Don't become emotionally attached to a coin


Jul 7, 2005
Look - here are the facts.

All these coins are just pumps and speculative bubbles.. They are all gonna go to zero. Some might last two years, some a month.

All this crap is what happens with you have a shit ton of inexperienced "investors," that have more money then they know what to do with (I am talking about many "millionaires" that bitcoin speculation made.)

Bitcoin will probably survive for some time, but it's inferior due to the longer block time. (people don't like to wait.)

At most, there will be 5 coins that last for a decent length of time.

Just don't become emotionally attached, unless you are pumping a particular coin (and posting shit on a forum thread ain't pumping)

Here are some basic predictions from me;

Dogecoin will fade away.

Next target for a pump/speculation might be Anoncoin - they are a likely first target for Zerocoin and just secured funding for the developers.

I was high on darkcoin, but I think this train might be over. Zero knowledge proof is superior then the method darkcoin will employ.

My .02, have fun, and don't put in any serious money.
It'd be nice if the general concept could be refined and we could have a long-term currency that is viable and better than the various state currencies. But I haven't found anything yet that cuts the mustard.
Dogecoin will fade away?

I'm not attached to any of them. Could all go away tomorrow and I wouldn't care. I do like this secondary source of income though......
It doesn't matter what you call a currency, or where it comes from. It will always be ruined by the greed of a few powerful people. That's what kills currency, not governments and regulations. Cryptocurrency or any other made up currency, recognized and regulated by governments or not. Not that the Fed is really a government entity...