E4300 Temp problems


Apr 7, 2005
I have a e4300 on a ds3 and a tuniq tower.
With the vcore at 1.45 and running at 3300 i am getting temps of the mid to high 80s in tat and idles of high 40s to 50s. The gigabyte easytune program shows 30 idle and 60-70 load.

That way too damn high. I just put the stock heat sink on and im getting around the same numbers. I lapped the heatsink and ihs two times already. Temps did not change at all.

What do you guys think? Tuniq tower bad or perhaps there is a problem with the IHS.
Anyone ran one of these naked with a tuniq tower? This is really starting to piss me off. Ive been through an entire tube or thermal paste reseating this bitch.

How much paste are you using through each application? A tube of AS5 lasts me about 35 remounts :eek:
Ive tried it just about everyway possible... Ive put a small line down the middle... spread it out really thin... put alot on... many many combinations.
whats the ambient temp in the room the computer is in? what were your temps at stock speeds? you might want to see if you're installing your tuniq correctly. because with a decent amount of as5 and a tuniq temps shouldn't be that high.
Ambient temp is around 72f.
I took the board out and looked at the mounting for different angles. The thing is making a good even contact. One thing though. I am using as2, would that cause a problem?
it would increase temps one or two degrees but it wouldnt cause it to run 10-20 degrees too hot

Anyone ran one of these naked with a tuniq tower
the core2s (not sure about 4300s i remember reading they use a glue of some kind) have the IHS low-temp-soldered on, you have to very carefuly use a heat gun to heat it up then pop it off with a razor when the solder melts. its apparently very hard to do, and if you dont know what your doing, the success rate is somewhere around 25%. (3 out of 4 people will pull the core off with the IHS) so i wouldnt try it.

when you pull the heatsink off what does the paste look like? if you lapped both parts, the processor should have almost no thermal paste on it after you squeeze the two together, just a very thin film should be left.
if i had to guess i would say its not seated right.
it would increase temps one or two degrees but it wouldnt cause it to run 10-20 degrees too hot

the core2s (not sure about 4300s i remember reading they use a glue of some kind) have the IHS low-temp-soldered on, you have to very carefuly use a heat gun to heat it up then pop it off with a razor when the solder melts. its apparently very hard to do, and if you dont know what your doing, the success rate is somewhere around 25%. (3 out of 4 people will pull the core off with the IHS) so i wouldnt try it.

when you pull the heatsink off what does the paste look like? if you lapped both parts, the processor should have almost no thermal paste on it after you squeeze the two together, just a very thin film should be left.
if i had to guess i would say its not seated right.

Just FYI, 4300s are not soldered on.
Definitely too hot indeed.

2 possible explanations : The Tuniq is not mounted correctly or the surface is not flat on either the IHS or the Tuniq. I would believe the former since when you used the stock heatsink, you got the same temps and this is because the stock can't dissipate heat fast enough at this speed.
Yeah, Its lapped correctly. When I take the heatsink off the thermal paste is trasparent. So its squishing it good lol.
See what I was thinking was that the heat spreader might not be making good contact with the core. Hell the bottom of the heatsink isnt even warm when the chips 80c and that bitch isnt going to make any better contact.
I think it has to do with the IHS of the 4300 being attached with paste instead of solder. I also have a 4300, mine is running 3.0ghz at 1.325v. Stock heatsink.

Idle temps are between 39c - 51c (depending on ambient temps)

Load temps are between 60c - 74c (depending on load)

After running orthos for about 15 min, the stock heatsink is barely warm. I have reseated the heatsink (cleaning thermal paste off with rubbing alcohol and coffee filters). Still same temps. I have not done any lapping, however.
Im thinking the paste under the ihs is not applied well or has air bubbles in it.
It wont be a problem getting it off.
Whats gonna suck is having to take off the retention mechanism off of the lga 775 socket.
Then praying the core doesnt crack or shatter. Hell the reduced height of the cpu might cause the tuniq to not fit properly... I dont know.
Anyone done this before? I would really like some input.
Is one core significantly hotter than the other? Maybe the IHS is not on right. Too bad you lapped it, or you could have RMA'd the chip. If you are sure the Tuniq is on right, and the fan is running and all that stuff, then you might just be screwed. Although 1.45 is getting up there as far as vcore goes - how does it run with a lower vcore - like 1.375?
Actually Core 1 is like 3c hotter than Core 0
Thats what made me lap it.
I though "Oh its not making good contact"
3.2ghz 1.36 volts around 70c load
Hell at stock its getting 56c in orthos
That seems hot for that big ass of a heatsink
chips with 2 cores spose to be thin strip of paste down the middle of the chip.
I get low 60s under load with 1.3625, so maybe it just ramps a lot with voltage.
I have been doing some research and i've found out that the thermal grease on the e4300 raises the core temps 10c and in one case a guy claimed 20c on load.
Think im gonna pop that bitch off when I get off work.
Ok the ihs was the problem
Wasnt making good contact.
So now that I have the bad boy off.... I got a big problem
The bottom retention bracket is just barely blocking my heatsink. It actually makes contact with the core, but apparently it has to put considerable force on the pins to cause it to power up the chip. So it wont power up with out the ihs. It functions with the ihs reinstalled... Albeit the temps suck ass. Like 39C idling at stock in the bios.
Is there anyway to get that damn thing off short of taking a dremel to it?
Got pics of the bare chip? I gotta see it cuz I got one of the E4300's but I am already running 3Ghz @ stock vcore.
Got pics of the bare chip? I gotta see it cuz I got one of the E4300's but I am already running 3Ghz @ stock vcore.

I won't link their pics, but here is a thread over at xtreme systems... There are several similar threads floating around there also.
Yeah, I had 3.2ghz stable with the heat spreader making half ass contact. I can get the chip to post at 3.6ghz. Hopefully it will oc better with that spreader off.

I tried to dremel the heat sink. just need to trim a little around the edges to make it fit. That didnt work just ate up my bits. So ill use a grinder on it here at work today.

Ill get some pics when im done. Seems theres a million posts like this one now.
Ill give you guys an update.
I cracked the core mounting the heatsink.. I did it as gently as possible.
Went the frys the next day and got an e6300... Ran an order of magnitude cooler... Like 54 load at 2.75. It pissed me off though cause it already had heatsink mounting marks on it and would do 2.75 at 1.4 volts.. So I went back and got another 4300 and its doing 3.3ghz at 1.38 volts and about 64c load. Plus i found out my board hits a fsb wall at 395 bummer.
I'm using the stock heatsink ATM and I've also lapped my processor. Here are my temps for comparsion.

Ambient Temp - 75F or 24C

At 3.4 @ 1.425
Idle temps are 53/50
Orthos load 66/64

At 2.4 @ 1.325
Idle temps are 42/39
Orthos load is 50/50

Sold my Tuniq before I lapped my processer but if you look at the intel overclock thread you can see my temps running orthos being at 60/60 with the tuniq 120 (at full speed) at 3.4ghz.
Thats pretty good.. I can get this thing to do 3.5ghz just gets up to 70c. Im gonna let the as5 bake a little and crank it up. Might lap it eventually. That should help. This ones way better than my cracked e4300. That bitch was doing orthos at 80c at this speed.
I'm also running a E4300, but with water cooling, so temps aren't a real issue for me. I've had mine up to 3.7 GHz running SuperPi a while back, but it wasn't super stable and I don't like my Orthos temps going much over 50c so I nly play around up there every now and them........:eek:

