Email - do you use software or web based in a browser client? How many emails do you have as well ?


Feb 18, 2016
I use Thunderbird and have 5 emails mainly to separate my primary important email from bills, forums, spam, and YouTube
I am frustrated with all the email clients I have tried.

They seem to be unable to connect to Exchange server and synchronise calendars.

Same with hotmail.

I have yet to find a decent email client.
Old thread, but since it has been resurrected... I use Thunderbird because I like having local copies of all my emails rather than leaving their preservation in the hands of a 3rd party. I've been using local email clients for a long time, with the oldest email I still have archived dated 2000-01-01.

I have 4 email addresses, but 2 are old and unused, so I really just have 1 personal and 1 for work. However I own my own domain and run my own email server, so I can create as many as I want, and often do for one-off use.
Old thread, but since it has been resurrected... I use Thunderbird because I like having local copies of all my emails rather than leaving their preservation in the hands of a 3rd party. I've been using local email clients for a long time, with the oldest email I still have archived dated 2000-01-01.

I have 4 email addresses, but 2 are old and unused, so I really just have 1 personal and 1 for work. However I own my own domain and run my own email server, so I can create as many as I want, and often do for one-off use.
I am the same. I do not feel comfortable handing the passwords of my email accounts over to a 3rd party.

I've tried Thunderbird, BetterBird and all the birds around...none sync with Exchange server calendars correctly. Shame cause they are good pieces of software otherwise
I have three. I use a browser for 2 of them. Outlook for the third.
5 emails
2 use Outlook , personal o365 and work o365
Other 3 are browser, Hotmail, Yahoo, Google
I have 100's of addresses, but all of my email is handled by my positronic quantum neural network that is implanted in my brain, so I have no need for any email "client" at all, since it can interface with any network, server or other electronic devices anywhere in the known universe, hehehe :D

But back before I became self-aware, I did occasionally use both softwarez and webmailz now & then....