DOOM Eternal: The Final Preview


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Anyone pre-ordered up alrwady?

"But all of these evolutions and new features work in part because of DOOM Eternal’s highly self-aware, playful tone. It knows it’s the first-person shooter equivalent of Tony Montana doing a mountain of coke off of his desk. It knows it’s the video game version of the mosh pit at a Metallica concert. It embraces that, from its metal Mick Gordon soundtrack to its secret toy dolls. And it’s got both funny and nostalgic touches all over the place, too, from the Daisy bunny on every level (a nod to the rabbit-reaming ending of the original DOOM) to the DOOM comics in the Slayer’s mancave aboard the Fortress of Doom (a hat tip to the DOOM novels), among others.

Whereas DOOM (2016) felt like a game that thought it was maaaaaaybe onto something, DOOM Eternal struts like a game made with full, Michael Jordan-esque confidence right from Day One. It’s obvious as you play it, and all I’ve wanted to do since I last played it is play it some more. Bring on March 20!"
The graphics look outstanding but the gameplay does nothing for me at all. I got bored to death with DOOM 2016 and regretted even buying it. I guess it just feels too much like a cheesy old school multiplayer game with the way ammo and armor and everything is just laid out and it completely kills any immersion for me. But yes I know I'm in the very small minority as this is the type of game that many people love...
Judging by all gameplay, I'd say this quote is spot on. To the point it all feels a bit too much. Hope I am wrong.

The best thing about Doom 2016 is double jump + the air control rune. Feel like a cripple without those.
The graphics look outstanding but the gameplay does nothing for me at all. I got bored to death with DOOM 2016 and regretted even buying it. I guess it just feels too much like a cheesy old school multiplayer game with the way ammo and armor and everything is just laid out and it completely kills any immersion for me. But yes I know I'm in the very small minority as this is the type of game that many people love...

Fair enough. There's a reason why slower paced, more realistic shooters are so mainstream and that's absolutely fine. But there was a real drought of old school Arena FPS games because every developer wanted to chase that 'tactical, realistic' market, even former kings of the arena genre like Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc all went slow and tactical during this drought, so when I played Doom 2016 and it wore the crazy 'arena FPS' game play like a badge of honour, it was a breath of fresh air for me.

Im happy to have the more realistic, tactical games as well, but DOOM is now that pillar of excellence in oldschool action that I really needed..
I'm all for a slow, story-oriented and tactical shooter/adventure game as well (which is mostly what I play really), but I fuggin loved Doom 2016. But as good as I thought the game play was great IMO, the thing that really kept me playing through it was the soundtrack that kept me highly motivated while bouncing off the walls and spraying everything in sight, hah.
The game shouldn't have your eyeballs Google across the screen just to absorb all the eye candy I just want a tuff guy game like COD MW is a nice change of pace for FPS genre.
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Fair enough. There's a reason why slower paced, more realistic shooters are so mainstream and that's absolutely fine. But there was a real drought of old school Arena FPS games because every developer wanted to chase that 'tactical, realistic' market, even former kings of the arena genre like Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc all went slow and tactical during this drought, so when I played Doom 2016 and it wore the crazy 'arena FPS' game play like a badge of honour, it was a breath of fresh air for me.

Im happy to have the more realistic, tactical games as well, but DOOM is now that pillar of excellence in oldschool action that I really needed..
I was always a fan of fast paced fps games, constantly running like a maniac. I often fall into the mistake of playing slow paced games like that and fail miserably sometimes.
Still Doom 2016 fell flat for me. It was sterile and uninteresting. I enjoyed the gameplay, but I didn't know why I was playing it, the world, the characters, the levels were boring.
With the original Doom, the level design was so brilliant that it was art, they would have been interesting to explore even without monsters.
I was always a fan of fast paced fps games, constantly running like a maniac. Still Doom 2016 fell flat for me. It was sterile and uninteresting. I enjoyed the gameplay, but I didn't know why I was playing it, the world, the characters, the levels were boring.

I have to agree. I enjoyed Doom 2016, but i'll likely never play it again. I personally think Doom 3 is the best Doom game, but I just loved the atmosphere, graphics, and the guns/gameplay. Doom 2016 and from the looks of Doom Eternal it's going to be more of the same... I don't like that parkour of Doom 2016 and Eternal... flying from one side of the map to the other... I just wished they'd slow it down a little and bring back some of the survival horror from Doom 3 but improved. Especially since Eternal seems to be taking place on Earth and there would be so many cool things you could do on Earth in a Doom game.
I have to agree. I enjoyed Doom 2016, but i'll likely never play it again. I personally think Doom 3 is the best Doom game, but I just loved the atmosphere, graphics, and the guns/gameplay. Doom 2016 and from the looks of Doom Eternal it's going to be more of the same... I don't like that parkour of Doom 2016 and Eternal... flying from one side of the map to the other... I just wished they'd slow it down a little and bring back some of the survival horror from Doom 3 but improved. Especially since Eternal seems to be taking place on Earth and there would be so many cool things you could do on Earth in a Doom game.

Gosh, Doom 3 is honestly my least favorite of the series. It doesn’t even feel like Doom to me. I loved 2016, although I’ll never replay it as much as I did the originals when I was a kid. Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth are still my most played Doom games. Heck, sometimes I still fire them up and play them again all these years later. I almost want to preorder Doom Eternal to get a copy of Doom 64. I will admit Doom 2016 gets pretty repetitive after awhile, but I still enjoyed it far more than Doom 3, personally.
Judging by all gameplay, I'd say this quote is spot on. To the point it all feels a bit too much. Hope I am wrong.

The best thing about Doom 2016 is double jump + the air control rune. Feel like a cripple without those.

I played the Doom Eternal 30-minute gameplay demo at Quakecon last year and IMO it *is* too much.
I think the gameplay designers focused on specialized counters and gimmick features to the point where the majority of the gameplay encounterns felt more rock-paper-scissors than blow shit up and blast demons.
That's my personal takeaway after 30 minutes of gameplay; of course it also didn't help that Bethesda employees were swarming around with "TRY THIS" "USE THE CHAINSAW" etc.

While I am ranting, I also despise the whole "Slayer" and "Slayer Club" bullshit marketing that Bethesda is doing.
It's evident from past year's Quakecon that Bethesda is looking to milk and doesn't give a shit about the franchise itself.
To buy or not to buy...with such huge differences of opinion im not sure if i should bother!
The only version i ever played was the first. I honestly cant remember what it was like. I would buy the battlechest or whatever they call the full series so i can reacqaint myself but i dont want to waste my cash.
Whats a feller to do?!
I played the Doom Eternal 30-minute gameplay demo at Quakecon last year and IMO it *is* too much.
I think the gameplay designers focused on specialized counters and gimmick features to the point where the majority of the gameplay encounterns felt more rock-paper-scissors than blow shit up and blast demons.
That's my personal takeaway after 30 minutes of gameplay; of course it also didn't help that Bethesda employees were swarming around with "TRY THIS" "USE THE CHAINSAW" etc.

While I am ranting, I also despise the whole "Slayer" and "Slayer Club" bullshit marketing that Bethesda is doing.
It's evident from past year's Quakecon that Bethesda is looking to milk and doesn't give a shit about the franchise itself.

I feared as much. They made a big deal out of this rock paper scissor mechanics during that last QuakeCon. That's when I started to worry. Sounded like an awful idea. It ruined Wolfestein
Man scanning through this thread gave me the idea for a Matrix LIKE FPS game. Where you move through the game world like a tactical shooter until you 'clip' through a wall and are plunged into a mayham style arena shooter to make it out alive. It would switch between those elements to move the story forward as you discover more and more of the 'arena' combat in the 'alternate space' until you realize you're actually a prisoner trapped in a virtual universe and work on escaping it. Something more like I guess the earlier Assassins creed game themes.... to a degree story wise.

Your thoughts? Sorry I know it's a different thread but I can't help where the idea's come from.
No. Because preordering doesn't accomplish anything except throwing away money at something sight unseen. Wait until the game has been out at least a couple of days to make sure you're not buying a dumpster fire.

i mean, you do get doom64 with it if you pre-order
I pre-ordered and am looking forward to the game. I also want to give doom 64 a try.
I thought it was only me.

You're not alone. I almost stopped playing out of sheer bordem and had no desire to finish it. Usually I only stop if a game is not functional. I turned the difficulty to easy just to blaze right through the last 3-4 levels.
There was so much screen shaking, motion blur, and burning-type effects in that preview that it was basically unwatchable to me. I felt that glory kills were cringe at best in the first game, although I've seen people say that you don't really use them if you're playing the higher difficulties.

I'm mainly going to wait and see how the multiplayer pans out, since that looks cool to me. Doom64 was awesome and I want to play it again on PC, but a $80 CDN pre-order is not what I'll be paying for it.
I played the Doom Eternal 30-minute gameplay demo at Quakecon last year and IMO it *is* too much.
I think the gameplay designers focused on specialized counters and gimmick features to the point where the majority of the gameplay encounterns felt more rock-paper-scissors than blow shit up and blast demons.
That's my personal takeaway after 30 minutes of gameplay; of course it also didn't help that Bethesda employees were swarming around with "TRY THIS" "USE THE CHAINSAW" etc.

While I am ranting, I also despise the whole "Slayer" and "Slayer Club" bullshit marketing that Bethesda is doing.
It's evident from past year's Quakecon that Bethesda is looking to milk and doesn't give a shit about the franchise itself.
Hey I was in there, too! I had a slightly different experience though. My game hung about 5 minutes after completing the tutorial and reset....back to the tutorial. I barely made it to the main "gameplay" part of the demo. The signed poster by the dev team is nice though. It will go up right next to the preorder helmet on my office shelves.
Hey I was in there, too! I had a slightly different experience though. My game hung about 5 minutes after completing the tutorial and reset....back to the tutorial. I barely made it to the main "gameplay" part of the demo. The signed poster by the dev team is nice though. It will go up right next to the preorder helmet on my office shelves.

Sweet! I actually liked talking to some of the devs mingling around but didn't care for Bethesda's hipster HYPE squads haha.
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There was so much screen shaking, motion blur, and burning-type effects in that preview that it was basically unwatchable to me. I felt that glory kills were cringe at best in the first game, although I've seen people say that you don't really use them if you're playing the higher difficulties.

I'm mainly going to wait and see how the multiplayer pans out, since that looks cool to me. Doom64 was awesome and I want to play it again on PC, but a $80 CDN pre-order is not what I'll be paying for it.

You definitely use the glory kills (and chainsaw) on higher difficulty, they're literally there to keep you aggressive and in the fight since you get resources for doing it. I played on ultra violence and they were necessity. The game definitely wants and rewards you for pushing forward with a big dick.

I think they're one of those things that feels better when playing than it does while watching.
You young people that never played doom 1 from a floppy are incredibly closed minded to the fact that doom 1 had items laying on the map and it was very linear. I absolutely love the way 2016 fely and this game is seriously looking good.
I broke my preorder rule for this one and got the collectors edition of Mick Gordon's new album. It comes in FLAC and even has steam codes for these free games included. There's also a helmet to protect your head while headbanging. I regret nothing. Doom 2016 was/is a perfect game. I'm going back and playing arcade mode more if I ever get a working PC again. I've got a few weeks to get that working.
You young people that never played doom 1 from a floppy are incredibly closed minded to the fact that doom 1 had items laying on the map and it was very linear. I absolutely love the way 2016 fely and this game is seriously looking good.
I'm probably older than 90% of the people on this forum. I never gave a crap about the original DOOM when it came out either as that type of game just did nothing for me.
I'm probably older than 90% of the people on this forum. I never gave a crap about the original DOOM when it came out either as that type of game just did nothing for me.

And your point is what in that you had to quote me directly?
And your point is what in that you had to quote me directly?
What kind of ridiculous question is that? You were clearly at least partially referring to what I said. And I thought the point was pretty obvious that you shouldn't just make assumptions that anybody not liking this game must be too young to know anything about the original DOOM.
I just want an all out Quake 2 LMCTF Grapple hook trucker speed induced vomit belching high velocity hatred slinging slug fest of a throwback with modern graphics. Is that too hard to ask for? Titanfall 2 was a good example of this but it fell short due to whatever ...
I broke my preorder rule for this one and got the collectors edition of Mick Gordon's new album. It comes in FLAC and even has steam codes for these free games included. There's also a helmet to protect your head while headbanging. I regret nothing. Doom 2016 was/is a perfect game. I'm going back and playing arcade mode more if I ever get a working PC again. I've got a few weeks to get that working.
Same here, but with Doom 2016 be pretty much a perfect game i wasnt hesitant to buy it, plus there is always steam refunds if for some odd reason it sucks which i doubt it will. Cant wait to have my 2080ti really shine when this drops.
No. Because preordering doesn't accomplish anything except throwing away money at something sight unseen. Wait until the game has been out at least a couple of days to make sure you're not buying a dumpster fire.

Pre-ordering a game is telling the publisher that you are willing to pay more for advertising than an actual product.

I KNOW Doom Eternal is going to be amazing. I'll bet money on it. I'm spending more money than I really should on upgrading my PC to play it at high FPS.

But there are still a laundry-list of things that can go wrong:

Over-aggressive DRM
Gameplay Bugs
In-game purchases not present in early review copies
game-breaking Server issues
Unknown or unforeseen issues.

These are ALL things that have destroyed otherwise great games, ruined experiences, but they keep happening because Pre-orders tell the publisher "I'm happy to pay for your promises, not your product" and a game like Fallout 76 (made by the same publisher) release in terrible, near unplayable condition but still make millions of dollars in pure profit before they ever release. What incentive are you giving the publisher if you gave them your money months ago? They already got their news article, their investor highlights. The game may be broken and terrible, but it was a monetary success before you ever installed it.

I'm not going to pre-order. I may be able to bet money on it being good, but that money isn't going toward the publisher until I see reviews from reviewers I trust.
I'm probably older than 90% of the people on this forum. I never gave a crap about the original DOOM when it came out either as that type of game just did nothing for me.

I am less than 40 and Doom did nothing for me when it came out. Neither did Doom 2. I was amazed by Wolfenstein 3D but those two did nothing for me. At the time I was in love with Mortal Kombat games.

Loved Doom 3/2016
Ive been a DooM fan since I was a child. Dad was all into them. I remember him getting PC Gamer issues in the mail while we were stationed in Naples, Italy. I always looked forward to the new DooM 2 .wad's that came in nearly every issue.

I didn't like that DooM 3 from the early 2000's. The alpha leak made it look like the game was going to be amazing, and then it wasn't. To me, it's the only bomb in the franchise.

I am super excited for this new game, and can't wait! Hopefully the 2070 MaxQ in my laptop will handle it quite well.
Yeah DOOM 3 didn't capture my attention. I mean, of course I played it, but it seemed more like a horror game than a shooter.

Think I will go and play all the DOOMs starting with the original and up to Eternal. That should be fun.