Dynamic pages and Search engines


Dec 17, 2002
How search engine friendly is having a complete site all displayed through one page? As in all of the urls are www.mydomain.com/displayer.php&page=Home . Home being the variable being passed determining what content is retrieved and displayed. I have heard search engines now days do not mind. I would have a site map for the search engines but that would still have links containing variables. I am working on building a robust personal CMS and I am all about web standards and SEO so I would hate to shoot my self in the foot early on in this process.
It's fine. The spider will think the URL is different, because it is, and visit each comination for which it can find a link.
mikeblas said:
It's fine. The spider will think the URL is different, because it is, and visit each comination for which it can find a link.

Thats good. I have a rough working demo (as in demo before getting all the proper OO framework together) and I would hate to have to throw it all out. :D
How interesting. Wouldn't it be prudent to test a prototype?

Just make six or seven pages with junk on 'em at a temporary website. Point google at it, then watch your logs. Does it visit? Does it follow your links?
Point google at it?

I did not think Google necessarily crawled your site immediately after submitting it. Is there a way to immediately get google to crawl and check its results?
It doesn't necessarly, but it only seems to take a week or ten days. Especially if you have a friendly robots file.