DotA on Steam?

Ohh this could be very interesting. If it is just DoTA then it's going to suck but it looks like he has something else planned.

Ill be keeping me eye on this!
Legally, I doubt its dota, but a new stand alone game directly from icefrog would be awesome.
sounds a lot like the League of Legends game that Riot Games is working on.

They have the original Dota All-Stars mapmaker Guinsoo on the team for that game.

Dota is great fun.
Hope that means that the player base won't be complete assholes like HoN has.
HoN IS the DotA crowd.

So if IceFrog is doing something on Steam it is going to be the same players.

If people are being meanies to you maybe you should learn how to play the game better in practice mode or read up on strategies.
Excuse me if i think it's extremely silly that I'm playing a game in BETA, which does not have a single player mode, on a game called NOOBS ONLY!, and I end up playing against people with 500+ games under their belt and they end up calling me a noob.

Guess what?! I know that! I never played DotA nor have I even owned War3!

But no thanks. I don't like this immature attitude of the community not 1 helpful person have I encountered. I think it's the game type though because people are whiny bitches even playing Demigod.

No thanks, I'll stick with DDO for now. Shame though because I liked HoN.
Excuse me if i think it's extremely silly that I'm playing a game in BETA, which does not have a single player mode, on a game called NOOBS ONLY!, and I end up playing against people with 500+ games under their belt and they end up calling me a noob.

Guess what?! I know that! I never played DotA nor have I even owned War3!

But no thanks. I don't like this immature attitude of the community not 1 helpful person have I encountered. I think it's the game type though because people are whiny bitches even playing Demigod.

No thanks, I'll stick with DDO for now. Shame though because I liked HoN.

The community thanks you for leaving... take your QQ about being yelled at when you ruin their games elsewhere. You ruin someone's game then he is completely justified in yelling at you to GTFO.
People playing AOS style games like HoN and Dota get upset by beginners in their games because unlike many team games like Halo, Team Fortress, 1 bad person on your team basically means you lose.

Personally I found the best strategy for learning is to A - host the games yourself so you can filter players so you truly do play with beginners and to use the game's training modes. Generally the vocal people are the arrogant pricks, but I'd say there is a fair number of people willing to help. The problem is typing help messages is far too difficult in game and most people do not have mics.

Also Dota is a custom map for warcraft iii that has essentially grown to be its own genre of game. Its based on the old Aeon of Strife map from starcraft which is why the genre is often called AOS style.
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The community thanks you for leaving... take your QQ about being yelled at when you ruin their games elsewhere. You ruin someone's game then he is completely justified in yelling at you to GTFO.

Problem with this mentality is that he joined a NOOBS ONLY game. Not a game called PROS ONLY.

That's the biggest issue with HoN is that you have too many elitist retards wanting to pad their stats so they make a noob only game and then proceed to slaughter all the noobs that inevitably join.
Problem with this mentality is that he joined a NOOBS ONLY game. Not a game called PROS ONLY.

That's the biggest issue with HoN is that you have too many elitist retards wanting to pad their stats so they make a noob only game and then proceed to slaughter all the noobs that inevitably join.

That is my point. Stat tracking FTL! People want to play against people who suck to pad their records, then bitch about how much they suck! See the contradiction there? That's all I'm trying to get across.

I hope I can ruin your game someday! But thanks for personifying the problem!
I played dota when WC3 first came out, it was pretty fun and balanced. There was only 2 taverns worth of heroes (one for each side, each tavern was not completely filled).

For me, I think that there is too many heroes added into it making it hard to balance, and I also don't feel like spending all that time trying to remember all those recipes. Playing against pros that complain about you sucking and feeding then proceeding to add you to "ban lists" doesn't help learning either. When I play AP games every single time I just see the same heroes being chosen and I get stun locked to death first 3 minutes into the game. In AR games you basically have to know what every single hero does in order to know how to run away from them / counter them.
Having played DotA for quite some time now, I think moving to a different platform would improve the gaming experience. Most people play public games (i.e. "casually"), so any new DotA-esque game must address the problems in pubs.

Leavers - as long as the game costs money and you're allowed only one account per copy, simply tracking the number of disconnects and leaves could solve this problem. The current solution in DotA is banlist, which doesn't work because people can just make a new account.

Team balance - a single noob can ruin the entire game, and nobody likes that. Stat tracking with matchmaking by skill can help alleviate this problem. Although I've only played several games of HoN, I think their stat tracking system is a step in the right direction. Players with high rating don't gain much rating by beating noobs, so that discourages pubstomping. Obviously there's probably some flaws with their formulas and stuff, but at least there's something implemented.

Noob friendliness - the game can be hard to learn, considering the number of heroes, items, and skills. Any of these new games should have a full-blown scenario-based tutorial system (both single player and co-op) and impressive AI bots to practice against. So far, I don't think any of the current games (Demigod, LoL, HoN) have anything remotely close.
The attitude of players in Demigod has totally turned me off from multiplayer online, not a DoTa fan for the same reason.

Demigod in a LAN rules, though.
The attitude of players in Demigod has totally turned me off from multiplayer online, not a DoTa fan for the same reason.

Demigod in a LAN rules, though.

See for me its the opposite. I love playing with friends but we never play Dota in a LAN. Occasionally we'll play online from a LAN but never head to head.
That is my point. Stat tracking FTL! People want to play against people who suck to pad their records, then bitch about how much they suck! See the contradiction there? That's all I'm trying to get across.

I hope I can ruin your game someday! But thanks for personifying the problem!


I was defending you......
The game is full of dicks but its also one of those games where a huge gap exists between total noob and someone who knows the minimal basics.
Problem with this mentality is that he joined a NOOBS ONLY game. Not a game called PROS ONLY.

That's the biggest issue with HoN is that you have too many elitist retards wanting to pad their stats so they make a noob only game and then proceed to slaughter all the noobs that inevitably join.

Its not very difficult to check people's stats and either boot them or leave the game if someone is clearly far above everyone else's skill level.
For me, I think that there is too many heroes added into it making it hard to balance, and I also don't feel like spending all that time trying to remember all those recipes. Playing against pros that complain about you sucking and feeding then proceeding to add you to "ban lists" doesn't help learning either. When I play AP games every single time I just see the same heroes being chosen and I get stun locked to death first 3 minutes into the game. In AR games you basically have to know what every single hero does in order to know how to run away from them / counter them.

Your opinion is definitely reasonable, but the bottom line is that dota continues to be wildly popular with no signs of slowing (heck if anything its gaining momentum) because of its depth and complexity. It would have fizzled out a long time ago if it was more simplistic. Lots of games nowadays are stupidly easy to pick up and play, to the point where if you've played something similar in the genre you can compete as a total noob against people who have been playing it for months. That, in my opinion, is retarded. I welcome a game where an experienced player who has been playing for months or even years will crush an inexperienced one 99% of the time. Dota is a purely skill based game- everyone starts on equal ground, at level 1 with no gear. What they need to do is figure out how to make it more easy to get into, which hon addresses in some ways.

Dota is extremely limited by the wc3 engine and infrastructure at this point, and there's money to be made from it, which is why we're seeing people moving on. Hon is really just dota with a better engine and much better online setup and interface, which is exactly what it needs, imo. Don't fix what's not broken.
I've played DotA and HoN for ~10 games each and man I hate it... everyone is yelling at someone, the game is way more complex than it needs to be and you can't get a good idea of what items to buy or not to buy without looking at everything, which you don't have time to do

League of Legends (LoL) on the other hand is MUCH more friendly in this regard. It still involves quite a bit of strategy and skill though of course as what items you buy and if you can get kills makes you exponentially stronger. Not to mention the layout of the shop is far superb, even going as far as to have a list of recommended items for your champion which is usually a good place to start if you've never played. Also the graphics are very simple yet still effective with blood/particle effects. The mini-map is also a favorite over dota/hon due to the detail it gives with just simple icons rather than all the units/buildings on the map being big colored pixels.
I know I was using what you posted for the this is my point. Sorry if I came off wrong.

Ah okay, no harm no foul :D

those of you that hate HoN should try LoL. It was pretty garbage before but I feel it's pretty good now. It's also got it's own matchmaking system so pros play agaisnt pros, newbs against newbs.