DVD Playback, side black bars on 2005FPW?


Jan 11, 2004
After lots of google and [H] searching, I come for the answer. I've got my 2005FPW, and NVDVD 2.0 software, that came with my 6800GT. I'm trying to playback a movie, however in fullscreen mode, its compressed in the middle and there's black bars on the sides, rather significant ones too (an inch or 2), and on the top. I understand the top due to 16x9 vr 16x10, but why isnt it enlarging to fill the screen, and how can I make it?
NVDVD might default to a 4:3 resolution in fullscreen mode. Maybe try a different player that allows you to specify a resolution for fullscreen?
yeah, try zoomplayer or windvd for testing purposes. both have free trial downloads.
Movie is widescreen. I used zoomplayer and it's playing correctly I think. Are widescreen DVD's even shorter than 16x9? Just seems like there is alot of space on top or bottom, but I'm pretty sure it's displaying correctly.

NVDVD seems to have a widescreen display option, but setting it doesn't make it fill the screen. I took SS's of both programs to compare, and It seems like NVDVD is stuck in 4:3 although I can't tell for sure.

Any suggestions for free DVD software that will display correctly?

Edit: Here's a screenshot of what I think to be correct output. I managed to get it to work in WMP10 using the NVDVD codec as well, but it had to be on "letterbox" rather than "widescreen tv".

The 2 different tones of black in the bars is rather annoying, but I doubt that can be fixed.

Edit2: Ahh, well it seems adjusting that setting to letterbox in NVDVD corrected it as well. Maybe I just needed some sleep to actualy realize that. Still has the 2-ton black bars, and I'm sure there's better quality playback software out there, but when your outputting to 1680x1050 resolution, It'll be blocky no matter what.
there are several aspect ratios. truthfully, very few movies are in exactly 16x9. there will almost always be bars ont he top and bottom. just be sure there are none on the sides.

for the 2 tones, are you using FFDshow? I got that when I was sizing the video a different size than my display resolution. matched ersize to my display res and I was good to go. I like the idea of 1:1 and no scaling anyway.
I haven't installed FFDShow, would that help? How would I setup a display ratio so it fills my screen? I only see a few choices.
it would help a ton if you are running htat high of a desktop res. By resizeing it, you are creating an image at that res instead of stretching an smaller image to fit. should cut down on the blockiness. of course, just the resize will eat up some CPU. what CPU do you have in there?

as fort he players, I always set the aspect ratio to "source". most players can detect the sources native AR and go with it.
I'm using a 3700+ San Diego, so cpu power isn't an issue :)

By selecting source on a widescreen display, the entire display is being filled with the video? I can't seem to get it to do that.

Edit: Also, how much configuring is needed to get FFDShow to work well, and be used by zoomplayer? I just installed it.
as far as source not filling the screen, it could be due to your ultra high res. also, 1680x1050 is not exactly 16:9. If my math is right, a true 16:9 res would be 1680x945 or 1867x1050. might be part of the problem there.

Just start with resize for FFDshow and work your way up. getting it to work with zoom is easy. there is a box for additional filter in the advanced DVD setup mode. FFDshow is listed. for initial setup check the thread over at HTPCnews. keep in mind that everybody has different settings. this is more of a walk through to get you used to the app.

Alright thanks, I'll read up on that. I set a custom ratio of 16x10 (what my screens advertised to be), in ZoomPlayer. It removed the 2 different tones of black, and stretched it up. So the image is a bit stretched vertically, but it fill the screen correctly atleast, minus the black bars on top and bottom. I have a feeling stretching the image to fit fully isn't a good idea, since if I can get it to work it will just stretch vertically even more.

I looked it up and the movie is 23.5x10 ratio, so it would either require alot of verticle stretching, or copping off the ends, to make it fit my screen correct? Both of which probably wouldn't look fantastic.

Off to learning FFDShow :D
there are several aspect ratios. truthfully, very few movies are in exactly 16x9. there will almost always be bars ont he top and bottom. just be sure there are none on the sides.
Many movies have very small black bars on the sides. Most of the time it doesn't show up because of the overscan on regular TVs.