Doom 3 multiplayer mod


Limp Gawd
Feb 3, 2005
I got an intresting multiplayer mod idea. 8 or 16 people. levels will have equal dark and light areas. Good amount of moving, swinging shados. 2 teams, ghosts and people (or whatever u wanna call em). The ghosts are invisible in the shadows, even if it is a light shadow the ghost is invisible. The ghosts can be shot even if they are in a shadow and when they are shot the give off a lot of green tranlucent light. the way the ghosts win is by killing the other team but they have no guns. They way they win is by "possesing" a human. say a human player wanders off from the team and is all by himself, the ghost can sneak up on him and take him over, the other humans will not know if the human is possesed and the human can ackstab them. I am also thinking of putting in one human with no guns but a scope that can see ghosts and possesed, but of he dies he is gone for good. this game type will require teamwork since if people wonder off everyone will get possesed. what do you guys think? cause i need help on this. email me at [email protected]
FF will not be on, only possesed humans can attack humans, and they can teamspeak with other ghosts so they can lure humans into a trap. But possesed cant speak with other humans, and the human detector can see the ghosts conversation but he cant see who is speaking so the humans will have to communicate to lure the possesed out before it can kill them. the idea is a work in proggres but I need, animators, mappers, web designers, modlers and concept artists. email or PM me
To be honest it sounds neat but I don't think it'll work. There'll be a shitload of balance issues.
naveed said:
To be honest it sounds neat but I don't think it'll work. There'll be a shitload of balance issues.

there are always balancing issues in every game until they are sorted out. i personally like this idea
What stops the humans from shooting each other all the time and when all of the sudden one can be hit its like "Ah-ha the ghost!" Doesn't sound too bad.
yea but if it can be balanced out it will be the most original mod in a while and it sounds fun and might even bring out the multiplayer scary feeling that hasn't been done much. Also the ghosts can "play " with the humans by making the deminic symbols appear on the walls.
Make sure you fully understand the amount of time and effort it takes to create a mod before going any further. While it sounds like it'd be fun to make a mod, in reality it's also a lot of hard work. You will have to spend many hundreds of hours on it and will need to recuit a diverse team that can handle the various aspects of mod making (coding, mapping, artwork, etc.). Most people who you will recruit will probably run away from the project once they realize how much work it'll be, assuming they even have enough talent to perform their duty in the first place. It's not impossible to make a mod, but it's definitely a lot of hard work.

I think I have worked out the details of gamesply. The ghosts are completely invisible in the shadows. The only exception is if they go through a particle effect they let out a slight glow in the smoke. I'm not sure if I want to allow them to go through walls and if they will then they will become visible for a brief amount of time. When a person is possesed he will let out a glow (like the hl2 glow when some out gets shot with one of those energy balls) for about 3 seconds and then seem completely normal. The possesed can talk to other ghosts but not to the humans. One human can see the ghosts and hear them speak (although he doesn't know what ghost is who when the ghosts talk, the names will be blanked out). likewise, even the possesed ghost cant hear the humans. So they can play behind each others backs. FF will be on, and there will be a vote kick. This mod pretty much requires voice communication to organize since it is highly team orientated. Also the ghosts can play "tricks" on the humans like make demonic symbols appear on walls, make noisees and lift objects. As i said before I need a team.
-modlers (for the humans I am looking for a original doom guy style suit)
(while the ghosts resemble glowing blobs, they can go anywhere on walls, cielings, duckts ect.)
web desighners.
-people with drawing skills to make concept art
email me at [email protected] and please refer any of your friends who have modding skill to me. As far as I can tell, this is totaly original and if it can be done and balanced right might be fun and scary.
Working out gameplay ideas is the easy part, finding a team that will stick together and actually produce something is a whole different challenge. You should try to make a website first as it produces a much greater sense of legitimacy than just handing out a yahoo email address.
yeah, after recruiting mappers, coders, and artists
you'll be doing what?
ludachaz said:
making maps modles and gameplay elements

Should have it setup like when you are a ghost, that you see the world like black and white like when your dead in WoW. Or like in Painkiller when the Fov changes and you hear demonic voices and it turns all greyscale..that'd be pimp
Make sure the ghosts are naked. Unless they are man ghosts. Then nevermind.
Sounds like a cool mod. After you get all of the balance issues figured out then it would be quite a cool mod.
actually im thinking when a human gets possesed, the ghost gets control of the body. Then one of two thing (still undicided) happens:
1. the human who gets possesed goes to hell (the "soul" not the body which is controlled by ghost) and ends up in a cage like when you first go to hell in doom3.
2. or he gains control of his body for a second or two untill the ghost takes control again. This caould warn his allies that he is a ghost.

still looking for a team... will have a website as soon as I can get apache going