Entry Level DSLR reccomendations?


Limp Gawd
May 31, 2002
Sooo...I'm in the market for a new digital camera...have been for the last 3 years actually heh. Originally I was looking at a lot of prosumer models....s7000, canon pro1 then the s9000. I've read TONS of reviews and found that it would most likely be worth it just to go all out and get a dslr. sooo with that being said...I'm looking to spend the least money possible to get a decent camera. It doesnt have to be the best of the best...but should be something that I will be comfortable with for years to come. any suggestions....I;ve been looking at the Rebel 350d and the Pentax *ist models so far...
Nikon D50 is well worth adding to the list.
remember to keep in mind that to get the best from a dslr you'll have to spend a fair wad of cash on some decent lenses - in some cases the kit lenses that you get are worse than some top of the line prosumer cameras
i've heard that especially with the rebel xt...such an expensive hobby...
The lens that comes with a D70/D70s kit (18-70 Nikkor DX 3.5-4.5) is pretty good. ;)

Anyway, I'd look at the D50 or Rebel XT. I don't know too much about Pentax or their lenses.
the D50 looks nice, comes with a decent lens and is cheaper then the rebel xt....lower res....but I don't plan on making 11x14's or anything
dslr's are nice. but the thing to consider is the body is not the investment, the lenses are the investment. With this in mind you should look at the nikon & canon lens lineup. You probably cant go wrong with the entry level nikon or canon setup. I have the canon and like it. The lenses are the budget killer however. I only have the kit lens and the 28-135IS. I would like the 10-22, a 75-300, and a f2.8 or f1.x lowlight lens & a flash & tripod. But that is about $3000 in lenses right there. However they would be usable on a new canon body. (EF-S lenses wouldnt be useable on a full frame body, should i ever be so rich). Nikon has DX lenses which are similar to the ef-s ones. for crop sensors only.
Jpitzo said:
the D50 looks nice, comes with a decent lens and is cheaper then the rebel xt....lower res....but I don't plan on making 11x14's or anything
Yeah but it does make some nice 11x14s' . You might consider the D70s with the kit lense. Dont get me wrong I love my D50 and, the kit lense work great but, I need more features. Such as mirror lock and, more ISO choices as, well as, more manual options. Im getting a D200 in the next month or, so. By then all the first runs should be sold out, I like to get the second or, third run on any camera.
Joves said:
Yeah but it does make some nice 11x14s' . You might consider the D70s with the kit lense. Dont get me wrong I love my D50 and, the kit lense work great but, I need more features. Such as mirror lock and, more ISO choices as, well as, more manual options. Im getting a D200 in the next month or, so. By then all the first runs should be sold out, I like to get the second or, third run on any camera.

This is weird, I just got my d50 and it has mirror lockup on it. Or is it different on a d70?

Anyway to the OP I can only speak of the d50 but all the raves you hear about are true. Yes you will want better lenses as you go along but it is a great body and the kit lense (18-55) isn't a bad lense to start with. If you want to move up in the nikon digital world upgrade to the 18-70 or go straight for the gold with the 18-200VR.
mastercheeze said:
This is weird, I just got my d50 and it has mirror lockup on it. Or is it different on a d70?

That Mirror Lock Up on the D50 and D70 are only used so that you can clean the CCD sensor.

The D200 has an MLU that can be used to take pictures (camera locks mirror up before taking the picture - helps to prevent mirror slap). However, I hear that it can only be used for exposures up to 30 seconds, not some arbitrary exposure time.

I might eventually get a D200 for cable release, the larger shooting buffer, the broader ISO range, and the better AF motor, but that's way off in the future. I love my D70.
Thanx Bill you are correct. The mirror lock is only a cleaning function. Which really is fine for entry level. It isnt like most consumers will be using say a lense above 400mm if even that. Im saving for a 600mm now or, I should say Im trying to justify getting a 600mm. The best price I have found so far is 9K, it will be a nice lense for my D200, when I get it soon.
whoa...9k for a lens..heh. anyway...my budget is as low as possible in the spectrum of 500-800. The reason I really want one now and don't want to save/wait...is that I'm going to New Zealand for four months and well....I heard it's a nice place to take some pictures of :D . Sure I will probably aquire some lenses somewhere down the line....but college loans come first and its already taken me a verrry long time to be able to make this purchase...let alone spending thousands on a lens...so I think I'm going to go with the D50...couple questions though.

What ISO choices are you reffering to Joves? I was under the impression you could manually select between ISO 100 (or even 50) to ISO 1600?

Would I notice a reasonable jump in image quality between the D50 to the Rebel XT to the D70? ( The D50 with the lens kit is about 580, rebel XT is about 780 and the D70 i beleive is a little over 800)
I would go with the rebel xt

mostly cause i am a canon fan boy;) j/k

all kidding aside any of the cameras you mentioned are good cameras. let us know what ya get.
Look at the olympus e-300 with the 2 lens kit ... the Olympus has the best starter lens kit ... and the price had gone down on this model ...
Jpitzo said:
What ISO choices are you reffering to Joves? I was under the impression you could manually select between ISO 100 (or even 50) to ISO 1600?

Would I notice a reasonable jump in image quality between the D50 to the Rebel XT to the D70? ( The D50 with the lens kit is about 580, rebel XT is about 780 and the D70 i beleive is a little over 800)

In terms of ISO, the Nikon D50 and D70/D70s can go from 200-1600, whereas the Rebel XT ranges from 100-1600. My D70 produces great pics at ISO 200, but I would certainly like the option of ISO 100. ;)

In terms of image quality, I will say that they're all pretty much the same, besides the fact that the Canon has 2 extra megapixels. The D50 and D70/D70s produce nearly the same pictures since they use roughly the same sensor (may actually be the same sensor), but I think the algorithms in the D50 are improved because some D50 pictures have better colors and slightly better noise.

So yeah...it's really about what body you really like and what high end lens systems you want. Nikon ED? or Canon L? etc.

Part of the extra cost of the D70 kit comes from the higher price of its kit lens, which is maybe $250 - 300 retail.
Jpitzo said:
whoa...9k for a lens..heh. anyway...my budget is as low as possible in the spectrum of 500-800. The reason I really want one now and don't want to save/wait...is that I'm going to New Zealand for four months and well....I heard it's a nice place to take some pictures of :D . Sure I will probably aquire some lenses somewhere down the line....but college loans come first and its already taken me a verrry long time to be able to make this purchase...let alone spending thousands on a lens...so I think I'm going to go with the D50...couple questions though.

What ISO choices are you reffering to Joves? I was under the impression you could manually select between ISO 100 (or even 50) to ISO 1600?

Would I notice a reasonable jump in image quality between the D50 to the Rebel XT to the D70? ( The D50 with the lens kit is about 580, rebel XT is about 780 and the D70 i beleive is a little over 800)
Bill covered it pretty much on the ISOs and, the diffrences in the 2. I love my D50 but it is limited as it is entry level. I'm still using the kit lense so, I dont screw up my plans on up-grading my equipment.I am getting the D200 next then the 600mm. And I need it around here for shooting wild life. Antelope, coyotes, Big Horn and, pumas dont let you get in very close and, I dont like to get too close to badgers and, bears.
Here is an example from the other day. Some Elk I spotted, granted a 300mm would have been fine for them. Taken with the kit lense 18-55mm.

The Elk are in the middle.

Here is a crop of them. As you can see the image isnt bad on a crop with the D50. It only has the tonal levels adjusted.
More info specific to the D50/RebXT trade here:


I like the extra crop room the extra 2 MP gets you, and the ISO 100 of the RebelXT.

Look at the features, look at the price, look at your intended use, and decide. IMO it would be difficult to go wrong with either of them.

I have the Rebel-XT and love it, great camera. The Kit Lens isn't all that bad, I've taken great and seen great shots taken with it.
If you can swing a Canon 20D, you would be VERY happy. I'm sure the Rebel XT is a fine cam, but man I love my 20D and for like $950 these days its a bargain.

84gthatch said:
I would go with the rebel xt

mostly cause i am a canon fan boy;) j/k

all kidding aside any of the cameras you mentioned are good cameras. let us know what ya get.

Another vote for Canon from a Canon fan boy. I can't speak about the Nikons, I here there good, with that said I love my dRebel XT. I've worked my way through the Canon line over the last 5 years. Starting with an A10, then a S1 and now the dRebel. I wish I would have got the SLR right way.

The photos it takes are second to none.