Dude takes off cpu cooler on a P4 and a AMD Duron @ 4ghz=BOOM!!!

thats funny but its fake bro. and yeah its old as shit. but still theres no way the proccessor blows a hole in the mobo AND the table. somewhere on toms hardware guide they did this, and it wasnt anything like this
A P4 runs fine without a heatsink, it hits the thermal throttling temperature and sits there still operating however the temperature never increases above that (tried this with a 1.8GHz 478 P4)
Darkala said:
thats funny but its fake bro. and yeah its old as shit. but still theres no way the proccessor blows a hole in the mobo AND the table. somewhere on toms hardware guide they did this, and it wasnt anything like this

Correct, one of their video's they put out a long time ago was showing a number of different CPUs (duron, tbird K7, P4 etc...) and what happened when they removed the HSF while playing Quake III. All the AMD chips simply started smoking, but no explosions. The P4 actually kept running, this was an older chip mind you, but the FPS simply slowed to a crawl as it throttled like there was no tomorrow, and as soon as the HSF was replaced things picked right back up.

This exploding Duron is a little old though, I'll admit that it was kinda cool...but once you get around how phoney it really is, the effect kinda wears off. :p
Yeah I saw that Tomshardware clip, does make sence now.

Did they do something to the motherboard to make it explode or something?
i posted the same thing six months ago and everybody made fun of me then about how old it was .. lol
the gamer said:
Yeah I saw that Tomshardware clip, does make sence now.

Did they do something to the motherboard to make it explode or something?

They used firecrackers to blow it up.
If you look closely, you can see dinosaurs wandering around in the background on these videos...thats how freaking old they are.
i had a t-bred b socket a that melted the socket -- and i accidently overvolted a 3000 winney and it went -'pop" but no holes--lol just a little smoke .LOL :eek:
apperently it was meant to be tough and strong, so they tested it to the extreme .
the gamer said:
This stuff is crazy.

You have to see the AMD Duron @4ghz one first.

Now the Pentium 4

Just goes to show Computers can be dangerous.

the biggest giveaway that the Duron video is fake is by the way the CPU core is completely intact after the explosion. The only thing that broke was the ceramic which has wires running across it, nothing there could cause the damage..
That chip didnt explode ;)