clicking on any more random links on the internet for a while. :p
OP's video is pretty damn funny. This is all I got (yes I know it's a console game...):

RDR glitch: I guess the game thought my horse was thristy because it teleported us behind the bar at a Saloon.

If I remember correctly you can't enter a building on horseback but it's been like 4 years since I played it.
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Drunk Dragons, I think anyone who played Skyrim ran into this problem at least once. I know I did.


I LOL'd at that one. I still haven't played Skyrim but that almost makes me want to even more.

OP's video is pretty damn funny. This is all I got (yes I know it's a console game...):

RDR glitch: I guess the game thought my horse was thristy because it teleported us behind the bar at a Saloon.[/IMG]

If I remember correctly you can't enter a building on horseback but it's been like 4 years since I played it.

OK, I'll go ahead and do the walk of shame because I haven't played RDR either. I've heard how fantastically awesome it was, but it slipped by me because I kept hoping for a PC release and then before I knew it the next gen consoles were out. I actually plan to buy a 360 Slim just to play this game because I love Rockstar and some consider this to be a better game than GTA.

So I have one for you guys...


I've heard that Goat Simulator is among the buggiest and glitchiest out there...but in this case the bugs and glitches were so random and hilarious that the devs not only chose to leave them alone, they are marketed as a selling point for the game. I need to look up some YouTube videos of people playing that game.

I finished Far Cry 2 not long ago and it had a couple of pretty hilarious glitches when the game wasn't limited to 60fps (I have a 120Hz monitor). When you approached some NPCs, particularly those whom you could interact with for missions, they would generally exhibit one of the following behaviors:

- Float upward toward the ceiling when you approached them (really funny when they did it from chairs)
- Zig zag back and forth all over the room while their character animation was static
- My favorite...ONLY their heads would rapidly and continuously shake back and forth, as if saying "Nuh-uh, no way, nope." This was hilarious because you'd typically be approaching them to get a mission or return a mission update and it was like they didn't want to talk to you or hear what you had to say, or they were using body language to tell you to GTF away from them. I tried to locate a video of this on YouTube and none exist that I could find. I really should take a screen cap of some of FC2's glitches for this thread.

edit: WHY did no one seemingly make a video for these...I know they experienced it as you can read more here:



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http://1drv.ms/1yzug5a World of Warcraft bug: I had some sort of transformation/costume on and it let me mount a 2 seat flying mount(I forget which transformation/mount I used, it's been a while). So I let my friend on my mount and it made it look like I was carrying him through the air.

PS: no that's not me in the background... I was on vent.

Also sorry for the video quality, I didn't have FRAPs on so I just recorded with my phone.
I don't have a video, but...

Small Skyrim Spoiler:

On my first playthrough of Skyrim (Stock game, not modded) the first time I went up to the top of the Throat of the World to speak with Paarthurnax (talking dragon) I thought he looked pretty damn awesome so I took some screenshots before I approached him.

When I finally walked up to him and hit the action key he just started spinning....faster....and faster, then insanely fast....then he just shot the straight the fuck up at about 1000mph - gone.

I was still DYING laughing a full minute later when he slammed back down to earth at the same speed he went up at(complete with a huge boom, screen shake, and mounds of impact dust) then started conversing with me like nothing had happened.
I don't have a video, but...

Small Skyrim Spoiler:

On my first playthrough of Skyrim (Stock game, not modded) the first time I went up to the top of the Throat of the World to speak with Paarthurnax (talking dragon) I thought he looked pretty damn awesome so I took some screenshots before I approached him.

When I finally walked up to him and hit the action key he just started spinning....faster....and faster, then insanely fast....then he just shot the straight the fuck up at about 1000mph - gone.

I was still DYING laughing a full minute later when he slammed back down to earth at the same speed he went up at(complete with a huge boom, screen shake, and mounds of impact dust) then started conversing with me like nothing had happened.


Great description. I don't think a video is even needed to realize the full hilarity of that!

Sounds like I NEED to play Skyrim to see what I can stumble into. Between the drunk dragon and the spinning/slamming dragon, it sounds like there are many lulz to be had at the expense of Skyrim's dragons. :D