EA Store - Buy 2 Digital Games and get 40% off of order in addition to 30%* coupon


Jul 16, 2007
Save 40% when you buy 2 or more PC Downloadable titles!


Coupon code:
EAPARTNERS2009 - 30% off all games that are regular price (i.e. not on sale/promo price)

i.e. DA:O is $45 as a promo., so the 30% doesn't apply. But the collector's edition is $65 with no promo, so with the 30% coupon, it'd be 45.5. But anyhow, $45.5 + a $10 filler game gives you DA:O for $33.33....not too bad.

There is a downside to this though, it uses EA's Download Manager.
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I'm considering this deal. Here's what I have in my cart right now: Dragon Age: Origins, The Sims 3 + Expansion and RA3 for $71 total, thats $18 each game, not too bad. I'm really tempted to go ahead and buy but I hate the thought of having to use another service in addition to Steam and Impulse.
...the thought of having to use another service in addition to Steam and Impulse.

This is why I'm reluctant to pull the trigger as well. Amazon has it for $35, and I get the media but I have to wait for it, AND I don't have to buy games that I don't want to get the price down...

I'd much rather have it on Steam...
Decided to give it a go and it works great. I got Saboteur for $27.32.
Saboteur - $49.95 + Rail Simulator $9.95 = 59.90 - 30% = 41.93 - EA's promo 40% = 25.16 + tax :( = 27.32 :)

Not bad for a newly released game.
This is why I'm reluctant to pull the trigger as well. Amazon has it for $35, and I get the media but I have to wait for it, AND I don't have to buy games that I don't want to get the price down...

I'd much rather have it on Steam...

i like buying those games that you wont play forever on cd... that way u can sell them. ideally this would include sports games, but its not easy to sell last year's title. games like need for speed though, you know itll be fun for about a month then youll never use it again...steam is perfect for those game you never want to depart with.
If Saboteur worked on ATI cards I'd be severely tempted to use this deal to get that and something else. I'm actually still tempted to pick it up and just wait to play it until the patch comes out.
i should note though, burnout paradise i have on EA DM, and while i hate ea i cannot say anything bad about the experience. EADM is very small, simple and it works well. its easy to recover after a reinstall too, it really shouldnt hinder anyones decision.
I swore off EA games a long time ago. They have L4D2 in the store, but its not digital and putting 2 digital games does not discount a physical game.
Don't they allow one extra download or 6-months of download access, then you have to buy another (if you lose your installation)? I wouldn't pay 5 bucks for something that will be taken away from me.
Don't they allow one extra download or 6-months of download access, then you have to buy another (if you lose your installation)? I wouldn't pay 5 bucks for something that will be taken away from me.

No, they don't. That was removed a couple months ago. It was a limitation imposed by Digital River, not sure what EA did to get rid of it but its gone.
Hmm, according to a few people on CAG who jumped on DA:O...

Your loss. The way I look at it, I basically just bought Dragon Age: Origins for $27, and got a copy of Mercenaries 2 for free. Besides, is an 8 MB program that big of a deal, even if you only use it a handful of times?

Also, rctycoon is right about not needing the EA program to run. I booted DA:O to see if it works without it and it does. Also checked task manager to see if it's running in the background and it's not.

Some numbers:
DA:O SE + 10$ Game = $25.15 (Orig $60)
DA:O CE + 10$ Game = $31.50 (Orig $75)
DA:O SE + 20$ Game = $29.30 (Orig $70)
DA:O CE + 20$ Game = $35.65 (Orig $85)

But, do we just get a cd key to activate the game once or twice? What happens if we reformat?
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I was thinking Dragon Age: Origins + LOTR: Rise of the Witch King (never got around to getting it) for $25 total. Not bad.

How much of a pain is EA's digital download service? Is it not worth it? Do i have to install crappy software to make this work?
I was thinking Dragon Age: Origins + LOTR: Rise of the Witch King (never got around to getting it) for $25 total. Not bad.

How much of a pain is EA's digital download service? Is it not worth it? Do i have to install crappy software to make this work?

EADM is really easy to use. Download, install, run, sign in, download game, run installer, play. You don't need to run EADM at all once the game is installed. If decide to keep it running its a small program that doesn't use a lot of resources.
Anyone else having trouble checking out?

I just purchased NFS: Shift plus a $10 filler for $25 about 20 minutes ago.

I was having checkout problems as well. Coupon would not apply, restarting the browser fixed it. It told me I had to verify my account details (turns out it won't accept my US address for I'm using a Canadian IP. Fixed it with a proxy). Checkout then went smooth.

I'm surprised, EA download manager doesn't seem to be a pain whatsoever. Just start it, login, and it starts downloading. I'll tell you how it goes. I think we're given retail keys...not just their "unlock" codes. But we'll see in an hour when I finish downloading 9GB.
Anyone else having trouble checking out?

I just checked out: Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect for $28.57!!! Excellent find. I didn't really want to play mass effect, but why not for that price!

Make sure the price is right at the end. It seemed a little high to when I first went through. It was $38 or so. It showed $26 through the whole process until I got to the final screen where the next click buys it. I noticed that it went up about $12. I clicked the link to edit my cart and added the 30% off coupon (again) and went through the checkout one more time. This time it had the $26 and change correctly, but they tacked on $1.80 for tax.
Interesting, all I had to do was install NFS: Shift without needing a cdkey nor did I have EADM running. I was able to play Shift just fine without it and also online via the account I bought the game with. So it seems EADM is just there grab the games from your account/keys. After that, you don't seem to need it.
Hmm seems like addons arent included. Was going to get Dragonage +Mass Effect addon.