Drive failing with SMART Errors


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 11, 2004
i have had a couple of Seagate 7200.12 / 500 gig drives in RAID 0 for over 3 years (out of warranty now). Mostly using a short Stroked partition.

One of the drives started throwing Smart Errors, so I yanked it and I am currently attempting a low level format via USB using 'HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.25' to see that will resolve any bad sectors.. Looks like this is gonna take about 5 hours to complete, and I am about an hour in.

Any one else do this? Did it work?
It is hit and miss.

Replace the drive, not worth the time/effort to try and fix it to have it act up again.
Low level format does not do anything special on modern drives. Basically it writes to every sector, which will reallocate bad sectors if spare sectors are available. If the reallocated sector count increases regularly the best is to exchange the drive.
ok... thanks..

Yeah, I let it run it's course and complete the LLF, then when I went into windows and did a checkdisk, it started throwing errors..

it was a thought..
ya, once a drive starts giving errors it is a goner, I would not try to save it.