Drive Clicking after Vista Install


[H]ipster Replacement
Sep 29, 2001
I installed Vista ultimate the other day and noticed that one of my hard drives would click a few times and then spin up, causing Vista to freeze for a few seconds.
I thought one of my older drives was dying so I ordered a replacement drive, and just went back to use XP since I hadn't installed any programs into Vista yet.

So I boot into XP and no drive clicking at all, machine works great.
Next day I decide to play with Vista again, and now the drive does it's click/spin up/freee routine about every 20 minutes (I had turned off all power saving features thinking that that my have been the cause and it wasn't)
So I go back to XP and all is fine.

anyone else have a similar issue with their drives in XP?
Is it the Indexing service? Does it only spin-up for a second and stop or is there constant harddisk activity?
It does it once about every 20 minutes or so and sounds like the same drive. it's hard to identify which drive it is since there are 8 in the machine but it sounds like one of the 4 at the front of the case.

It actually sounds like it is spinning, then clicks a couple of times, spins down, and stops then spins back up, just like a dying hard drive.
it just doesn't do it in XP, only in Vista.
I am swapping out the suspected 60gig drive today with a larger 320gig Seagate and see if I still have issues in Vista.
Superfetch maybe??I noticed the same thing when I first installed Vista and also noticed it does it a lot less lately..I think it "learns" your routines..
if you have a bad area of the drive the Vista is installed on then it will cause the clicking is vista but not in XP
Gotta be a dying drive. The Vista install is just a little post hoc ergo propter hoc.
XP and Vista are installed on the same drive, just different partitions.
I am going to put Vista on the new large drive that just arrived and see what happens.
I think it's clicking under Vista only because it's indexing, and that is going to take a week or two of regular use to finish... and the clicking itself sounds like a drive preparing to croak.. so I agree with the backup comment above.
Oh dear... the click of death!

backup and backup now!
I heard abt the "click of death" long before I had mine and when I heard a clicking i wasn't sure if that was the sound... it was
Oh dear... the click of death!

backup and backup now!
I heard abt the "click of death" long before I had mine and when I heard a clicking i wasn't sure if that was the sound... it was

Seconded with great fervency.
There is nothing important on the drive, just some random files and some porn. :D

New drive arrived but haven't had time to put it in and I had an issue with XP from a few days ago so I repaired the install, but I guess the repair messed up the boot.ini since it no longer goes to the boot menu, just straight to XP.

anyone have the text for an XP/Vista dual boot config?
The Vista default power configuration is to shut off hard drives after 20 minutes, so maybe that's what you are hearing.

The Vista default power configuration is to shut off hard drives after 20 minutes, so maybe that's what you are hearing.


I changed that too and it was still doing it.
I am just going to run XP for a bit longer and then eventually run Vista exclusively

Right now I am having some issues deleting the Windows folder on the partition that Vista was installed on, did the security thing to take ownership of the folder and all files, and when it starts to delete the files (a bunch of files still won't delete) my free space starts going down instead of up.:confused: