EFF Sues Feds for Info on Social-Network Surveillance

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed a lawsuit against the DoD, DoJ and the CIA for refusing to release information about the methods used to spy on social networks. Whoa, go get em’ EFF, you have to have a set of brass balls to file suit against the CIA.

The nonprofit Internet rights watchdog group formally asked more than a dozen agencies or departments in early October to provide records about federal guidelines on the use of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr for investigative or data gathering purposes, according to the lawsuit.
I suspect this case and story will mysteriously disappear. *starts folding tinfoil hat*
Go get them EFF. If you haven't donated to them you really sure. They are doing more to protect America than most American's know.
Go get them EFF. If you haven't donated to them you really sure. They are doing more to protect America than most American's know.

Oh yah because the evil's of the CIA and NSA are out to get us. This will get squished faster than it took them to file the suit. I think I will trust the people who swore an oath over those with an agenda.
I agree with some of the things the EFF do. This I do not. These are agencies that are in place to track down criminals. I may not always agree with who they go after, but they do not need to give away the tricks of the trade. Another way of looking at this, the sights listed in the article are social sights. Social does not equal private. If you do not want information known, do not share it.
Oh yah because the evil's of the CIA and NSA are out to get us. This will get squished faster than it took them to file the suit. I think I will trust the people who swore an oath over those with an agenda.

I didn't know standing up for free speech, the constitution and privacy is now considered an "agenda" :eek:
Oh yah because the evil's of the CIA and NSA are out to get us. This will get squished faster than it took them to file the suit. I think I will trust the people who swore an oath over those with an agenda.

When standing up for rights and freedoms has become an agenda I get seriously worried about the people who swore an oath. Besides, you really think that oath they swear means ANYTHING to them anymore?
The only oaths and swearing going on are when they don't get their way. There's a reason the 4th Amendment was added to the Constitution.
If I set my setting to prevent anyone but my friends to see my content, then they should not be allowed to "visit" my site without a proper warrant, or any and all information or evidence should be thrown out of court.

Other than that, if some idiot lets someone friend them who they don't know, then oh well.

Can they use a hacked friends account to see your page? Is that legal?
Oh yah because the evil's of the CIA and NSA are out to get us. This will get squished faster than it took them to file the suit. I think I will trust the people who swore an oath over those with an agenda.

LOL, I actually think you believe that drivel. Who needs civil rights when you make those spying on us swear an oath? They would never do anything bad, or abuse their abilities.
Is it so hard to say, We just searched the site to look for names using the built in search function. So many people now days post everything about themselves and their lives on "social networking" sites. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. They create an account and then click around. If you don't want them to find it, don't post it on a free website.
Is it so hard to say, We just searched the site to look for names using the built in search function. So many people now days post everything about themselves and their lives on "social networking" sites. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. They create an account and then click around. If you don't want them to find it, don't post it on a free website.

Yea, well this suit is trying to figure out just that; if the agencies, made by us to protect us, are playing by the rules or hacking private infos. The government is supposed to answer to the citizens of the country, not the other way around.
the same fools that tell us we are supposed to trust the Gov, and say take off the tin foil hats, are the same poeple that will go on and on about the liberal media's agenda, and obama's a Communist muslim jihadist...
I say tear 'em a new one, EFF. Honestly, how the flying fuck could snooping on peoples myspace and facebook accounts possibly be anything but a waste of resources and an infringement on our privacy. :confused:
XBarbarian: You do realize that Obama is 1/3 of the Federal government, and that Democrats control both the House and Senate, right? I don't think any right-wingers are going to tell you to trust Obama and Pelosi. :p