Ecco Dolphin DEVS on Kickstarter want donations for new game Big Blue.

Ecco is also in some CGI music videos done by the same studio as the sega CD CGI. but the music video came out in 1996 so it looks much better because of software and hardware improvements. it was a test animation and leftovers for sega. He wears the a version of the harness from the dreamcast game in it. probabley for a saturn or the 32x CD game that never came out

The music video is almost as trippy as the game. if yo want to watch it you can watch a really bad copy from a VHS tape i think here. If you like this stuff you can get it on DVD or laserdisc the way it should be seen.


Ah the good ol days...;)
The 32x had tons of game that never came out. I am sure the PC or 3do versions would have been better I had a 3dx and It was not "dripping with power" I remember trying the 32x version of doom for fun by renting it and it sucked. I tried the SNEs and playstation version too and then I went back to my pentuim PC. Oh and doom 64 is not doom.
Wow, i've always thought that Ecco was some silly, girly dolphin game. Didn't realize it went into crazy alien shit like that.

One of the things i'm always looking forward to with next-gen tech is undersea exploration type games done well. I don't really think anyone has done much to create a really immersive underwater experience to this day. I can't even think of a single game that has even attempted it (will admit, I haven't reallly scoured too hard for them, but if one was done well, I think I would have heard about it somewhere). Imagine encountering giant squid, possible prehistoric creatures that survived somehow in the deepest parts of the ocean, discovering unimaginable creatures and what not.

I really hope this one somehow meets it's goal as it sounds incredibly interesting.
Aquanox was about the last "underwater" game i played that tried to do underwater well (was even a benchmark for it's time, the 2nd one at least).

Since then....there hasn't really been any to my knowledge.

I don't get it either. I mean of all the ways to make different games, the different gameplay/area's, it seems that underwater games are so ripe for the taking and doing something new that many people wouldn't think of.

After the first few days of this kickstarter I had hope it'd pull off it's funding, but it just noseodived, with hardly any pledges coming in. It seems they aren't getting the word out, etc. Plus I don't think it was all that prepared (in terms of what's needed to show people what the game is about, updates, etc).

The whole "collectible card" aspect also has turned people off. I have posted about the game on other forums and many people that were interested were hesitant because of the cards and feeling likeit was trying to be skylanders or something and they'd be nickle and dimed for things.

Personally I hope if this does fail, they go back to the drawing room, cook up some more concepts/engine work or something to show people, and have a good solid outline of what the actual GAME is about. I'd say ditch the card aspect (it's rubbing people the wrong way) and come up with more interesting reward tiers and "limited" tiers (that can draw people to pledge). Explain things more clearly about the game, what's the goal, how do you play it? Send out press releases to major gamesites like gamespot/ign (even camelot Unchained hasn't done this it seems, which baffles me, this is simple marketing).

Kickstarters (crowdfunding in general) is something you have to prepare for, have constant stream of updates, get word out to people, market it, etc and most of all you need to present your idea in a clear and informative manner.
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Aquanox was about the last "underwater" game i played that tried to do underwater well (was even a benchmark for it's time, the 2nd one at least).

Since then....there hasn't really been any to my knowledge.

I don't get it either. I mean of all the ways to make different games, the different gameplay/area's, it seems that underwater games are so ripe for the taking and doing something new that many people wouldn't think of.

After the first few days of this kickstarter I had hope it'd pull off it's funding, but it just noseodived, with hardly any pledges coming in. It seems they aren't getting the word out, etc. Plus I don't think it was all that prepared (in terms of what's needed to show people what the game is about, updates, etc).

The whole "collectible card" aspect also has turned people off. I have posted about the game on other forums and many people that were interested were hesitant because of the cards and feeling likeit was trying to be skylanders or something and they'd be nickle and dimed for things.

Personally I hope if this does fail, they go back to the drawing room, cook up some more concepts/engine work or something to show people, and have a good solid outline of what the actual GAME is about. I'd say ditch the card aspect (it's rubbing people the wrong way) and come up with more interesting reward tiers and "limited" tiers (that can draw people to pledge). Explain things more clearly about the game, what's the goal, how do you play it? Send out press releases to major gamesites like gamespot/ign (even camelot Unchained hasn't done this it seems, which baffles me, this is simple marketing).

Kickstarters (crowdfunding in general) is something you have to prepare for, have constant stream of updates, get word out to people, market it, etc and most of all you need to present your idea in a clear and informative manner.

I completely agree about them not having enough to show. They state that it's next gen, but any actual "gameplay" they are showing off is like some old school web-browser flash game. I could see them getting a ton of support if they showed off some rough level ideas or something more "next-gen-y" because that is what I think will be the easiest way to draw people in, especially those that have no idea who some of these people are and what games they have made.

They definitely should've prepared a bit more before trying to get people to back it.
Wow, i've always thought that Ecco was some silly, girly dolphin game. Didn't realize it went into crazy alien shit like that.

Yeah, imagine me, as a kid in the '90s, age in the single-digits playing what is supposed to be a lame dolphin game, only to get nightmares from the latter chapter.
Yeah, imagine me, as a kid in the '90s, age in the single-digits playing what is supposed to be a lame dolphin game, only to get nightmares from the latter chapter.

It's amazing, it seems like as I'm older now (was a late 80's/early 90's kid) that many of the things during my childhood that were made for kids, actually had quite a few adult themes and that's what made them so interesting and fun.

Not like today, where most things I see for kids from my cousins/nephews seem REALLY "kiddified" and made to be so sanitized.

I mean Ren and Stimpy? Neverending Story? (Artax made me cry and Gmork scared the shit out me, I couldn't sleep for days without seeing those big glowing green eyes and teeth)Milo and Otis, Ecco the Dolphin, Ultima's, etc. Lots of things a kid could enjoy/like, while still teaching more mature themes/stories in them.
The 32x had tons of game that never came out.

Hardly surprising, it was a piece of shit of the highest order. And Sega knew that before it was even released. Didn't even last a year before being discontinued.
The genesis music was kind of weak

its 20 times more scary on sega CD with big ass speakers because of the spencer nelison soundtrack. it also had extra content on sega Had early CGI videos that told the story better so the game made slighty more sense. I think it was one of the first with CGI cutscenes on consoles before the saturn and ps1 made them all the rage.

you fight it to music that sounds like this though it is a boss version this is the machine version.

Maybe the CD soundtrack was better for the first game, but the second game was lame. Don't get me wrong - it sounds great and I listen to it on my stereo, but it just didn't fit the game. Way too many recycled songs. Whereas the Genesis music had special themes for certain levels, like the blue whale theme in "Big Blue." That level used a unique song that had a very cheery, cute mood to it. In the Sega CD version? It just plays the title theme... Lame.
I can walk into a room with a genesis and sega CD and play the genesis or cd anytime I want and did not that long ago.

So yes.

And the 32x was not that bad if It had more good games.
and Bear McCreary.

Maybe they should have a $5 pledge for those who just want to download soundtrack.

Never herd of that other bear guy but I do want the spencer nelison sound track bad but it cost to much to get it I might do it anyway. I have his game/music cds rips on my phone and listen to it my CD player.

I also have the rare 1993 sonic boom cd from when i pre ordered sonic 3 20 years ago and it is my fave CD I have.
Never herd of that other bear guy but I do want the spencer nelison sound track bad but it cost to much to get it I might do it anyway. I have his game/music cds rips on my phone and listen to it my CD player.

I also have the rare 1993 sonic boom cd from when i pre ordered sonic 3 20 years ago and it is my fave CD I have.

Bear McCreary is known for television, The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, etc.
I just watched a video of the really want to play this again? It looks painful

I actually stopped 23 second into it. Seriously? He couldn't figure out that you're supposed to avoid those creatures? They were in ANOTHER level previously! Their behavior doesn't change or anything... Sorry, but if my 8-year-old self can figure this game out and beat it with no FAQs, then this guy's doing it wrong. And yes - I'm dead serious. I beat this game at 8-years-old. It's really not as hard as people make it out to be.

And no, I'm not mad at you or anything. But know that you're watching a piss-poor gamer trying his hand at this. I assure you, the game isn't that hard. The controls are a little awkward, and playing it recently reveals this. But you'll soon compensate in no time.
I have ECCO junior and it is made for like 5 year olds I think or it is the ecco for noobs either one I can't tell. it has the sega club logo from the pico kids games on it.

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just stop with all the demakes, the game was popular at the time because there was nothing else like it at the time like most games from that era, the gameplay, characters, all mean dick because its usually all been done before, its nothing more than a newer paintjob on something rusted, forgotten and left in the field to rot for the past decade.

Game is going to have some seriously unique mechanics dealing with sonar and sound to really bring in a crowd but you will probably end up with some scripted preachy pile of wank about oil companys, global warming, pollution and overfishing just one of those tryhard games that try to make you feel smart by exposing you to sheepish feel good problems and then capitalizing on your feel good wank guilt crusade of the month so you feel special and intellectual much similar to the bioshock series, no doubt you can upgrade ecco with steam punk garbage upgrades as the cherry on top.

if you donate you get a wristband!
Maybe or maybe like half the other kickstaters they will come back a little further along with a lower fund price and go.
Too bad.

Games like this just aren't in high enough demand these days:(. I'm glad I grew up in the generation I did :)

We're from the same generation, it's just not very good /troll ^^
I was born in 82, I'm an X'er. ;)

....And I so wanted this game succeed. Maybe it still will in some form.

Doubt it will. This is one of the worst funded I've seen for such a well known game from its period.

I just don't think many are interested in seeing Ecco again.
I was born in 82, I'm an X'er. ;)

....And I so wanted this game succeed. Maybe it still will in some form.

I'm from 81 myself...and I believe we can be X'ers or Y'ers, tail end of X, beginning of Y.
Doubt it will. This is one of the worst funded I've seen for such a well known game from its period.

I just don't think many are interested in seeing Ecco again.

I don't think that's true, it's more a combination of him not explaining well what the actual game will be like (2d vs 3d, mmo vs single player, co op or not) how the gameplay is, the objectives, etc.

I mean think about Ecco the dolphin itself. Now imagine trying to "pitch" that game to someone back in the 90's, people wouldn't bite probably, but once they played it they liked it (for the most part).

Then you have the problem of media coverage. This kickstarter got hardly ANY at all.

Big sites like gamespot, IGN, etc ignored it and didn't write a word about it, meanwhile they were constantly pushing stories on Torment/Shroud of the Avatar while their kickstarters were going.

It needs to be better explained and more advertised.

However with the Little blue hopefully it will get done and lead to the Big Blue.w
I watched the video and have no clue what the concept is all about. It sounded like the developers aren't even sure.

On top of that what is their track record from the past decade?
Better than that Richard Garriott guy who got millions for his crappy kickstarter game that has a huge chance of sucking balls.

his last games have been

Tabula Rasa _sucked

City of Heroes _ok and bland now dead
Lineage II <----decent
Ultima IX: Ascension ------sucked.

(note this dude also had enough money to buy him self into space and he is begging for money now to use it to make somethuing to get more money and people was dumb enough to give it to him.)

Ed Annunziata last few games.

Chakan: The Forever Man (1992, Sega Genesis)<--good
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun (1992, Sega Genesis)
Ecco the Dolphin (1992, Sega Genesis)
Kolibri (1995, Sega 32X)<----very good
Mr. Bones (1996, Sega Saturn) <--sucked
SmallBall Baseball (2000)[2][3] cell phone game pointless to talk about
SNAP Mobile Soccer (2005)[4] cell phone
Slice HD (2011, TwitchGame, LLC) casual Noob Ipad/tablet game.

Spencer Nilsen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spencer Nilsen (born 1961)[1] is a video game music composer. He is best known for his soundtracks to the Sega Mega-CD versions of Batman Returns, Ecco the Dolphin, Ecco: The Tides of Time, Jurassic Park, The Adventures of Batman and Robin and The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin as well as the North American version of Sonic CD (CD-DA Red Book audio only).
He has also worked on a number of film scores and released a New Age album titled Architects of Change in 1989.
He is the former president of Ex'pression College for Digital Arts in Emeryville, California,[2] and co-chairman of the board of Music in Schools Today.[3]

Nothing bad.

Co-Founder | Owner at Illumina Studios
Chairman, Board of Directors at Music in Schools Today
President | Creative Director at Ex'pression College For Digital Arts
Senior Music Director | Composer | Producer, Sega of America at SEGA of America, Inc.

and 1982 is in the generation Y group not X
Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation,[1] is the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when Generation Y starts and ends. Commentators use beginning birth dates from the latter 1970s, or from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.
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Oh and I also use the submit tip to giantbomb/game imformer/ and they did not mention it either but they talk about tons of other crap kickstarters all the time in the news section. (most of the poeple that run giantbomb are secret bastards and clueless console noob apple mac iphone snobs anyway.)

very few sites mentioned this kickstarter that is too bad.

Joystiq and mentioned it though AKA the good video game sites that have interesting deep content and report more news.

I read joystiq news feed the most because they report on everything interesting in games and they have a good mobile website version for phones.
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you can also call yourself XY generation, works especially well if you are male, lol...

anyways, I just saw the video and to be honest it wasn't a good pitch, along with the very barren playable demo/prototype... I do hope they develop a great game though