EA will cancel your "Entitlements" and may cancel your account after 24 months?

Honestly, all I see is a bunch of 18yr old pimple faced lazy ass pants hanging off their asses youngins' whining because they have to fucking think once in a while. If I don't play a game for two years I wasn't that interested. Furthermore if for some reason I am some jackass lazy pantywaste kid who bought a fucking video game game and then got locked up or some dumb shit and couldn't log in for two years, I would just buy it for $5-$10 again because we all know PC games depreciate faster than the us dollar, back it the fuck up this time, and move the fuck on. Real life is so much fun isn't it!

Its amazing how much air is wasted on lazy fucks. Sometimes there's things that just aren't worth bitching over. Rrecognizing this is part of growing up. I like my games, don't get me wrong, but really?

So you're willing to pay for a game more than once? You're actually OK with that too?

No wonder PC gaming is slowly, but surely going down the shitter.
So you're willing to pay for a game more than once? You're actually OK with that too?

No wonder PC gaming is slowly, but surely going down the shitter.
The points made in that post completely flew by un-noticed like a ninja in the dark didn't they. I am not ok with it as a rule of thumb. But after two years? I've obviously moved on. If for some odd reason I decide to play a 10 year old game again, THEN I have no problem paying $10 to play it again. Yes. I'm ok with that. You guys also conveniently fail to recognize the fact that when you initially purchased the game you had the option at that time and for two fucking years after or longer to save the downloaded installer files and CD key. Again, a massive fail indeed, failure to use what you are provided and being a lazy ass and then whining because someone else isn't catering to you because you gave them $50 two or more years ago. Get fucking real.
The points made in that post completely flew by un-noticed like a ninja in the dark didn't they. I am not ok with it as a rule of thumb. But after two years? I've obviously moved on. If for some odd reason I decide to play a 10 year old game again, THEN I have no problem paying $10 to play it again. Yes.

You have any idea how many of us, especially the older crowd find ourselves reinstalling games we played years ago or personal favorites that might have not played in a while? No, that's not acceptable in any way, shape, or form.
You have any idea how many of us, especially the older crowd find ourselves reinstalling games we played years ago or personal favorites that might have not played in a while? No, that's not acceptable in any way, shape, or form.

Save the goddamn installer and CD key bro. Done. Over. You never needed EA beyond the initial download.
Save the goddamn installer and CD key bro. Done. Over. You never needed EA beyond the initial download.

I heard that works really awesome for games like Dragon Age Origins where you need to authenticate your DLC with the servers to get it to work.
I heard that works really awesome for games like Dragon Age Origins where you need to authenticate your DLC with the servers to get it to work.

If you haven't played it in two plus years the last concern you have is missing out on your precious DLC. By that time the game will be "Gold" and be $10 at Walmart. Get over it. The companies are supposed to use your $50 to host your shit for years, for a video game no less? Ridiculous assertion. This is not your tax return backup service. These are video games. Again, in life you have to pick your battles. Wasting time crying over this is a joke.
If you haven't played it in two plus years the last concern you have is missing out on your precious DLC. By that time the game will be "Gold" and be $10 at Walmart. Get over it. The companies are supposed to use your $50 to host your shit for years, for a video game no less? Ridiculous assertion. This is not your tax return backup service. These are video games. Again, in life you have to pick your battles. Wasting time crying over this is a joke.

So you advocate renting games at full price instead of it being yours forever?

Even more ridiculous assertion.

That's simply not acceptable for me, I'm already over it, simply because I vote with my wallet.

I refuse to pay full price for games anymore, I don't care how good they are or how hyped either. Hype doesn't make me buy games anymore, I passed that point a long time ago.
So you advocate renting games at full price instead of it being yours forever?

Even more ridiculous assertion.

That's simply not acceptable for me, I'm already over it, simply because I vote with my wallet.

I refuse to pay full price for games anymore, I don't care how good they are or how hyped either. Hype doesn't make me buy games anymore, I passed that point a long time ago.

Lets look at it your way. At full price of $60 at retail on launch day and assuming you never backup the game or its a "DLC" issue, basically assuming you buy the game online on launch day and never used their online service again for two years for any other game(do you see how stupid this sounds?) and finally after all those things form the perfect storm worst case scenario, you paid $30/yr to enjoy the game. Yes. I'm fine with that. Because you are talking about such a small percentage of lazy asses it doesn't even matter. They got your money, how about showing some sense of ownership? Or lose it. Your choice.

To make this an even sweeter deal you refuse to pay retail price. So you get off much cheaper. A no brainer. Over the course of your lifetime you stand to lose how much over a few video games that meet all those conditions and require you to do nothing? Seriously. I spend more than that in one trip to the grocery store. Get over it.
So question:

If Origin is anything like Steam, you can buy a boxed game, go to Origin, enter the key, download the game, and throw away the disc. I actually did something similar when I bought a boxed Mass Effect 2 - I installed the game from the disc, but later realized I could use the same key with the EA store to get a digital copy. So I did and put it with my Steam backups.

So if I buy BF3 in a box, and then don't play it for two years, you're telling me that the associated account is going to be deactivated? That the physical copy of the game in front of me won't work anymore? How much sense does this make?

More likely it will be like other posters in this thread have pointed out: EA, like Steam with their "No guarantees!" clause, is just covering themselves legally. I really doubt they're going to actively prune accounts. If they did they'd be shooting themselves in the foot, and dooming their new darling service before it even has a chance to get off the ground. Not to mention making the boxed copy luddites EXTREMELY angry, above and beyond the rage inspired by Starforce, Ubisoft DRM, Sony rootkits, and all the other draconian DRM people have complained about over the years.
Lets look at it your way. At full price of $60 at retail on launch day and assuming you never backup the game or its a "DLC" issue, basically assuming you buy the game online on launch day and never used their online service again for two years for any other game(do you see how stupid this sounds?) and finally after all those things form the perfect storm worst case scenario, you paid $30/yr to enjoy the game. Yes. I'm fine with that. Because you are talking about such a small percentage of lazy asses it doesn't even matter. They got your money, how about showing some sense of ownership? Or lose it. Your choice.

To make this an even sweeter deal you refuse to pay retail price. So you get off much cheaper. A no brainer. Over the course of your lifetime you stand to lose how much over a few video games that meet all those conditions and require you to do nothing? Seriously. I spend more than that in one trip to the grocery store. Get over it.

I have over 350 games in my library dating back to 1982. Sorry, not going to do all that. I bought the game via theirs or anyone elses' DD store and that is part of the price they pay to do business in the digital age. If they don't wish to accept that responsibility then they can add specific clauses in their EULA for that, whether or not that is part of a "doomsday" clause is another story. Steam, Impulse, D2D,and GoG don't have that specific clause in their EULA's. When companies do this then consumers have a right to vote with their wallet.

Besides, I already gave an example where I forgot about my purchase of the Witcher and 2 years later reinstalled it from D2D. Planescape I play off and on every other year or two. Fallout 1 & 2 I waited over 5 years to play again. While you may be ok with dropping 10-20$ repurchasing stuff over and over again, I prefer to invest the nickles and dimes that go into vending machines, mcdonalds, and yep...game companies. I don't see any reason why I should repurchase games I've already bought. Whatever you say doesn't even begin to justify that decision and just makes you look like an EA sycophant.
Honestly, all I see is a bunch of 18yr old pimple faced lazy ass pants hanging off their asses youngins' whining because they have to fucking think once in a while. If I don't play a game for two years I wasn't that interested. Furthermore if for some reason I am some jackass lazy pantywaste kid who bought a fucking video game and then got locked up or some dumb shit and couldn't log in for two years, I would just buy it for $5-$10 again because we all know PC games depreciate faster than the us dollar, back it the fuck up this time, and move the fuck on. Real life is so much fun isn't it!

Its amazing how much air is wasted on lazy fucks. Sometimes there's things that just aren't worth bitching over. Rrecognizing this is part of growing up. I like my games, don't get me wrong, but really?

Honestly think this is one of the most retarded posts I've seen on this forum, I mean seriously. Honestly how much air did you waste wheezing out this drivel.
Honestly think this is one of the most retarded posts I've seen on this forum, I mean seriously. Honestly how much air did you waste wheezing out this drivel.

He dug a hole for himself, now he has to defend his postition out of pride. Its getting pretty random and petty at this point.
No, steam will not kill your account for inactivity, my account was inactive for 4 YEARS and it worked the moment I logged into it. This is called being phucked in the ass by EA.....

I have to agree with this as my Steam account also went dormant until last year ever since Half Life 2 came out. That is a pretty long time and probably at least 5 years. If you paid for all those games, i'd like to know WTF is EA's f'ing problem. Those guys are serious pricks and another reason why i'm pissed that BF3 isn't coming to Steam. EA is one of those companies you can't love because everytime you are ready to forgive them for the last retarded thing they did, they pull another prick a-hole move like this.
He dug a hole for himself, now he has to defend his postition out of pride. Its getting pretty random and petty at this point.

There's no hole here. I'm grown. I get to play a little here or there but one thing I wont do is worry about dropping $10 to play a game again that I loved 5 years ago. Go back and read what I posted. The number of people and games affected by this is so small it doesn't matter anyways. Like I said, nothing to defend. Did it ever occur to you not everybody is a nerdy gamer tightwad on these forums? While you save the gaming community from having to spend a few bucks ill be doing real life things like working a job and driving a car and going to the grocery store.

If you want to make a difference go do something about something that actually matters. Video games are, how do I put this.....not a big deal. Not a priority.
There's no hole here. I'm grown. I get to play a little here or there but one thing I wont do is worry about dropping $10 to play a game again that I loved 5 years ago. Go back and read what I posted. The number of people and games affected by this is so small it doesn't matter anyways. Like I said, nothing to defend. Did it ever occur to you not everybody is a nerdy gamer tightwad on these forums? While you save the gaming community from having to spend a few bucks ill be doing real life things like working a job and driving a car and going to the grocery store.

If you want to make a difference go do something about something that actually matters. Video games are, how do I put this.....not a big deal. Not a priority.

I think the concept of a hobby eludes you.
I think the concept of a hobby eludes you.

Kinda guilty of that yes. Real life gets in the way. I have time to go to work, come home, make dinner/cut the lawn/fix something broken/spend time with wife and kids/go to bed/do it again.

I get to play some on weekends. An hour or two here or there. It could all go away and I would be fine. Life goes on.

There's some guys at work that give up time with their kids in order to go do dumb shit like LARPing or other silly stuff. Its their hobby. I don't see how that works when you have so many responsibilities at home while you're out playing games.
Honestly, all I see is a bunch of 18yr old pimple faced lazy ass pants hanging off their asses youngins' whining because they have to fucking think once in a while. If I don't play a game for two years I wasn't that interested. Furthermore if for some reason I am some jackass lazy pantywaste kid who bought a fucking video game and then got locked up or some dumb shit and couldn't log in for two years, I would just buy it for $5-$10 again because we all know PC games depreciate faster than the us dollar, back it the fuck up this time, and move the fuck on. Real life is so much fun isn't it!

Its amazing how much air is wasted on lazy fucks. Sometimes there's things that just aren't worth bitching over. Rrecognizing this is part of growing up. I like my games, don't get me wrong, but really?

I work hard all day supporting a wife and kids. Lazy? In my age, it's the principle of the matter that bothers me most. Try getting 200 mods to work on your install of morrowind. That's work I enjoy. That's a hobby. And after two years of not playing it, I can come back to it. I don't have to remember to log back in. I'm not good at remembering things. I like to leave a game and come back to it when I want. I don't want to 'keep up' with all my belongings. If I paid for something then it should be there waiting for me to return to it.

You don't mind paying twice for a game or losing out on features. You are not a good representative of the population. How you handle your life is not necessarily how everyone else should.

In and of itself, logging in isn't that big of a deal. The principle of some business having the power to remove something I purchased if I don't do this or that is what bothers me. I am to be told how to maintain something I bought? If everyone does this than some day someone will come up with the bright idea of "pay $5" to keep you account.

In the grand scheme of things, video games aren't that big of a deal, but principles are.
Kinda guilty of that yes. Real life gets in the way. I have time to go to work, come home, make dinner/cut the lawn/fix something broken/spend time with wife and kids/go to bed/do it again.

I get to play some on weekends. An hour or two here or there. It could all go away and I would be fine. Life goes on.

There's some guys at work that give up time with their kids in order to go do dumb shit like LARPing or other silly stuff. Its their hobby. I don't see how that works when you have so many responsibilities at home while you're out playing games.

So in other words, people should live life the way you do rather than do what they love.

Too bad the real world doesn't work that way. People do things differently than you, COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE THE REASON WHY THEY DON'T LIKE THIS EA THING?

oh ma gee, I have stumbled upon the answer!
Fail you should get real yourself and for once understand that we are all different. You enjoy LoL while I enjoy CoD, yet you bash me as a mindless idiot. Maybe you need to stop bashing others who are different from you. Your probably just another "Elitist" who thinks hes tough shit because he's one of the old hardcore gamers, but that's cool fine by me if you are like that. Just don't go around calling others stupid and whatnot for buying other games.

Also who bought a 10 year old game on a download manager like Steam or EADM? (Counter strike aside). I have all my games that are over around 3-4 years on disks, I don't get how hard that is. And if its even older that there weren't disks, just put it on an external harddrive or usb stick?

I believe they should just mark the account as inactive and you have to reactivate it after those 2 years.
So in other words, people should live life the way you do rather than do what they love.

Too bad the real world doesn't work that way. People do things differently than you, COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE THE REASON WHY THEY DON'T LIKE THIS EA THING?

oh ma gee, I have stumbled upon the answer!

Fail you should get real yourself and for once understand that we are all different. You enjoy LoL while I enjoy CoD, yet you bash me as a mindless idiot. Maybe you need to stop bashing others who are different from you. Your probably just another "Elitist" who thinks hes tough shit because he's one of the old hardcore gamers, but that's cool fine by me if you are like that. Just don't go around calling others stupid and whatnot for buying other games.

Also who bought a 10 year old game on a download manager like Steam or EADM? (Counter strike aside). I have all my games that are over around 3-4 years on disks, I don't get how hard that is. And if its even older that there weren't disks, just put it on an external harddrive or usb stick?

I believe they should just mark the account as inactive and you have to reactivate it after those 2 years.

Perhaps reading my above post would be more constructive. Also, nowhere in any of my posts do I bash anybody, that is against the forum rules.
Perhaps reading my above post would be more constructive. Also, nowhere in any of my posts do I bash anybody, that is against the forum rules.

Yes anyone who does not agree with you is someone who likes to get bent over and raped by the company. Cool you are calling us mindless followers/stupid buyers for buying games that we enjoy. Every time CoD is mentioned you say this.

Or if you mean something totally different, enlighten me and others what you mean by this?

EDIT: I'll just settle this. You buy games that do not cut corners anywhere and enjoy those while I enjoy most games even if they cut corners somewhere.
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EDIT: I'll just settle this. You buy games that do not cut corners anywhere and enjoy those while I enjoy most games even if they cut corners somewhere.

That's actually a fair minded way of putting it, couldn't have said it better myself, was precisely my point all along, just said differently of course :p
Wow holy shit people. If you don't like it a boycott them, EA certainly does not care about your bitching. This is just a cover your ass measure and they will almost surely send email reminders about the eventual deactivation.

God damn.
of all the things I love bitching about when it comes to EA this is pretty low on my give a shit list. 2 years from now they'll have guaranteed you won't wanna play any of their games anyway.
It makes sense I suppose. After 2 years it's probably safe to bet that you're looking at a dormant and abandoned account that clearly no one gave a damn about. Why not shut it down?

The question is why shut it down? It's probably just a few kb of data in a database, you could have millions of inactive accounts and it wouldn't matter.
The question is why shut it down? It's probably just a few kb of data in a database, you could have millions of inactive accounts and it wouldn't matter.

It's EA. They close down game servers so they can sell the next Madden with one more animation. That's their bread and butter. What else would you expect from them?

The amount of spineless suckers in this thread is amazing. Imagine if a movie you haven't watched in two years vaporized or a book you hadn't read spontaneously combusted. This is WHY big companies like EA love DRM, because they can tell you when you can use the thing YOU bought and can remove your ability to use it at any time.
The amount of spineless suckers in this thread is amazing. Imagine if a movie you haven't watched in two years vaporized or a book you hadn't read spontaneously combusted. This is WHY big companies like EA love DRM, because they can tell you when you can use the thing YOU bought and can remove your ability to use it at any time.

Well said.
Who the fuck do you think you are to say something like that?

I have not bought a single EA game since Dragon Age Origins, and for good reason.

Just because you're willing to bend over doesn't mean I am.


According to that list I haven't purchased an EA game since ~2002, when I bought my sister the original Sims. Sheesh, it has been a long time! I might also have a copy of one of the Command & Conquers lying around, can't remember if I bought it... if I did it was $4.99/bargain bin priced, so I don't feel so bad about giving EA some money.
The amount of spineless suckers in this thread is amazing. Imagine if a movie you haven't watched in two years vaporized or a book you hadn't read spontaneously combusted. This is WHY big companies like EA love DRM, because they can tell you when you can use the thing YOU bought and can remove your ability to use it at any time.

I cant believe so many are ok with it and actually insult people who like to keep their stuff for more than 2 years....

Also people keep saying its just to cover their ass but it specificly says your Serials/CD-Keys will expire.... This is the cover our ass line:
We do not guarantee that any Content or Entitlement will be available at all times or at any given time or that we will continue to offer particular Content or Entitlements for any particular length of time.

And this tells you that your "Entitlements" WILL expire:
your Entitlements will expire and your Account may be cancelled for non-use
I cant believe so many are ok with it and actually insult people who like to keep their stuff for more than 2 years....

Also people keep saying its just to cover their ass but it specificly says your Serials/CD-Keys will expire.... This is the cover our ass line:

And this tells you that your "Entitlements" WILL expire:

People these days have no standards or principles, and they show up quite well in this thread.
I like how absolutely no one has caught on to the concept of a "cover your ass clause" in a EULA. MMORPGs often have similar clauses, but retain data anyway. Everyone should shut the fuck up until such time as someone actually gets their shit disabled. Until then, you might as well be complaining about the upcoming zombie apocalypse.

Specify how this is a cover-your-ass item exactly?
It's pretty simple. If I paid for it, then it's wrong for them to try and take it from me later because I haven't used it in a while. That wouldn't fly in any other consumer market, so why is it OK in this one?
It's pretty simple. If I paid for it, then it's wrong for them to try and take it from me later because I haven't used it in a while. That wouldn't fly in any other consumer market, so why is it OK in this one?

Because gamers don't mind being raped

it's a sadistic thing to see.
So after all these posts and all the speculation, does anyone know if you need origin to play BF3?
Asking because If I buy a hard copy and I dont have to have origin installed and log in to play the game then this doesnt matter to me I dont care about any other ea games aside from bc2.
If it's going to be like steam where I buy a hard copy of a game and might as well put my key from the box in steam and download because I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, then i'll pass till its $20
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Kinda guilty of that yes. Real life gets in the way. I have time to go to work, come home, make dinner/cut the lawn/fix something broken/spend time with wife and kids/go to bed/do it again.

I get to play some on weekends. An hour or two here or there. It could all go away and I would be fine. Life goes on.

There's some guys at work that give up time with their kids in order to go do dumb shit like LARPing or other silly stuff. Its their hobby. I don't see how that works when you have so many responsibilities at home while you're out playing games.
So in essence - you're venting at people who care? and spending your free time on elaborating why you don't care?
Very strange.
More to the point the DB storage involved in a service that EA/Steam or any Digital Subscriber network MUST back up for users in order to be fair is next to nothing.
even 5000 rows of data are complete BS.
So, what I see is EA preempting a crappy service fail with some crappy service terms..
They just want Steam out of the loop.
This is a stupid guess- but why did games start going for 60$ a piece, it was a trend EA started, no?
So in essence - you're venting at people who care? and spending your free time on elaborating why you don't care?
Very strange.
More to the point the DB storage involved in a service that EA/Steam or any Digital Subscriber network MUST back up for users in order to be fair is next to nothing.
even 5000 rows of data are complete BS.
So, what I see is EA preempting a crappy service fail with some crappy service terms..
They just want Steam out of the loop.
This is a stupid guess- but why did games start going for 60$ a piece, it was a trend EA started, no?

Not to defend EA but the first game i rememeber being 60 bux was mw2 from activision, someone correct me if i am wrong.
Not to defend EA but the first game i rememeber being 60 bux was mw2 from activision, someone correct me if i am wrong.

Doom 3 launched at $60 MSRP I think. Blizzard (before the Activision merger) also had prices in this range.

I think EA first switched to $60 for "tier 1" titles (just a made up term by me) with Medal of Honor, Bad Company 2 was still $50. Lower tier games like Alice 2 are still $50 launch price.
The amount of spineless suckers in this thread is amazing. Imagine if a movie you haven't watched in two years vaporized or a book you hadn't read spontaneously combusted. This is WHY big companies like EA love DRM, because they can tell you when you can use the thing YOU bought and can remove your ability to use it at any time.

I almost want to grow another hand to give you three thumbs up.

I love how they consider you giving them money for a product to be an "Entitlement". I am starting to sympathize with people who pirate video games for the sake of it.

PS: EADM was the same way for a while. After 6 months of purchasing an online download, you lose ownership, or in EA's view "Entitlement". I bought Northern Strike for Battlefield 2142 for 15 bucks. About 8-9 months later I had to reinstall windows and the game. What do yanno, they wanted 15 more dollars. Fuck EA, I pray that their download service is going to fail so hard.
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