DX10 Card Now... or Wait?


Jun 10, 2004
Okay, so I should have made my forum handle "Mr Waffle" instead. My rig blew up and I have to upgrade now instead of Q1 2007 like I was planning. Up until now, I was figuring I'd get an 8800GTS, but now I'm having second thoughts. I have (had) a 6800GT, as a point of reference. I am a gamer, and the 6800 was doing me fine until now (except for Oblivion, which I had to turn down a lot of detail. Booo!)

Do I pay close to $450 now for an 8800GTS and have a card that will last me 2-3 years until my next upgrade, or do I buy something different now... such as a 7800 or 7900 for now and upgrade when more DX10 cards come out? In one way, I hate to "spend money twice". On the other hand, I don't want to get screwed with a 1st gen DX10 card in any way.

If my 6800GT wasn't AGP, I'd just use that for now.
If you are going to game at 1280x1024, get the GTS, if you think you might be wanting to really push and get a 1600x1200 or higher display, get the GTX if you can swing it, but really, the GTS are damn fast cards regardless.

I say get a DX10 card now and enjoy ALL your games at incredible speeds and still have power for DX10 when it hits. The gap between the X1900 and 7900 series cards are going to get ALOT bigger in DX10. You won't be handicapped then....if you have any DX10 card.

And you are not "screwing yourself" buying a DX10 card now, far from it.....
I have a Dell 2001WFP, so I was gaming in native resolution. I will continue to do so with whatever I get. (Native on the 2001WFP is 1680x1050, I think)

And while, yes, I am a gamer... I have a hard time justifying $630 on a video card. Hence why my 6800 is only a GT which was purchased summer of '04 when the 6800's came out.
by the time dx10 is even mainstream it'll be way outdated. Just get a cheap solution to hold you over.
I have a Dell 2001WFP, so I was gaming in native resolution. I will continue to do so with whatever I get. (Native on the 2001WFP is 1680x1050, I think)

I am in your boat. I happily game at 1680x1050 on my Gateway FPD2185....and spending the extra 150-200 just cannot be justified.....when I have 2 kids and a wife...heh.

I say go for the GTS, this things kicks ass. Forget the wait attitude, you will never get something new because something faster is ALWAYS around the corner....

Crysis and DX10 are literallly, just around the corner.....not to mention Flight Simulator X is already here and will have DX10 as soon as Vista hits next month. Plus, the DX10 cards right now kick the *shit* out of every game out, with very high IQ settings.
Whipsmack said:
by the time dx10 is even mainstream it'll be way outdated. Just get a cheap solution to hold you over.

And by the time DX10 is mainstream there will be something faster coming like DX11 or the latest turbo grafix 2gb quad core 500 pipeline mega-card, ad infinitum....buy NOW and enjoy games NOW....
I'm in the exact same boat as you. I debated for about two weeks, and I decided to go with a 7900 to hold me over. I'm not a huge gamer but I needed something new. I spent the extra money on other stuff I wanted.
If you buy Evga, you can always do the upgrade (step-up) program. I'm thinking of doing this if I don't go directly for the 8800gts in my new system. You will probably loose some money doing step-up because of retail stores having a lower price, but its still a cool program.
TheRapture said:
I am in your boat. I happily game at 1680x1050 on my Gateway FPD2185....and spending the extra 150-200 just cannot be justified.....when I have 2 kids and a wife...heh.

I say go for the GTS, this things kicks ass. Forget the wait attitude, you will never get something new because something faster is ALWAYS around the corner....

Crysis and DX10 are literallly, just around the corner.....not to mention Flight Simulator X is already here and will have DX10 as soon as Vista hits next month. Plus, the DX10 cards right now kick the *shit* out of every game out, with very high IQ settings.

Crysis is not around the corner... It's been delayed to 3rd quarter next year...
No just wait a bit until R600 has been released (March/late feb), then we can have a complete picture of the whole DX10 GPU capabilities/pricing.
Hey Ob, why dont you go for a motherboard that has both AGP & PCI express?

Like this one for example: http://www.tomshardware.com/2005/09/16/asrock_939dual/

This way you can keep your AGP card untill a good Directx 10 solution is available for 200-300$.

And if you were thiking of going sli or crossfire, id say dont bother with it now the technology isnt mature enough, theres plenty of reviews out there that shows amazing benchmarks on some games and for other games you barely gain a few fps... i dont think this is worth paying for. If i put 2 video card in my pc i expect to have twice the performance or at least close to it and in every game.

Also, its never a good idea to spend money on high end computer parts, unless your rich.
For 200$ now you can get a decent video card and in 2 years for the same amount upgrade it for a card thats probably faster than the one you would have paid 400$ for... then you can sell your previous card to get some money back or keep it and build a 2nd pc for your home theater or as a server or simply a 2nd pc when friends comes over so you can play lan games ;) or even make a gift to your sister ;) theres plenty of options.
Okay, so I should have made my forum handle "Mr Waffle" instead. My rig blew up and I have to upgrade now instead of Q1 2007 like I was planning. Up until now, I was figuring I'd get an 8800GTS, but now I'm having second thoughts. I have (had) a 6800GT, as a point of reference. I am a gamer, and the 6800 was doing me fine until now (except for Oblivion, which I had to turn down a lot of detail. Booo!)

Do I pay close to $450 now for an 8800GTS and have a card that will last me 2-3 years until my next upgrade, or do I buy something different now... such as a 7800 or 7900 for now and upgrade when more DX10 cards come out? In one way, I hate to "spend money twice". On the other hand, I don't want to get screwed with a 1st gen DX10 card in any way.

If my 6800GT wasn't AGP, I'd just use that for now.

IMHO, if you're a gamer and have the money, buy the 8800 GTS. You won't be disapointed with its performance and image quality and you can enjoy all that right now. Of course for a serious gamer, the GTX would be the best choice, but since you don't want to spend that much, the GTS is the only card for you.
If you're not a serious gamer, I say wait until the cheaper versions of DX10 cards are around, like a 8600 GT or X2600 XT. They will provide similar or better performance than current 7900 GTX and X1900 XTX.
I'm still torn between the 7950gt for 230$ or the 8800gtx for 600$+

The 8800gtx is actually a better buy in performance per dollar spend than the 7950gt, but dude, 620$ for a video card???? So I think the best option for everyone in this boat is to try to make do, and if u can't with what u have, get something cheap like a 7600gt for 70$. Then wait to see if prices go down q1 2007.

I however can't run FEAR at all with my current system and need something that doesn't lag when watching h.264 video. =/

So yea I think best option for u is 7600GT for cheap, wait till january-february and see what the buzz is... then play it by ear.
Marvelous said:
Crysis is not around the corner... It's been delayed to 3rd quarter next year...
Nine month delay ? next will be, "the retail price is only $249.99, if you can find it in stock that is."
DX10 Games isn't even here yet... You might be sorry if you bought that 8800gts/gtx and Crysis level of games come out and you soon realize you have to play low resolutions and your $500 card is now worth $100....

I would wait it out until some games are here or see what the competition is cooking and these 8800 series start dropping prices... That's the logical thing... Of course if you have money to blow... Blow it...

If you were happy with a 6800gt you would be suprised with a 1900xt... Happier you didn't blow a hole in your pocket buying a 8800gts...
If you wait for the next faster thing, then when it hits there is another faster thing coming, over and over....if you have the money, get the card now and enjoy the next year of high speed and high res high IQ gaming. Get a decent cpu and a decent GPU (E6300 and 8800GTS) with 2 gigs of ram and FTW :p
Damuman said:
So yea I think best option for u is 7600GT for cheap, wait till january-february and see what the buzz is... then play it by ear.

I doubt that that the 7600GT with its 128-bit memory bus is any faster than 6800GT at 1680*1050. If that 6800GT is put at Ultra settings, its probably even faster with AA&AF.

What he should get is X1950Pro, X1800XT, X1900XT, 7900GS/GT, 7950GT or something in that range.
Haha... I still can't decide! And to make matters worse, my wife hinted that I should just get the 8800GTX this morning! :eek:

(She has a pair or SLI'd 7800GTXs in her rig... while I only had a single AGP 6800GT! :confused: )
Haha... I still can't decide! And to make matters worse, my wife hinted that I should just get the 8800GTX this morning! :eek:

(She has a pair or SLI'd 7800GTXs in her rig... while I only had a single AGP 6800GT! :confused: )

WOW! Now that's a first... a wife with a better PC.
You need to assert your authoritai as a man and take her rig.
Say "Woman, I put food on the table and when I come home, I need to game at high resolutions with AA cranked. I'm taking your rig. Don't like it? You know where the door is, don't let it hit you on the way out. Now make me a sandwich."

Then again, that could explain why I'm single...
Well, I pretty much threw everything from my other threads out the window and wound up ordering the E6600 & EVGA 8800GTX combo meal at Newegg. Yes... that's Supersized! When the wife says "hurry up and order it", I'm not going to argue.
If it were me, knowing that I want to play Crysis relatively nicely when it comes out and yet spend less than $300 I would get:

eVGA 512-P2-N637-AR GeForce 7950GT 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 HDCP KO Superclocked Video Card

I love the card runs my CS:S easily, highest settings possible, NEVER lower than 100 FPS, most of the time 150-200 fps. Battlefield 2 and 2142 great maxed out. can get slightly hot, the zalman completely fixed that for me. This card from what I have read, will get you at least Medium settings on Crysis. This card has great room for even more overclocking, is like two 7900GS's and better than 7900GTX. I haven't run into any game that I couldn't play maxed out yet, kinda wierd actually. Umn and if your really worried about should I buy it now or wait, if you really want my advice, buy this card, you'll be set for years to come, yes even past crysis. Still not convinced, try EVGA's exclusive Step-up program. Basically you register your card online when you get it and if you trade back to EVGA using step-up program, you can pay the difference on any of better video cards, you could trade it for one of the 8800 series cards. :p


I wasn't sure at first, but knowing this card is probably the best single slot 7 series cards (yes this is capable in SLI too :)

Drivers on cd run great too, haven't had any problems with all the games I play, but if you do, the new drivers at nvidia.com have bugfixes and some updates.

In the end, do what you want with your money, just try and spend it to the best of your knowledge.
for me is a simple solution

all the dx10 games are not comming for a while, so buy a 1950pro or xt, 200-250 dollars you will see a massive increase from your 6800, all the games you can play on high, then when the games start to hit next year, ebay it for 75-100, and buy the latest and greatest, thats what im doing with my widescreen high reso lcd. this way you always are playing games on high grafix, and its only costing you 100-150 to game for a year untill you get the best that is out when you can actualy take advantage of it
just get the dx10 right now so you can keep up with the jones. one guy on here has two 8800gtx in SLI lol. so why not do the same? go ahead and spend $1,200 on a video card that will barely run crysis (yes it has been delayed - again)!. :) :) :)
Hulk said:
just get the dx10 right now so you can keep up with the jones. one guy on here has two 8800gtx in SLI lol. so why not do the same? go ahead and spend $1,200 on a video card that will barely run crysis (yes it has been delayed - again)!. :) :) :)

Like the old saying goes: A fool and his money are soon parted. ;)
Well, I wound up with the eVGA 8800GTX :D With the wife's blessing, I decided I might as well go all out. Who knows... I might be able to play Oblivion with all the details turned up now. Eh, maybe not... :rolleyes:

I looked at it this way: $200 now plus $600 a year from now, is $800 ($700 if I sell the first card for $100). Or I can just spend $600 now and have something that will last just as long.

Sounds like you made a good choice. If I had the cash now I'd get a 8800GTX, just because I want to get the Dell 30inch (I have the 24 right now, trying to sell) and want to play WoW at nice levels
Well, I wound up with the eVGA 8800GTX :D With the wife's blessing, I decided I might as well go all out. Who knows... I might be able to play Oblivion with all the details turned up now. Eh, maybe not... :rolleyes:

I looked at it this way: $200 now plus $600 a year from now, is $800 ($700 if I sell the first card for $100). Or I can just spend $600 now and have something that will last just as long.


Dude, i just played oblivion with my 8800GTS. I can play it with everything maxed! I have a Core 2 Duo [email protected]. Don't worry, you will play Oblivion at max EVERYTHING
hehe... I should have qualified my statement about Oblivion as a joke. I know the game eats GPUs for breakfast, but I did figure the latest cards would have no problem. I actually got pretty decent framerates from Oblivion on my 6800GT, even with most things turned way up. I only had to turn off shadows and all the grassy effects. Looking forward to seeing Oblivion in all its splendor.
Well, I wound up with the eVGA 8800GTX :D With the wife's blessing, I decided I might as well go all out. Who knows... I might be able to play Oblivion with all the details turned up now. Eh, maybe not... :rolleyes:

I looked at it this way: $200 now plus $600 a year from now, is $800 ($700 if I sell the first card for $100). Or I can just spend $600 now and have something that will last just as long.


ah, but that's the beauty of evga's step up program!!

I'm really fallin in love with evga and I haven't even bought my parts yet.
I went with the 8800-GTS from EVGA. I thought about a lower end card then upgrading in six months, then decided just to bite the $400 bullet (with rebate).

-john r.
TheRapture said:
If you are going to game at 1280x1024, get the GTS, if you think you might be wanting to really push and get a 1600x1200 or higher display, get the GTX if you can swing it, but really, the GTS are damn fast cards regardless.

I say get a DX10 card now and enjoy ALL your games at incredible speeds and still have power for DX10 when it hits. The gap between the X1900 and 7900 series cards are going to get ALOT bigger in DX10. You won't be handicapped then....if you have any DX10 card.

And you are not "screwing yourself" buying a DX10 card now, far from it.....

then my 7600gt is for 320*240.....
I think a 7600GT can do better than that ;)

Im kind of in the same boat. Iv got a x1800xt on a 1680x1050 lcd. I can run most games I play maxed out however some like Oblivion (duh lol) means a little less AA. Anyway all the shiny new 8800GTXs look so tempting. Im in college though so money is tight but Im sure I can manage to get a 8800GTS...that is if I want to buy now or wait. Man so tempting...
Wait - i'm buying an inexpensive 6800GT PCI-E specifically for that reason... prices will come down, competition will kick in. More value-added features will show up (overclockability).

IMO, i'd wait... no sense in spending $400+ on a card that you KNOW will tank in price in a relatively short amount of time.
yea man, just wait, but then when the next card comes out, wait to get the next one because it will just drop in price, oh hell, don't even buy that one, wait for the one after that, it will have a lot more features, but wait, if wait and buy the one after that one it will have like dx11 man yea

In all seriousness, you could wait your whole life and it still won't matter. It's nearly never a bad time to buy a video card. It's not like you wake up one day and the old generation cards drop $100 just because a new version is coming out. They slowly decrease over time, $10 here or there, whatever the case is.
There's no sense in waiting, G80 is ready for dx10 when it comes in like 6 months or so, it's blazing fast right now and will still be even when dx10 comes out. Don't bother waiting, you're just wasting time....if you got the money go for it ASAP imho
Damuman said:
I'm still torn between the 7950gt for 230$ or the 8800gtx for 600$+

So yea I think best option for u is 7600GT for cheap, wait till january-february and see what the buzz is... then play it by ear.

I vote to get a cheapo 7600GT and wait for a 8600GT to come out. I'm riding my old 6600GT (barely) waiting on the cheap DX-10 cards to come out. Then again, I'm a cheap bastard. ;) These cheap deals on 7950GT's for $200 and 7600GT's for less than $90 are killing my will power though. :D
Roberty said:
I vote to get a cheapo 7600GT and wait for a 8600GT to come out. I'm riding my old 6600GT (barely) waiting on the cheap DX-10 cards to come out. Then again, I'm a cheap bastard. ;) These cheap deals on 7950GT's for $200 and 7600GT's for less than $90 are killing my will power though. :D

By the time you see a decent price drop (months from now) you won't even want the 8800 anymore, you'll want the biggest baddest card at the time. It's like buying a Pentium-2 computer, just because it's cheap. Sure it may get the task down, but not as well as the Core2Duo.

I hope you get my point?