Duke Nukem Developer 3D Realms Shuts Down

I'm trying not to hate 3DRealms but I'm starting to. Why would they bother to release an official statement for the fans who have been waiting faithfully all these years?


I've made many maps in build and contributed those to gamers, I've played Duke over Kali, participated in Duke ladders and I originally downloaded the Duke3D demo from a dialup BBS system back in Oakland when I was 12 or 13. I'm now 26, and have eagerly been anticipating DNF. I was one of those guys that had faith.. and after all these years we get a "my bad, later" photo and thats that?

Sorry, but that's bullshit. After all this time we are entitled to a statement at the very least. 3DRealms are some very arrogant people. After this debacle, I hope they don't work in this industry again.
Damn I'm guessing this puts the final nail in the coffin of the followup to Duke Nukem 3D ever coming out.
No, it's quite obviously not real. I can't believe people are falling for what was supposed to be a satirical story.
Still nothing completely official, probably wont be til Monday.

Seems extremely hard to believe they would run out of money and not see this coming.

The leaked screens are great :(
About the marketing/fake thing:

A good comment I read on Kotaku was someone saying that it's not very unlikely it is a marketing thing, because if it is, many people will fall for it (as is happening right now), and it will lower their stock by a HUGE amount. No company will do that, right?

But it is a good one if it's a joke
About the marketing/fake thing:

A good comment I read on Kotaku was someone saying that it's not very unlikely it is a marketing thing, because if it is, many people will fall for it (as is happening right now), and it will lower their stock by a HUGE amount. No company will do that, right?

But it is a good one if it's a joke

Good thought, but 3DRealms Was (Is?) a privately held company:

There is no publicly traded stock, hence no worries about screwing investors.
This article makes a good point, which I have been wondering about as well when news of 3DR's closure was announced -- why would they announce a major milestone just weeks prior?

I call shens.

People who keep saying this really need to come to grasp with reality. They don't have money to continue to fund it, its pretty simple. No money = doors closed.
Well, this is gonna piss people off. Footage released of DNF.. it looks awesome.


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duke nukem was the first game i ever played on pc. I remember going over to my uncles house and playing it on his 300mhz dell pc. Then i remember when it came out on n64 and i would rent it all the time. Im really sad they arent releasing this.
Wow...that developer trailer really does make the game look good. It might not be Crysis or anything, but it looks like a blast to play. Hopefully someone will eventually finish it. Before I considered the game a joke, but that footage really does look pretty good. Like a game from 4-5 years ago (tech-wise) but top notch animation.
Yeah that leaked gameplay footage makes the game look really really fun. Hopefully they can just release what they have done which is probably 10 minutes worth lol. Or just very quickly take what they have and try make a multiplayer out of it and release it?
Wow...that developer trailer really does make the game look good. It might not be Crysis or anything, but it looks like a blast to play. Hopefully someone will eventually finish it. Before I considered the game a joke, but that footage really does look pretty good. Like a game from 4-5 years ago (tech-wise) but top notch animation.
DNF would beat the shit out of Crysis in every category, minus graphics. Which is fine with me.

Check out this phone interview with Jason Hall about Duke4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX9Yih9HEfE
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Well, this is gonna piss people off. Footage released of DNF.. it looks awesome.


I really still wanted to play this because it was Duke. That video just makes me want to relive Duke all over again. He really is just great....It really looks good even if it's outdated. (kinda doom 3ish)

Seeya Dukester.... Maybe some day we'll get to play and hear your ass kicking onces again. Least we still have DN3D and it will live on my heart forever. Way to many memories from that game.

so sad after watching that gameplay movie

looked like a damn fine piece of work. looked like the action never stops
loved how they made all that extra character animation like when he falls over, that was grand.
I can't believe how incompetent they were. Sitting on one of the greatest game franchises ever, and letting it dissapear. If they had been halfway competent we would be playing the sequel to the sequel of DNF by now.
Funny how now suddenly a day or two after we start to see various ingame shots, artwork , renders etc from various artists..
Funny how now suddenly a day or two after we start to see various ingame shots, artwork , renders etc from various artists..

The employees are looking for work, what better way to capture attention then living off the Duke name and showing your creativity?
Good luck in getting a developer to buy into this...

I'm creative!... Oh btw, that is creativity over a 13 year span, it only LOOKS like creativity for 6 months.....
Well it's Monday and still no announcement. I think they will either say it's done, it's nearly done and it will be finished by another developer, or no DNF ever. I'm betting on no DNF ever.

Im both pissed and greatly saddened by the recent news. Scott or George need to let the fans know what's up.
Good luck in getting a developer to buy into this...

I'm creative!... Oh btw, that is creativity over a 13 year span, it only LOOKS like creativity for 6 months.....

First off, you're an idiot.

Secondly, no.

And third, read the job reports/applicants. The stuff we are seeing has been put together in 2-3 years.

Last of all, no.
Is the video posted on the front page there really DNF? If it is I'm really surprised that the game have gotten that far, it would be such a waste to let it go down along with 3D Realms

i really hope some developer or publisher will buy it, finish it up and release.

It still have lots of potential to become another big hit IMO
Is the video posted on the front page there really DNF? If it is I'm really surprised that the game have gotten that far, it would be such a waste to let it go down along with 3D Realms

i really hope some developer or publisher will buy it, finish it up and release.

It still have lots of potential to become another big hit IMO

Apparently it is. And while it does show potential, I think this is the last we shall see of DNF, Did Not Finish.
The employees are looking for work, what better way to capture attention then living off the Duke name and showing your creativity?

You dont look for work by posting your stuff on blog sites, you send resumes with your app to various companies or no ?
Part of me hopes that this is a huge PR stunt, seeing as E3 is about a month away, but I'm pretty sure they're gone.

I grew up a bit late for Duke Nukem, and while I've tried to go through the original game, it's a bit hard to handle nowadays. I did enjoy the Manhattan Project though.

RIP Duke. We'll miss you :(
You dont look for work by posting your stuff on blog sites, you send resumes with your app to various companies or no ?

Welcome to the digital age ;) These people are linking to their blogs from their Linkedin accounts. I do the same thing.
Part of me hopes that this is a huge PR stunt, seeing as E3 is about a month away, but I'm pretty sure they're gone.

Joe Siegler said it wasn't a publicity or marketing stunt. And Scott Miller said E3 was "irrelevant" so I think unless we hear something by week's end I'm fairly certain it's safe to finally stick a fork in this over baked turkey.

Please, say it ain't so George...
ja its funny that SaveDukeNukem.com got registered just a day before the close down.. dont know what to think really.
I just can't help thinking that after all this, 3drealms ended up ripping Duke's head off and shitting down his neck after he made them what they were until now. (or at least until 1999 or so)
I find it weird that they were unable to get funding for this considering how good the footage looked. LIke most people i think this to some extent reeks of bs, if they had released a trailer with that kind of footage they'd have people throwing money at them, instead this was kept underwraps till the company went down the shitter?

Something doesn't feel right about that, but the fact is we now have pics of bosses and supposodly the plot leaked to the net, if it were to come out the story would probably have to be reworked to some degree.
Also broussard is apparently making an annoucement sometime this week, just hope he doesn't say its shitcanned. If theres no chance of it being bought by another company i wouldnt be suprised to see what they have released for free.
If they cannot finish it they need to bloody well sell the rights to someone who can.

I find it strange that such a massive brand name/franchise could die, there must be a fair few publishers who are willing to put some money behind this title to get it out, if the studio was going bankrupt they'd be forced to sell off the rights to pay off their debt so it seems like if they shut down it would have to be before reaching bankrupcy.

Something doesn't smell quite right about the whole thing, but we don't really have all the facts yet so it's hard to know what to make of it all.